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Field report - 2024.06.09


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024
Low volume but straightforward convos :)

  • Net approaches: 5
  • Numbers: 3
  • Discarded approaches (too old, too young, weird face, etc.): 4
  • Location: college campus and surrounding areas
  • Timing: Sunday afternoon

Set 1


  • Ethnicity: mixed (white and Filipino)
  • Position: seated
  • Outfit: Burberry glasses, pink vest blouse, black jeans
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Result: number
  • Saw a girl with a red blouse and blue jeans walking down the street
  • Sadly, she crossed the road and the traffic light turned red :(
  • I'm now standing on the corner of the street, where there is a European cafe
  • As I contemplated on what to do next, I saw a girl come out of the cafe... with no drink in her hand
  • She sat down at a table outside, which was by the corner of the intersection
  • There was an umbrella to provide shade and an extra chair ~6 feet across from her at the same table
  • I grabbed that chair and sat down
  • [Waving at her] Oh hey, have you ever noticed how nice it is to be outside after a long week?
  • [Confused look] Uh yeah
  • With how fast paced and stressful life is like for so many people these days, sometimes we just got to get outside of the house, clear our minds, and release all of that pent up energy... what brings you out here on this sunny afternoon?
  • Oh, I have an interview in a bit
  • Really? Most interviews that I've seen take place on the weekdays. [There's a McDonald's in the background]. Where at? McDonald's?
  • Nah, it's at a pool bar. It's down the street from here
  • What time's your interview? Hope you're not too nervous about it
  • It's taking place at [25 mins from now]. Just a little bit
  • Your accent, I can't tell exactly where you're from, but it doesn't sound like you're from [this state]
  • I'm actually from [a small city / town 45 mins away from here]. Have you heard of it?
  • Yeah, it's really foggy over there. I'm surprised you're this tan. I don't go there too often cuz isn't there [a city with lots of tombstones]? It's a bit scary for me
  • Yeah, you're right. Well, that's just how it's like there. How about you? Where are you from?
  • I'm from [the city next to this one]
  • I love [your city]. You're so close from here. I wouldn't have guessed
  • Haha
  • I noticed this thread was running out of steam
  • If I had to guess, I would say you're a humanities major
  • Yeah, I am. How did you know?
  • Your vibe. All you're missing is a tote bag, and you'd be like a psychology major or something
  • [An impressed look on her face] Haha
  • What year are you?
  • I'm about to be a senior next year
  • You seem like you're still trying to figure out what you'll be doing after graduation, and nothing's been set in stone yet
  • Yeah, that's why I'm looking for a job this summer. I'm still interviewing with a few places right now. How about you? What's your major?
  • Hmm, what do you think?
  • I don't know. Um, is it English?
  • [Shake my head] I get English sometimes. I'm actually a business major, but I've graduated though
  • Congrats! So what do you do now?
  • I'm an investor
  • That's cool. So... like Shark Tank?
  • [Laughing] Shark Tank's good for watching on a screen. It's super entertaining, like The Wolf of Wall Street. You only get to see the fun parts. In real life, it ain't like that at all. There's a lot of dirty work that goes on in the background too
  • You fuck with it?
  • For a quick second, I don't know what to say cuz I haven't heard this phrase in a while...
  • Hell yeah. It's fun. You get to be a decision-maker
  • That's great that you enjoy your work. So do you randomly just walk up to strangers and talk to them?
  • Only the ones that seem to have an interesting vibe to them
  • The look on her face, she was intrigued and smiling
  • Should have asked if she's an interesting person
  • Formula would be screening + qualifying + rewarding
  • What were you doing before this?
  • I was getting coffee with my friend down the street at Starbucks
  • Which one?
  • You know the one on [the street a couple of blocks away]? Apparently, they don't even have chairs in there anymore so we had nowhere to sit
  • Where is your friend now?
  • Oh, she had some errands to run. I think she's buying groceries at Trader Joe's or something [I look off to a random direction]
  • How did you get here then?
  • Why is she asking so many boring background questions?
  • After experiencing this, I can resonate with why guys shouldn't do this when they're on the other side
  • It feels interrogative and not conducive to a seductive conversation
  • I flew over here in a helicopter... nah I'm kidding I walked here
  • She laughs
  • Seeing this as my chance, I stand up and drag my chair so that I'm 3 only feet away from her and side-by-side before sitting down
  • Before, I was sitting across from her (this was the default cafe table setup)
  • Time to switch the topic and break out the gambit
  • She had an intrigued expression on her face from me moving closer
  • You know, the connections that we make with people can sometimes happen so quickly. Human emotions are fascinating, aren’t they? When we’re in a new situation, sometimes it might take years… maybe months… maybe days… maybe even seconds [snap fingers]… but we always have a sense it could be a very special type of connection
  • She looked confused
  • I was just talking about how emotions can be like. You know, the ones that we experience every day?
  • Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah emotions
  • I forgot what exactly happened here, but we switched to talking more about her background and the city that she's from
  • I think I teased her too hard on how boring her hometown is and how there's not a lot of sunlight so I'm surprised that she's so tan
  • That sounds like a straight roast. Now you're just roasting me. But I am a quarter Filipino
  • I'm just kidding. It's just a joke. Would you say you're someone with a good sense of humor?
  • I tap her on the shoulder, where she has a small tattoo
  • Of course I do
  • Great, I love people who can understand humor. We'll get along just fine. I don't think I got your name yet. Let me guess. You're probably a [name 1], [name 2], or [name 3]
  • Close, it rhymes with [one of the names I mentioned]. I'm [name]
  • Damn it, I was so close
  • Yeah, you were. So is it my turn to guess your name?
  • Yup, I'll give you a hint. It has the same number of letters as your name
  • [She pauses and looks at me intently, as if she's studying me] Um, you're [name]
  • Haha, I'm [name]. Nice to meet you [name] from [city]
  • You too [name] from [city]
  • I shake her hand
  • She has a very firm handshake
  • I then put my other hand over hand, so that her hand is sandwiched momentarily between mine hehe
  • [Name], I can tell that you have a very firm handshake. I don't know how good your interview skills are, but at least for the initial impression and handshake part, you'll do a good job
  • Thanks, I've had some practice during my other interviews
  • She looked slightly disengaged as if she had to go
  • I took out my phone quickly to check the time and her interview is in 10 mins
  • If I were to ask you [name], what is something that you do that you really enjoy besides eating and sleeping, what would you say?
  • I like doing a lot of things. I enjoy [think it was 3 or 4 things that I can't remember] and playing basketball
  • Are you tall?
  • Normally, I wouldn't use something like this to follow up to a response to this question, but we were running low on time so wanted it to be quick
  • Yeah
  • I can also tell that you're the type who loves attending concerts
  • [Smiling] Yeah, I love going to concerts
  • Hey [name], it's really nice talking to you. We should continue our conversation another time and hang out
  • Sure, of course :)
  • Alright, I'll give you my contact
  • She hands me over her phone with the New Messages screen already pulled up
  • Using the Skills method, I typed in my number, texted myself from her phone, added myself as a new contact so my number is attached to a name, and returned her phone
  • Good luck on your interview [name]. Just remember to give them a firm handshake and maintain strong eye contact, and you'll do fine
  • Peace homie [throws up the peace sign with her hand]
  • I was not expecting her to do that...
  • [Same day evening]: how'd the interview go 🙃
  • [2 days later]: 👀
  • No response :(

Set 2


  • Ethnicity: black
  • Position: walking
  • Outfit: red sweater with open buttons, white tank top, blue jeans, black and white sneakers
  • Duration: 20 mins
  • Result: number
  • After the first set, I was walking around for like an hour
  • There's this big oval lawn chick magnet where most girls just lie down outside to tan, read, or use their phones, but no luck there today
  • I see some reunion where there's like 50 people in their 60s and 70s
  • As I walked toward the edge of the campus, I noticed this very tall girl crossing the street toward campus grounds
  • Instead of hitting the edge, I stop like 20 feet short and wait for her to come over
  • I used an up nod
  • Do you know what's pretty fascinating? One day, you're hanging out on campus as usual, but suddenly something unexpected happens. Perhaps, you feel excited, but with a bit of hesitation too. But you know, this could all lead to a very amazing story... what brings you out here today?
  • She stops walking and takes out one earphone
  • She stands pretty close to me
  • I'm headed to the research library to do some work
  • You must be a hard worker. I just passed some guys, and they're just chilling and playing Spikeball
  • I can't remember what happens in the next moments so we're skipping forward
  • I'm doing a research [internship / project] for a professor. It's gonna be 10 weeks
  • Man, you're really tall. How tall are you?
  • I'm 6'1" (185cm)
  • Yeah, you're definitely not from here. Most girls are nowhere near your height here
  • I'm originally from [another state]. But yeah, I've noticed that too. People here are much shorter
  • You know what I'ma do with you?
  • Haha what?
  • Unlike most short girls, I'm gonna use you as an umbrella to block out the sunlight. You're pretty tan already so you won't get burned, and you can be my portable umbrella
  • [Laughing] I'm sure I can get a bit more tanned this summer
  • She's one of those light skin black girls
  • What do you think about [the city] so far?
  • Well, I've only been here for a week, but I like it. It's a bit different from where I grew up
  • You know what I really like about [this city]?
  • What's that?
  • Time to break out the gambit
  • There’s always so much to do here, as long as you keep an open mind. Not only are the people laid back, they’re also super non-judgmental
  • She cuts me off here before I'm able to finish off the gambit
  • It's a good sign since she's actively contributing
  • That's so true. People here are so warm and nice. The vibe in [this state] do be hitting different
  • At the end of the day, you can truly be who you want here, free like a bird, while trying out new things and being able to fully indulge in life. When we feel allowed to freely act on our desires, that is a very liberating feeling. Don’t you think so?
  • Totally
  • Skipping forward here cuz I can't remember
  • What's your major?
  • It's computer science with a specialty concentration in [psychology or something]. My focus is on human [designs / interactions / or something]
  • I have no idea what she's talking about so I just blurted something out
  • Should've gave a command for her to enlighten me
  • So like UX?
  • No, it's [something AI, interaction with humans, etc.. I honestly have no idea what any of this is]
  • You sound smart, maybe even smarter than me. I like people who are innovative and can break down big concepts. With your talent, you should work at OpenAI and Anthropic [these are some of the top AI companies]
  • I give a light squeeze on her upper arm
  • It's a bit hot out here. Let's move over to the shade and talk
  • We move a couple of feet where there's this super tall tree
  • We're not underneath the tree, but its shade blocks off a big portion of the courtyard
  • So what are you doing today?
  • Not much, was getting coffee with a friend and chilling
  • Are you a student here or are you working?
  • I graduated already. I'm working
  • What do you do for work?
  • I'm an investor
  • That sounds really cool. What kind of things do you invest in?
  • [I cannot remember what I said at all, but it wasn't a boring answer]
  • Skipping forward here cuz I can't remember much aside from us exchanging names
  • Felt like I needed to spice this one up so I use the extended version of the female submission gambit
  • During the delivery, everything went well, but there was immediate resistance afterwards
  • What is your definition of submission?
  • [I waited like 3 seconds] Well, submission is when you just let go and and let an outside force take over. It's sort of like when you're in Vegas. You morph into an environment where you forget the past and focus on living in the moment
  • I just winged it here and made it up
  • I don't think this potential resistance was covered in the article
  • Ok, I see. And do you think men can submit too?
  • Of course, everyone can submit, but we were just talking about women here
  • Needed to switch the topic quickly here
  • I saw a bunch of short girls 50 feet out and walking towards our direction
  • They were all in business casual and dressed similarly
  • [Name], we look like giants compared to them. I wonder where they're coming from. I haven't seen that many people together in a group on campus today
  • Yeah, they're pretty short
  • Skipping forward to the end
  • I used the same method as Set 1 to grab her contact, but she was holding her phone the whole time
  • After my contact was entered, I told her to send me a message on the spot
  • She types something and hit send
  • We hug and part ways
  • [At the time when I told her to send me a message on the spot]: [[number] unsent a message]
    • What the hell?
    • I've never seen this before
    • Not a good sign at all
  • [Same day evening]: so they make you work wknds?
  • [2 days later]: you know who you look like
  • No response :(

Set 3


  • Ethnicity: white / European
  • Position: seated
  • Outfit: white dress
  • Duration: 2 mins
  • Result: unsuccessful
  • I walked by a cafe on campus that's closed on the weekends
  • There were two tables with people outside of the cafe: one table had a girl by herself and another 20 feet away had a couple
  • When I was crossing the girl's line of sight, she looked at me quickly and then looked back down
  • I just stood a bit out of her direct line of sight and pretended to use my phone, with my back turned towards her
  • I was maybe 20 feet away
  • The best move, I thought, was to just sit next to her and talk
  • So I walked up the small flight of stairs to the cafe grounds, walked toward her table, and sort of sat 90 degrees from her about 5 feet away
  • [Waving at her] Oh hey, have you ever noticed how nice it is to be outside after a long week?
  • She does not respond but instead stares at me
  • She had red lipstick
  • With how fast paced and stressful life is like for so many people these days, sometimes we just got to get outside of the house, clear our minds, and release all of that pent up energy... what brings you out here today?
  • I'm drawing
  • She looks back down and continues drawing
  • This wasn't a good sign
  • I saw that she was drawing a lot of faces (like 20) on a sketch sheet
  • Kind of like Mount Rushmore
  • They were more like scribbles and each face was drawn using a pen in a different color
  • Weird
  • I feel like drawing is one of those areas that people don't really understand. It's so relaxing and you're able to bring out your creative side. My friend is a digital artist, and lemme tell ya, it's not easy. People think you just scribble a bunch of things on a page, but it takes incredible skill. Not only do you need to have a good visual of the final product, you also need to blend together different layers
  • So why did you come up and talk to me?
  • Oh, you had an interesting vibe to you, so I had to come and see who you were
  • You're making me feel really uncomfortable right now
  • So are you saying that you want me to leave?
  • Yes
  • I stand up from the table and begin to walk away
  • Thank you
  • 😅

Set 4


  • Ethnicity: white / European
  • Position: sitting
  • Outfit: sweater, black yoga pants
  • Duration: 10 mins
  • Result: number
  • I walk by a small hilltop and see a blonde girl eating by herself
  • Her sweater was a bright color, and there was just a family nearby
  • I go off the main road and headed onto the hilltop, approaching her at a 90 degree angle
  • Then I quickly switched over to over the shoulder and go into a squat position
  • She's thick and looked kinda older, like 30
  • Hey, have you ever noticed how nice it is to be outside after a long week?
  • I think she got Chipotle and she's trying to munch down her food and clear her mouth
  • The bag is lying next to her with a finished food bowl by the bag
  • So I just continue with the rest of the line
  • With how fast paced and stressful life is like for so many people these days, sometimes we just got to get outside of the house, clear our minds, and release all of that pent up energy
  • [Munching but with less food left] Yeah, it's a good day today
  • [Gesturing to her sweater] I can't really see from this angle, but that looks like a sweater for [a rival school]
  • [Covering her mouth as she's still munching] You're right. It's for [the rival law school]. But I swear I'm not a traitor
  • I'm not sure about that... so what are you doing here then?
  • Well, I graduated a couple months ago and am here to walk the stage for graduation. How about you? Do you go here?
  • I graduated a while back. Not recently. Just hanging out with friends and putting in some steps. It's too nice to stay indoors. Why do you have that sweater on then?
  • I got accepted to [rival law school], so I'm going there this fall. It's a 3 year program, and I was lucky to get in
  • Don't most people work first before going to law school? Looks like you're jumping directly from undergrad to your JD
  • [Finishes eating] It depends, but you're right, most people do work. I'm also a bit older, so I worked a few years before coming here. I've accumulated a lot of student debt. I'm hoping to get my law degree and start working ASAP, so I can pay down all this debt
  • Dayum, that sounds like both a blessing and trap in disguise. Yeah, student debt ain't fun. One of my friends is a postdoc in theoretical physics. She's from England and has like 100 grand to pay off
  • Gotta work with what I have haha
  • [Change from squatting to sitting down on the grass] So what area of law are you planning to work in when you start at [rival school]? Like corporate, environmental, or something else?
  • [Something about public law, but she's on the fence]
  • Shit, most of the law students that I've met do corporate. And if you're after the moolah, why not corporate?
  • Yeah, you're right. I'm still trying to figure everything out. Maybe I'll change my mind later
  • You should work at [prominent corporate law firm]
  • What's that?
  • You haven't heard of them?
  • A lot of my friends are really into the whole law personality thing and reading up on law firms, but I never did that. I'm sorta out of the loop and don't know all the big names out there
  • Ah, I see. Anyways, I've worked with [prominent corporate law firm], and they charged an arm and a leg. Billability, that's the name of the game
  • Sure is
  • Actually, I met this girl in [big city nearby] who works for one of these corporate law firms not too long ago. She said the hours were a bit better than the top names, but she was fucking crazy. You're not like that right?
  • Haha, I would think no. I'm pretty sane
  • Good, maybe we'll get along after all... so are you originally from [this state]?
  • I'm from the northern part
  • So like [a couple of rural regions]?
  • I'm from [rural county]. It's not easy growing up there. Lots of poverty and we're far away from everyone else
  • Don't y'all smoke a lot of weed there? My high school friends who went there were all potheads or ended up being one
  • Yeah, we do
  • Should have asked her whether she smokes herself
  • Missed out on this opportunity to transition into topics that are more fun...
  • Hey, so about the poverty thing. Have you considered using your public law focus and helping out [the county where she grew up]
  • Nah, they can deal with it themselves. I've got student debt to worry about
  • You're funny
  • Can't remember the exact flow but she asked what I do
  • I gave her a very high level response
  • She said she's got a few friends in the field but isn't too familiar with it
  • Skipping forward
  • [Looking at her phone, likely texts] Hey, so I actually have to go soon. My sister is coming to pick me up on campus
  • Let's continue our conversation at another time
  • Yeah, for sure!
  • What's your name?
  • I'm [a not very common name]
  • [Giving a strong handshake] I'm [my name]. Nice to meet you. I'll give you my contact
  • She pulls out her phone... with the Notes app open
  • From my experience, this isn't looking good at all
  • Most but not all of my past 'Notes closes' never reached out...
  • The title of the note has a name that sounds like mine but off by a few letters
  • [Wrong name], right?
  • It's actually [the right name]
  • Oh, like [a character in a show]
  • Right on. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer people are watching [that show] now
  • I'm a big fan
  • She fixes the title of the Notes entry
  • Why are you using Notes? Most people use Contacts
  • It's just temporary. I'll transfer it over later. So what's your number?
  • I tell her my number slowly
  • She enters it and even adds dashes between the area code, prefix, and line number... too formal and strange
  • Looks good?
  • Yup. One more thing, when you text me, send me something funny, like a hilarious text. Not like a poem or anything like that
  • Attempt to win the frame back lol
  • I will, see ya!
  • Crickets :(

Set 5


  • Ethnicity: white / European
  • Position: standing
  • Outfit: light rainproof jacket
  • Duration: 3 mins
  • Result: unsuccessful
  • I was about to head off campus and call it a day
  • Right next to the campus welcome sign, there was a girl standing behind it and on her phone
  • That is a very weird position to be
    • If she wanted to take pictures, she would be in front of the sign
    • Same if she were waiting for someone, and they were to meet at a landmark location
    • The sun was much, much weaker by now too
  • I stand 15 feet away from her and pretend to use my phone for a few secs
  • Then I walk over and approach her from a 90 degree angle
  • Hey, have you ever noticed how nice it is to be outside after a long week?
  • Yeah
  • She had an academic look to her, but without glasses or anything
  • With how fast paced and stressful life is like for so many people these days, sometimes we just got to get outside of the house, clear our minds, and release all of that pent up energy... what are you up to?
  • I'm looking for a convenience store
  • She looks back down on her phone with Maps pulled open
  • I see a bunch of stores / points popped up
  • Actually, do you know if there are any nearby?
  • Like a 7-Eleven or something?
  • Yeah, like 7-Eleven
  • There is one, but it's not nearby... your accent, it sounds a bit different. You don't seem like you're from here
  • I'm not. I'm just here to visit my best friend
  • Oh yeah, where's she now?
  • [Something I can't remember]
  • Yeah, it's an interesting day to be in town isn't it. You've got so many people out and about enjoying the weather. It's not too hot and not too cold. Just the perfect recipe for something special to happen
  • Yeah... do you know where I can buy a chocolate bar?
  • A chocolate bar? I'm not sure if it's still open now, but I think Target has one. Looks like someone has a sweet tooth
  • She looks up Target on the map and it's still open
  • Nice, thanks for your help!
  • She walks in the wrong direction
  • [Yelling] Hey, it's actually the other way!
  • [Yelling] Oh, thank you!

  • @Teevster for your female submission gambit, what are some potential immediate resistances that this could bring up? And how can they be tackled?
  • For example, if you check out the interaction in Set 2, the girl asks 2 follow-up questions with a very inquisitive tone:
    • "What is your definition of submission?"
    • "Can men also submit?"
  • I have no 'training' in feminism so don't want to get deep into a debate here with any of the girls that I use this on
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take