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Falling Just Short


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
A.K.A. The story of my life.

I always feel like I'm good but not good enough. I set my goals high, and I'll always get close enough to just give me a bit of hope, and then I miss it. I'm really trying not to fall into a victim mentality, but its hard. I missed my goal for a test by one measly point, and the law school I wanted by one measly rank (which makes all the difference in the world).

The only thing I can do is try again. It sucks. But I don't want to give up.

So what I guess I'm asking for with this post is, How do I stop falling just short and make it to my goals?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
I had the same problem and am only now starting to break that pattern. It seems mostly a mindset thing. There's no simple solution though, it just takes pressure from all sides -- both internal and external threats and rewards. One example of this is my close friend Max. He was a Philosophy student in uni who was incredibly bright but was wholly disillusioned by Academia. He was a straight A's and F's student. In his last year at uni he got his girlfriend pregnant, and he kind of had to rethink his plans to get his Master's in Philosophy in Germany after that. He decided to go to law school, but because of his incredibly low GPA he knew he had to do phenomenally well on his LSAT if he wanted to get in anywhere remotely prestigious. For him, it was either blow this test out of the water or live the rest of his life poor doing work he hated. He studied in between tasks at work in his father's warehouse, preparing for eight months, and then, when test day came, he didn't miss a single question. His circumstances forced him to step up, similar to Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon.

Alea iacta est,
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake