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FU  fallen in the BOYFRIEND ZONE...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
i got boyfriendzoned/men-electronclouded... massive fail. lost interest in the girl more or less whose contact i got today from a friend of mine in london. maybe i try this new date compression technique on her for practice but i think i went into auto-rejection. its not even her fault.

- ME: hi blabla save my number
- HER: says hi in 20mins, dont care, no rush - she gets aggressive trying to speak to me, i reply
- usual texting with some unusual questions from me, vaguely or not answering her questions
- HER at the end: `let me know when you want to meet up` - catch i thought
- ME: sure lets grab a drink, whats your schedule look like (think i made my second mistake by asking back besides not being sexual enough)
few hours later she asked what i was up to, told her was in the gym, having a cigarillo then go home and maybe go to the bar in the building i live
- she said she had nothing to do, she was bored - catch i thought - she asked if anything was going on at that venue
- ME: how about you hopping over and we check it out?
- HER: tentative
she called me a few mins later, some small talk, at the end HER: im not sure if i wanted to go that far today and her friends were going to call her about the night
- ME: take your time, text me if you want to come (mistake: not persisting)

HER (later) : babe, i cant make it today but will definitely meet later
ME (textbook flake management): no worries, you must have had a long week. drop me a text when ok and we will see if we can work out sg
HER (relieved): yes im just being lazy X, do you have facebook?
ME: <my name comes here>

at this point im am either in the boyfriend zone or she just wants to extend her men-electroncloud - i think i went into auto-rejection, from this time it would be insane effort to get anywhere going.

lessons learnt:
- be sexual, excite her until she is wet unless you want to get into her electron cloud or worse into boyfriend zone
- on the phone be even more sexual and persist until she comes
- drag her to bed asap and make her cum 10x if you want to see her again
- losing automatically most interest in girls not compliant is a major problem, i need to do something about it but at this point i feel i basically go into auto-rejection
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take