@KJ Francis,
I think the main thing was being in the presence of someone with exceptional fundamentals and charisma, observing the way he interacts with the world and people around him. He could get the cashier laughing and blushing just with a couple of sentences and a certain look. It was like glimpsing the apex of PUA - something I could aim towards.
We had a lot of deep conversations about life, philosophy, business (at which he's incredibly successful outside of PUA), relationships, and travel. In terms of PUA, we talked about doing pickup in different countries, how it varies from culture to culture, daygame strategies, and about the history of the pickup movement.
We talked a lot about Mystery Method, which was and still is the core of
@Karea Ricardus D.'s PUA system. He also spoke a lot about Captain Jack, one of the OGs of PUA who was like his mentor in the early days and his own role model. From what I gathered, CJ practiced Mystery Method with the addition of sexual framing - a super powerful combination. Sadly I think most of his stuff vanished along with the mASF forum.
We also did a bit of daygame together, though he was battling some health issues at the time, so we couldn't do as much as planned. Still, it was a real privilege spending this time with him.
Haha yeah, that ex-girlfriend opener by
@Gunwitch sounds cheesy as hell, but it works. I do still bring it out sometimes when I want to mix things up.
I PM'd you the link to the audio recording. I asked Chase not to upload it to the podcast because I also do content creation unrelated to PUA, but I'm happy to share it privately with forum members. If anyone else wants the link, just send me a PM.