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Findings from my first try


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
Hey everyone :),
I thought I'd share with other beginners the things that have worked particularly well for me when I first tried to use Chase's teachings. Here's a quick overview of the scenario (feel free to skip that part if you're not interested :p):

I met a girl at a house party who was hot and had a great personality. She had a boyfriend but I got the impression that he might be a placeholder until a better guy came along.
She added me on Facebook the next day and I tried to set up a date but she was genuinely busy. I told her we would figure out a good time at the next house party the following week and we did.
We met up at a bar a few days later but her friends had come along and she said they were leaving soon. However, she ended up staying with me when her friends left. The date went well but at that time I had nowhere to take her back to as I was looking for a new flat after living with my parents for a bit (I'm 22). I noticed she was getting quite quiet and probably wanted me to move things forward but I had to end the date there.
In the days after the date she started showing chasing behaviour e.g. asking me to text her, telling me she'd had a dream about me (which turned out to be a sexual one). She asked if I would be at my preferred nightclub that weekend and I said I would be. Luckily I managed to get a flat in time for that. The night before, she messaged my friend asking if I liked her, but he didn't give anything away.
At the nightclub, I was disappointed to discover that her boyfriend had followed her there from the party they were previously at that night. She came up to me however and I got her outside quickly. Her boyfriend and one of her friends soon joined us but I managed to get us away and walking back to my place where I bedded her.

Here are the things I learned from Chase that I found were particularly powerful tools in the seduction:

Dressing sharp: Visually, I completely outshined her boyfriend who was wearing childrens' style clothes e.g. jeans and a t-shirt.

Moving fast: Despite the setbacks or her being in a relationship and me not having my own place at first, I did my best to move things forward as quickly as possible and avoid being friend-zoned.

Remaining unfazed: I could have been angry or upset when I went to meet her on the date and she told me she was leaving with her friends soon. Instead it was effective to remain chilled and give the impression that it didn't matter to me if I got the date or not.

Addressing objections: On the date she reminded me of the fact she had a boyfriend to which I humorously replied "He can watch then. Just kidding- He can't watch." (Can't believe I said that, but it worked :p).

Chase frames: I think that chase frames were a huge part of why she began chasing me and had a sexual dream about me. It was actually amazing how strong the effect was. I was expecting it to be more subtle. If you're not using chase frames already I urge you to try it.

Plausible deniability: I got her to leave the nightclub "so she could hear me better". Outside the nightclub, I initially asked her if she wanted to come and watch a TV show we both enjoyed. She said ok but sounded reluctant. When her boyfriend and friend came up to us and tried to get us back inside, I claimed that I needed to go to a bank machine first to get money out and got her to accompany me there. Of course, the bank machine was a 5 minute walk away and was actually my flat :p. On the way to what was supposedly the bank machine, she said in a sort of joking way "It would be really creepy if we were actually going to your flat", but she came straight in when we arrived.

Not having a chair in your room: When we got back to my place she said "I'm just going to lie down on your bed" and waited for me to join her.

I was wondering if any of you beginners have been surprised by how much difference a certain technique has made, or if you have a particular favourite technique that you can rely on?

I also have to thank you, Chase, as this is the first time in my life that an attractive girl has chased me rather than me chasing her.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
I must congratulate you brother, you're awesome.

"He can watch us then..." - I cracked up hard upon reading this LOL!!!! I love it! I hope that you won't mind me using this line ;)

Keep up the good work.

Onward and Upward!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
Thanks man :) honestly can't believe that came out of my mouth. It felt like I had become a new, awesome person. Let me know if it works for you too :p.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Very nice my man I am definately stealing the "He can watch us then" brilliant! as for the techniqes Chases "Man handle kiss" has worked wonders for me in getting women to bed. Its my favorite. Also I find that just to be extra careful when pulling a women home I always use Chases "yes ladder" Which works like this. At a high point in the date, this usually happens for me about an hour or an hour and a half in (first date is always coffee for me) I say "This night is still too young to end isnt it?" she says yea. "And your having a good time right?" she says yea. "And you like (insert tvshow/movie you talked about that she said she liked earlier here) right" she says yea. "then would you care to join me in watching (insert tv show/movie here)? and she will more than likely say yes.

The Tool


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
What types of chase frames did you use? Just curious. I have used some lately, but they haven't had the same effect you seem to be getting.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Dec 11, 2012
Well done man, we salute you for a job well done haha. That is pretty amazing even with her bf in the same vicinity she went for it.

Chase Framing is what we call the way a man positions himself as the object of a woman’s desires and efforts to seduce, by two key subtle strategies: investment and humor. We’re going to look at both of those here, but in particular I want to focus on the power of humor and how it can be used to set an ironclad chase frame.

Read more: https://www.girlschase.com/content/secre ... z2EhWJNDIQ


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
Thanks nd2012 :)

Foxman2, I've had a look though my text and Facebook chat history to get some examples of the chase frames I used. They're perhaps not as subtle as Chase's style but I think being daring can sometimes be very effective depending on her personality. Looking at these I noticed I used two or three at a time which may have helped to really enforce the message.

A few days after her dream about me I said this in a text conversation:
Me: You know I actually had a dream involving you last night, bet yours was sexier though :p
Her: What happened in your dream?
Me: Not sure I should tell you in case you get too turned on :p. Are you doing anything exciting this week apart from hanging out with me?

On Facebook when she teased that I would get drunk after one drink:
Me: You just want me to get drunk quickly so you can take advantage of me :p

She posted a Facebook status about it being awkward having to text someone naked because she was in the bath at the time. Later she texted me asking me to go on Facebook chat:

Me: you texted me naked? :eek:

Her: no

Me: good, you're waiting until I'm there in person

Her: lol I'm only joking, I was in the bath :eek: you texted at the wrong time :')

Me: you could have just waited until you were done in the bath.
 seems like you wanted to be naked when you texted me

Hope this helps. What kind of chase frames have you tried?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Great job on the chase frames - those are solid, and clearly helped set a strong sexual tone for you to take this girl to bed.

All in all, very well played - and pretty impressive for a first try!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
Thanks Chase :). It was funny seeing things working exactly how you say they do. Soon after the events described here I got a bad boy reputation and a guy who had been friend-zoned long ago tried and failed to take her from me by white-knighting.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
"He can watch then. Just kidding- He can't watch."

Haha, brilliant! Like the other guys, when I get the chance to use it I definitely will ;)

Thanks for the chase-frame examples, and great job!