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- Dec 7, 2012
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Since today was the final day of the county fair, I thought I'd stop by to practice the social arts since I knew there'd be a better amount of girls there than normal. I was with two bros, but one had a girlfriend, and one was the shy type. I warned both that I liked to go talk to random strangers I found interesting, and that we could stay in contact by phone if I did. I planned on arranging mini dates, but that didn't go through as well as I had planned.
By the way, my friend gave me props for hitting on so many girls that I got kicked out of that mall area.
Anyway, I had two successes in the beginning, and none thereafter.
Angie: My bros and I were walking down the fairgrounds when we stopped by the pavillion, where there was a show on about world cultures. I saw a hot blonde with eyes like rain sitting in the audience seat, and for the life of me, I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. I excused myself, walked up there, and sat right next to her.
Me: "What's up? I didn't want to be one of those guys that just kept staring at you from a distance and never stopped by to tell you how great you look. I'm AP! You look amazing!"
Her: "Haha, thank you! That's really sweet!"
Me: "So, are you just here with friends?"
Her: "Haha, yeah, I'm here with them." *Points me to all her friends, whom I subsequently greet*
Me: "Cool. Mine are over there." *I motion towards my friends who laugh among themselves and wave back* "I can introduce you if you like."
Her: "Um... No, that's fine. I'll stick to watching this for now."
Me: "Alright, so tell me something interesting about yourself."
Her: "Haha, um... I don't know!"
Me: "Everyone's got something interesting about them! Are you into sports? Music?"
Her: "I'm... more of a music person. I play the flute and I sing!"
Me: "Hmm... You seem like a country singer to me. I could be wrong though."
Her: "Haha, yes! I love singing country!"
Me: "Cool! I'm a guitarist, and I meet a lot of country singers that want me to play for them as they sing."
Her: "That's awesome!"
Me: "Do you live around here?"
Her: "Um... sort of."
Me: "Define 'sort of.'"
Her: "I live in (some city)."
Me: "I don't think I've ever heard of it. I actually live about 10 minutes away, but this is my first time being at the county fair. I usually just stick to the state fair!"
Her: "Oh, that's fun too!"
Me: "What do you... sorry, that guy in the Asian hat is throwing me off. I have one just like that at home you know."
Her: "Hahaha!"
Me: "Well, I should probably let you enjoy the show. I'd love to meet up and get to know you better though! You seem really cool! Do you want to meet up for coffee sometime?"
Her: "I've... sort of got this thing with another guy, sorry though!"
Me: "You're fine. I wouldn't want to mess things up for you with your thing with him, but I do still think you're really cool. Do you want to exchange numbers and just be friends then?"
Her: "Haha, sure!" *Proceeds to give me her number*
Me: "So how'd you meet the lucky guy?"
Her: "At work! We work together at (some coffee shop)."
Me: "Must be really sweet being able to work with someone you're attracted to. Keeps things less dull, and keeps you from hating your job like everybody else."
Her: "Yeah, I love my job!"
Me: "Do you plan on doing anything after you job at (that coffee shop)?"
Her: "Um... what do you mean?"
Me: "As in, what do you want to be? A country singer?"
Her: "Haha, no! I think I'll do something in the medical field."
Me: "Really? Me too! Doctor? Nurse?"
Her: "I think I'll be an EMT in an ambulance."
Me: "So you'll be the person to shove a gigantic ass needle into a guy's heart when he has a heart attack?"
Her: "Haha, maybe." *I then give her my doctor monologue* "Oh really? That's awesome."
Me: "Anyway, I've got to get back to my friends. What was your name?"
Her: "Angie!"
Me: "I'll remember. Can I get a hug goodbye?"
Her: *laughs* "Sure!"
So I hugged her, said goodbye to her and her friends, and went back to my own friends, who asked me how things went.
Carly: We stopped by a pig race next, and ate cookies. I saw two girls looking at me, so I asked if anything was in my teeth, fixed myself, and excused myself.
Me: "Okay, I thought you were super fucking cute, and I wanted to come over to say hello. I'm AP! Who are you?"
Her: "Haha, umm... I'm Carly."
Me: "So are you just here with your friend?"
Her: "Yeah... Haha!"
Me: "So am I. They're over there somewhere." *Point in their general direction."
Her: "Oh okay... cool... haha!"
Me: "Does this not happen to you very often?" (I know this isn't optimal, but she seemed really nervous and I wanted to say something to ease her a bit.)
Her: "No! Haha!"
Me: "Well, don't worry. All I am is a heterosexual guy who loves to make a pretty girl smile!" *I smile at her and cock my head*
Me: "Sooo... tell me something interesting about you! Now that I'm here, I think I'll put you on the spot outta nowhere."
Her: "Um... I don't know! Haha!"
Me: "Are you into sports? Music?"
Her: "Well, I'm definitely not into sports! I like to listen to music though!"
Me: "What kind of music?"
Her: "Classic Rock."
Me: "Really? Me too! Like 70's and 80's?"
Her: "Yeah. Like, I like Pink Floyd!"
Me: "That's really cool! I love classic rock.. My parents raised me up listening to only traditional Vietnamese music, so I had to discover it all on my own."
Her: "Oh, cool!"
Me: "Have you gone to any concerts or anything?"
Her: (I don't even remember hear her answer above the guy announcing the pig race, but I think she did.)
Me: "Let's see.. the only rock event I went to was back when Ozzy was in town. It's kind of funny watching him on stage now because you can see him try to rock out, but he's so old and shaky that it doesn't really work out. He's forgotten most of his own lyrics too, so he has someone run in and out with a sheet full of lyrics between songs."
Her: "Haha, yeah he's getting there!"
Me: "I really wanted to see Aerosmith.. Steven's old too, but he's still rockin'. He fell off the stage though, so I never got the chance."
Her: "Haha!"
Me: *To friend* "Do you like the same kind of music as her too then?"
Friend: "Um, no haha! We don't like the same kind of music do we?"
Her: "No! Haha!"
Me: "Okay, I've got to get back with my friends, but I you seem really cool, and I'd love to meet up sometime to grab caribou. Can I get your number?" (I need to just suggest instead of request next time.)
Her: "Sure!" *So we exchange numbers. I forgot her name, so I just had her type it in and pretended like I knew it all along.*
Me: "Awesome! So what day do you think you'll be free to meet up? I'm busy tomorrow, but what's your schedule look like?"
Her: "Um... I don't know. I'll just text you!"
Me: "Okay, see you then!"
And then I ran into my friends, who happened to have been watching close by the whole time.
Other Girl #1: We went to a feeding zoo, where we fed goats cracked corn. I spotted two girls standing on the other side of the pen, but hesitated to approach them out of fear the other girl might see me. After I washed my hands, I made sure the coast was clear, and went to approach them while my bros laughed with each other on the other side.
It was a group of two.. A blonde and a brunette, and I wasn't sure which one to approach. I went for the brunette though, because I love dark haired girls.
Me: "I didn't want to be THAT guy that just stared at you from a distance and never stopped by to tell you how great you looked. I'm AP! I think you look amazing!
Her: "Haha, um... thanks!"
Me: "So are you two here together as friends?"
Her: "Well yeah, what did you think?"
Friend: "Haha, I told you we looked lesbo holding each other like this!" *hugs girl*
Me: "Were you two talking about me when I was over there?"
Her: *laughs* "No!"
Me: "Well, why not?"
Her: "Haha, we've been friends since like... Kindergarten I think?"
Me: "Oh, cool, so you two basically grew up together."
Her: "Yep!"
Me: "That guy, over there. *pointing at my friend* He and I met in kindergarten too, and we grew up together too."
Her: "Um.... I ran track in like Sophmore year."
Me: "Oh, I did the same thing back in 8th grade! I kinda blew out my knee, so I had to stop."
Her: "Oh no, that's not good."
My Bro: "I was the one that blew out his knee."
Me: "Haha, yeah, he gave me a dead leg during science class, and my knee began to hurt ever since... I can introduce you two to my friends if you want!"
Her: *Looks at friend* "Um... sure!"
I tugged her elbow and told her to follow me. She followed, but tugged her elbow away. While we walked, I made sure I got both their names so I could properly introduce them, and then I introduced my bros with the two girls. I hoped my single bro would try something with the other girl, but he didn't. You could almost see an awkward barrier between them. They didn't shake hands or do anything to properly greet each other.
Me: "Anyway, we've got to go to the tractor show. You two can come with if you want!"
Her: "We're actually just about to go see my friend sing."
Me: "Oh, awesome! Is she good?"
Her: "Yeah she's good... Well... I haven't actually heard her, but she's got a solo, so I'm guessing she's really good. But maybe we'll see you around the fair ground!" *They turn to leave*
Me: "Wait! Do you want to meet up some time for caribou? You seem like a caramel cooler kind of person to me, but I could be wrong."
Her: *laughs for a good while* "I actually don't like coffee."
Me: "Tea?"
Her Friend: "I like tea! *laughs* She actually does like coffee, but she only has it once a day. Like once she has it in the morning, she won't let me invite her anymore."
Me: "So what about tea then?"
Her: "I have a boyfriend, so I can't... but thanks anyway!"
And so we went our separate ways and my bros and I went to the tractor show. After the show, we went to the chicken cages to see rabbits and chickens.
Other Girl #2: There, I saw a girl with some older lady taking out a chicken from its pen. I thought she was cute, so I opened.
Me: "THAT is the biggest cock I have ever seen. Do you take care of the chickens here?"
Her: "Haha, um yeah."
Me: "Your family owns a farm then?"
Her: "Yep."
Me: "What's it like? Is it hard taking care of chickens all day?"
Her: "Um.. It's not too difficult."
Me: "Well, I just came over here because I thought you were cute and was wondering if I could have your number."
Her: "I've got a boyfriend. Sorry."
My friend then commented that I got him off guard with that one. He also recommended that the three of us buy a leash for me so I wouldn't do that so often.
Other Girl #3: This one pulled pranks by dropping a spider on a string on incoming people. As we exited, I went back inside to chat her up.
Me: "I thought you were super cute and I wanted to come say hello. I'm AP! What's your name?"
Her: "Oh! Thank you! Um.. I'm (name)"
Me: "Do they have you here just for kicks then? Dropping spiders on everyone?"
Her: "Haha, no, I'm actually here with (some organization)."
Me: "Oh, cool! Well, I've got to go, but I think you're super cute. Can I have your number?"
Her: "Um no.. sorry."
Me: "That's cool!"
Other Girl #4: We walked around for a while after that. We went to find exhibits and had a good time exploring, but then decided to leave because one of my friends had to be home soon. As we were finding our car, a girl walked by in sunglasses, and I ran off once again to come talk to her.
Me: "I didn't want to be one of those guys that just let you walk by without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP! What's your name?"
Her: "Oh, thanks! Haha, I'm (name)"
Me: "Listen.. My friends and I are just about to leave, so I've got to go, but can I have your number?"
Her: "Um... why? You don't know me! Haha!"
Me: "I just think you're cute and I'd like to get to know you... If that's not a good enough reason, I could probably just lie and give you a B.S. reason too though."
Her: "Haha, um... I'm alright. Thanks though!"
Other Girl #5: This one was handing out backpacks and gave my friends and me some for free.
Me: "What are you handing out backpacks for?"
Her: "For (some hospital)."
Me: "Oh, cool. Are you going into the medical field then?"
I believe she said yes, and the two of us had a quick conversation about it, but I don't remember much of it.
Me: "Anyway, I've got to go. Do you think I could have your number?"
Her: "I could give you a card!"
Me: "Haha, that's not what I meant." *smile*
Her: "Oh my number? No, sorry, I've got a boyfriend!"
This was the last girl I approached for the day. My friend covered my eyes when he saw a pretty girl to make sure I wouldn't do more, and so we got back to the car. We later hung out, and she told his girlfriend the story of what I did at the fairgrounds and how I managed to get kicked out of the mall area for hitting on too many girls.
Things I Did Well:
1) I'm actually attempting to get the girls to go on mini dates now.
2) I only ask for the number if the interaction is short.
3) My conversational skills are improving fast.
Things I could improve on:
1) I need to actually get mini dates to happen.
2) I need to do better at making the ones with girlfriends my friends.
3) My conversational skills still need work.
1) There are no other guys in my town that do this kind of thing, so there are very few girls that know how to handle me.
2) I need to find a better way to hit on girls in a group. I have no idea who's single and who isn't, and I hate feeling that I hit on the taken one when the other might have been single.
3) My friend's girlfriend told me that she'd never give her number to someone she just met randomly, even if they had a good conversation out of fear that he might be a rapist. I'll need to pay even closer attention to making sure the girl is comfortable to meet me again.
By the way, my friend gave me props for hitting on so many girls that I got kicked out of that mall area.
Anyway, I had two successes in the beginning, and none thereafter.
Angie: My bros and I were walking down the fairgrounds when we stopped by the pavillion, where there was a show on about world cultures. I saw a hot blonde with eyes like rain sitting in the audience seat, and for the life of me, I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. I excused myself, walked up there, and sat right next to her.
Me: "What's up? I didn't want to be one of those guys that just kept staring at you from a distance and never stopped by to tell you how great you look. I'm AP! You look amazing!"
Her: "Haha, thank you! That's really sweet!"
Me: "So, are you just here with friends?"
Her: "Haha, yeah, I'm here with them." *Points me to all her friends, whom I subsequently greet*
Me: "Cool. Mine are over there." *I motion towards my friends who laugh among themselves and wave back* "I can introduce you if you like."
Her: "Um... No, that's fine. I'll stick to watching this for now."
Me: "Alright, so tell me something interesting about yourself."
Her: "Haha, um... I don't know!"
Me: "Everyone's got something interesting about them! Are you into sports? Music?"
Her: "I'm... more of a music person. I play the flute and I sing!"
Me: "Hmm... You seem like a country singer to me. I could be wrong though."
Her: "Haha, yes! I love singing country!"
Me: "Cool! I'm a guitarist, and I meet a lot of country singers that want me to play for them as they sing."
Her: "That's awesome!"
Me: "Do you live around here?"
Her: "Um... sort of."
Me: "Define 'sort of.'"
Her: "I live in (some city)."
Me: "I don't think I've ever heard of it. I actually live about 10 minutes away, but this is my first time being at the county fair. I usually just stick to the state fair!"
Her: "Oh, that's fun too!"
Me: "What do you... sorry, that guy in the Asian hat is throwing me off. I have one just like that at home you know."
Her: "Hahaha!"
Me: "Well, I should probably let you enjoy the show. I'd love to meet up and get to know you better though! You seem really cool! Do you want to meet up for coffee sometime?"
Her: "I've... sort of got this thing with another guy, sorry though!"
Me: "You're fine. I wouldn't want to mess things up for you with your thing with him, but I do still think you're really cool. Do you want to exchange numbers and just be friends then?"
Her: "Haha, sure!" *Proceeds to give me her number*
Me: "So how'd you meet the lucky guy?"
Her: "At work! We work together at (some coffee shop)."
Me: "Must be really sweet being able to work with someone you're attracted to. Keeps things less dull, and keeps you from hating your job like everybody else."
Her: "Yeah, I love my job!"
Me: "Do you plan on doing anything after you job at (that coffee shop)?"
Her: "Um... what do you mean?"
Me: "As in, what do you want to be? A country singer?"
Her: "Haha, no! I think I'll do something in the medical field."
Me: "Really? Me too! Doctor? Nurse?"
Her: "I think I'll be an EMT in an ambulance."
Me: "So you'll be the person to shove a gigantic ass needle into a guy's heart when he has a heart attack?"
Her: "Haha, maybe." *I then give her my doctor monologue* "Oh really? That's awesome."
Me: "Anyway, I've got to get back to my friends. What was your name?"
Her: "Angie!"
Me: "I'll remember. Can I get a hug goodbye?"
Her: *laughs* "Sure!"
So I hugged her, said goodbye to her and her friends, and went back to my own friends, who asked me how things went.
Carly: We stopped by a pig race next, and ate cookies. I saw two girls looking at me, so I asked if anything was in my teeth, fixed myself, and excused myself.
Me: "Okay, I thought you were super fucking cute, and I wanted to come over to say hello. I'm AP! Who are you?"
Her: "Haha, umm... I'm Carly."
Me: "So are you just here with your friend?"
Her: "Yeah... Haha!"
Me: "So am I. They're over there somewhere." *Point in their general direction."
Her: "Oh okay... cool... haha!"
Me: "Does this not happen to you very often?" (I know this isn't optimal, but she seemed really nervous and I wanted to say something to ease her a bit.)
Her: "No! Haha!"
Me: "Well, don't worry. All I am is a heterosexual guy who loves to make a pretty girl smile!" *I smile at her and cock my head*
Me: "Sooo... tell me something interesting about you! Now that I'm here, I think I'll put you on the spot outta nowhere."
Her: "Um... I don't know! Haha!"
Me: "Are you into sports? Music?"
Her: "Well, I'm definitely not into sports! I like to listen to music though!"
Me: "What kind of music?"
Her: "Classic Rock."
Me: "Really? Me too! Like 70's and 80's?"
Her: "Yeah. Like, I like Pink Floyd!"
Me: "That's really cool! I love classic rock.. My parents raised me up listening to only traditional Vietnamese music, so I had to discover it all on my own."
Her: "Oh, cool!"
Me: "Have you gone to any concerts or anything?"
Her: (I don't even remember hear her answer above the guy announcing the pig race, but I think she did.)
Me: "Let's see.. the only rock event I went to was back when Ozzy was in town. It's kind of funny watching him on stage now because you can see him try to rock out, but he's so old and shaky that it doesn't really work out. He's forgotten most of his own lyrics too, so he has someone run in and out with a sheet full of lyrics between songs."
Her: "Haha, yeah he's getting there!"
Me: "I really wanted to see Aerosmith.. Steven's old too, but he's still rockin'. He fell off the stage though, so I never got the chance."
Her: "Haha!"
Me: *To friend* "Do you like the same kind of music as her too then?"
Friend: "Um, no haha! We don't like the same kind of music do we?"
Her: "No! Haha!"
Me: "Okay, I've got to get back with my friends, but I you seem really cool, and I'd love to meet up sometime to grab caribou. Can I get your number?" (I need to just suggest instead of request next time.)
Her: "Sure!" *So we exchange numbers. I forgot her name, so I just had her type it in and pretended like I knew it all along.*
Me: "Awesome! So what day do you think you'll be free to meet up? I'm busy tomorrow, but what's your schedule look like?"
Her: "Um... I don't know. I'll just text you!"
Me: "Okay, see you then!"
And then I ran into my friends, who happened to have been watching close by the whole time.
Other Girl #1: We went to a feeding zoo, where we fed goats cracked corn. I spotted two girls standing on the other side of the pen, but hesitated to approach them out of fear the other girl might see me. After I washed my hands, I made sure the coast was clear, and went to approach them while my bros laughed with each other on the other side.
It was a group of two.. A blonde and a brunette, and I wasn't sure which one to approach. I went for the brunette though, because I love dark haired girls.
Me: "I didn't want to be THAT guy that just stared at you from a distance and never stopped by to tell you how great you looked. I'm AP! I think you look amazing!
Her: "Haha, um... thanks!"
Me: "So are you two here together as friends?"
Her: "Well yeah, what did you think?"
Friend: "Haha, I told you we looked lesbo holding each other like this!" *hugs girl*
Me: "Were you two talking about me when I was over there?"
Her: *laughs* "No!"
Me: "Well, why not?"
Her: "Haha, we've been friends since like... Kindergarten I think?"
Me: "Oh, cool, so you two basically grew up together."
Her: "Yep!"
Me: "That guy, over there. *pointing at my friend* He and I met in kindergarten too, and we grew up together too."
Her: "Um.... I ran track in like Sophmore year."
Me: "Oh, I did the same thing back in 8th grade! I kinda blew out my knee, so I had to stop."
Her: "Oh no, that's not good."
My Bro: "I was the one that blew out his knee."
Me: "Haha, yeah, he gave me a dead leg during science class, and my knee began to hurt ever since... I can introduce you two to my friends if you want!"
Her: *Looks at friend* "Um... sure!"
I tugged her elbow and told her to follow me. She followed, but tugged her elbow away. While we walked, I made sure I got both their names so I could properly introduce them, and then I introduced my bros with the two girls. I hoped my single bro would try something with the other girl, but he didn't. You could almost see an awkward barrier between them. They didn't shake hands or do anything to properly greet each other.
Me: "Anyway, we've got to go to the tractor show. You two can come with if you want!"
Her: "We're actually just about to go see my friend sing."
Me: "Oh, awesome! Is she good?"
Her: "Yeah she's good... Well... I haven't actually heard her, but she's got a solo, so I'm guessing she's really good. But maybe we'll see you around the fair ground!" *They turn to leave*
Me: "Wait! Do you want to meet up some time for caribou? You seem like a caramel cooler kind of person to me, but I could be wrong."
Her: *laughs for a good while* "I actually don't like coffee."
Me: "Tea?"
Her Friend: "I like tea! *laughs* She actually does like coffee, but she only has it once a day. Like once she has it in the morning, she won't let me invite her anymore."
Me: "So what about tea then?"
Her: "I have a boyfriend, so I can't... but thanks anyway!"
And so we went our separate ways and my bros and I went to the tractor show. After the show, we went to the chicken cages to see rabbits and chickens.
Other Girl #2: There, I saw a girl with some older lady taking out a chicken from its pen. I thought she was cute, so I opened.
Me: "THAT is the biggest cock I have ever seen. Do you take care of the chickens here?"
Her: "Haha, um yeah."
Me: "Your family owns a farm then?"
Her: "Yep."
Me: "What's it like? Is it hard taking care of chickens all day?"
Her: "Um.. It's not too difficult."
Me: "Well, I just came over here because I thought you were cute and was wondering if I could have your number."
Her: "I've got a boyfriend. Sorry."
My friend then commented that I got him off guard with that one. He also recommended that the three of us buy a leash for me so I wouldn't do that so often.
Other Girl #3: This one pulled pranks by dropping a spider on a string on incoming people. As we exited, I went back inside to chat her up.
Me: "I thought you were super cute and I wanted to come say hello. I'm AP! What's your name?"
Her: "Oh! Thank you! Um.. I'm (name)"
Me: "Do they have you here just for kicks then? Dropping spiders on everyone?"
Her: "Haha, no, I'm actually here with (some organization)."
Me: "Oh, cool! Well, I've got to go, but I think you're super cute. Can I have your number?"
Her: "Um no.. sorry."
Me: "That's cool!"
Other Girl #4: We walked around for a while after that. We went to find exhibits and had a good time exploring, but then decided to leave because one of my friends had to be home soon. As we were finding our car, a girl walked by in sunglasses, and I ran off once again to come talk to her.
Me: "I didn't want to be one of those guys that just let you walk by without telling you how great you looked. I'm AP! What's your name?"
Her: "Oh, thanks! Haha, I'm (name)"
Me: "Listen.. My friends and I are just about to leave, so I've got to go, but can I have your number?"
Her: "Um... why? You don't know me! Haha!"
Me: "I just think you're cute and I'd like to get to know you... If that's not a good enough reason, I could probably just lie and give you a B.S. reason too though."
Her: "Haha, um... I'm alright. Thanks though!"
Other Girl #5: This one was handing out backpacks and gave my friends and me some for free.
Me: "What are you handing out backpacks for?"
Her: "For (some hospital)."
Me: "Oh, cool. Are you going into the medical field then?"
I believe she said yes, and the two of us had a quick conversation about it, but I don't remember much of it.
Me: "Anyway, I've got to go. Do you think I could have your number?"
Her: "I could give you a card!"
Me: "Haha, that's not what I meant." *smile*
Her: "Oh my number? No, sorry, I've got a boyfriend!"
This was the last girl I approached for the day. My friend covered my eyes when he saw a pretty girl to make sure I wouldn't do more, and so we got back to the car. We later hung out, and she told his girlfriend the story of what I did at the fairgrounds and how I managed to get kicked out of the mall area for hitting on too many girls.
Things I Did Well:
1) I'm actually attempting to get the girls to go on mini dates now.
2) I only ask for the number if the interaction is short.
3) My conversational skills are improving fast.
Things I could improve on:
1) I need to actually get mini dates to happen.
2) I need to do better at making the ones with girlfriends my friends.
3) My conversational skills still need work.
1) There are no other guys in my town that do this kind of thing, so there are very few girls that know how to handle me.
2) I need to find a better way to hit on girls in a group. I have no idea who's single and who isn't, and I hate feeling that I hit on the taken one when the other might have been single.
3) My friend's girlfriend told me that she'd never give her number to someone she just met randomly, even if they had a good conversation out of fear that he might be a rapist. I'll need to pay even closer attention to making sure the girl is comfortable to meet me again.