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FR  Failed social circle , couldn´t isolate


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 18, 2013
Hey guys , I rarely write field reports but I´m kind of frustrated with this one and I wanted to let it out , I´ve been practicing cold approach with good results but this is a social circle attempt , actually my first one.
I met this girl at a martial arts center she arrived a few months ago to Muay Thai , I practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu she is very atractive and she started flirting with me from the begining , I used what comes in chase´s article for gym pick up and also what came in the social circle articles that came out some week ago.
I started with little pings here and there , progressed to small talk and then the stuff we know like deep diving etc..
So the last week I spent a lot of time with her and things were going really well , although I keep it a little calm because she started practicing BJJ as well and it is very physical so I didn´t wanted to have problems because of a misunderstanding or something
So today we went to a party that we do every once in a while to celebrate the people who got a belt promotion since last time on their expense , so we spent most of the time together , flirting etc etc.. and trying to manage both of our reputations my plan was to wait till it was over and move to her apartment which is 2 blocks from where we were.
So at 2 am the place which is owned by a friend had to close due to the law , so everyone got out and both were like waiting for the rest of the guys to go out but this dumbasses told us that it was dangerous to be out that late and that we should walk her to her place and then move together , she told them that they didn´t have to , that we were fine but they kept insisting we told them that it wasn´t necesarry but at the end my plan failed , when we kissed goodbye I could sense some disapointment in her , I was also disapointed since I missed my chance , she is going on vacation for a month and a half and today was the last day I could see her.
I´m feel bad because I really liked this girl , even I was thinking of getting into a relationship with her , I found her really intresting mostly because she is 7 years older than me (23 - 30 ) and in comparision with the girls I been dating which are my age or younger she is a lot more intresting than them , maybe I should change my targets I don´t know becuase I rarely feel atracted to older women , but she is smoking hot
All I have left is to keep practicing and improving and maybe when she comes back I can make my move , if the window hasn´t closed that is
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
next time grab a number at a convo height and all fine.

30yr old brazilians are always open for the opportunities so i wouldnt worry at this point. :D