Hi there,
this thing boggles me for a few days now so I thought let’s post it here.
What I mean is this: I can get myself into the perspective of seeing women as cute & silly.
But since this isn’t my default programming yet I struggle with balancing that with points in the process
with a woman where I need to consider things she says or does more serious, like if she has objections
(the one that threw me off a few days ago was a woman saying when I wanted to kiss her ‘isn’t it to soon?’ and after that I couldn’t really get back into the place I’ve been before inside where things flowed more, probably also because after that point I was thrown off my process and didn’t know how to proceed - partially due to that mindset shift).
To get to the point: Right now it’s a lot of things at the same time for me to keep tracking and I am sure it’s
a thing that partly comes from the overload I experience at the moment.
So I am searching for a way to work on that dichotomy (besides practicing) since I can’t get my head around this.
So the question might be:
When to take things in the seduction serious to save the seduction and then how to get back into that light cute & silly mindset. How Do I combine these two? I seem to have a disconnect here.
Your insights are much appreciated. If you feel like to help me specifically you need more data points I am happy to answer too. And if this is just a symptom of another thing that I need to address to develop I am happy to know it.
this thing boggles me for a few days now so I thought let’s post it here.
What I mean is this: I can get myself into the perspective of seeing women as cute & silly.
But since this isn’t my default programming yet I struggle with balancing that with points in the process
with a woman where I need to consider things she says or does more serious, like if she has objections
(the one that threw me off a few days ago was a woman saying when I wanted to kiss her ‘isn’t it to soon?’ and after that I couldn’t really get back into the place I’ve been before inside where things flowed more, probably also because after that point I was thrown off my process and didn’t know how to proceed - partially due to that mindset shift).
To get to the point: Right now it’s a lot of things at the same time for me to keep tracking and I am sure it’s
a thing that partly comes from the overload I experience at the moment.
So I am searching for a way to work on that dichotomy (besides practicing) since I can’t get my head around this.
So the question might be:
When to take things in the seduction serious to save the seduction and then how to get back into that light cute & silly mindset. How Do I combine these two? I seem to have a disconnect here.
Your insights are much appreciated. If you feel like to help me specifically you need more data points I am happy to answer too. And if this is just a symptom of another thing that I need to address to develop I am happy to know it.