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FR  First Blood, Working it out.


Dec 8, 2012
Hey every one this is Demi. As y'all know already i like to get a good work out in, so im always in the gym. Well there was this girl I kept seeing in there for the past couple of months that caught my eye. Longstory short I decided to grow some balls and go up and talk to her, keeping what I learned from chase in my head as I approached her. So it went a little something like this.

She was on a bench doing some incline crunches, I casually with confidence strolled over asked if I could work in with her. She says yeah it's no problem at all. I'm like cool I leave her alone to finish her set, like it says to in the gym behavior article and came back when she was finished. Before She could get too far away I asked her if she could help me out with an exercise. From there I chatted with her a little bit asked her name, gave her mine etc, then asked her to show me a couple exercises I could. Then flirted around with her a little, had her laughing and all that jazz. Things seemed fine right up to the point I tried to close the deal and get her contact info. Notice I said contact info I didnt outright say, Hey can I have your number. Anyway she said she was married and my dumbass said oh how's that like, you know trying to casually sweep that under the rug. Well after that I didnt walk away with head down or anything she still went and showed me what i asked. With that I took the oppurtunity flirt with her some more get to know her what she was into and everthing. This went on for about 30 min then we parted ways her saying something about having to go food shopping, ending with, "it was nice to meet you Demi". SOOOOOO now with all this jazz said, I would like you all to evaluate my outing and tell me what I've could've done better and what I can do better in the future. Thanks for your help.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re: First Blood, Working it out.

Demi said:
Anyway she said she was married and my dumbass said oh how's that like, you know trying to casually sweep that under the rug. Well after that I didnt walk away with head down or anything she still went and showed me what i asked. With that I took the oppurtunity flirt with her some more get to know her what she was into and everthing. This went on for about 30 min then we parted ways her saying something about having to go food shopping, ending with, "it was nice to meet you Demi". SOOOOOO now with all this jazz said, I would like you all to evaluate my outing and tell me what I've could've done better and what I can do better in the future. Thanks for your help.

It's funny, i think you can close her number here, even when she said she is married because having her for another 30mins of talk, yea maybe you should have persist more. She eventually being nice by saying she needs to go food shopping before she leaves.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Added an "FR:" to the subject line.



Dec 8, 2012
Now ZacAdam how would you have did it without sounding desperate. She mentioned him a few times, where he was at what he did etc.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey Demi,

Just because she's married, doesn't mean you can't score ;). You should have been more persistent and when she said, "Oh but I'm married" You could have said, "That's fine, I'm not looking for a relationship ;). Give me your number and we'll go for a hot chocolate sometime :)." If she accepts then get her number, if she still objects you could say, "Look, that's between you and him, he's not gunna findout anything ;)." or "What's a hot chocolate between friends?" That'll confuse the hell out of her and possibly intrigue her. If you mention being friends, make sure you make her feel connected enough or she'll say, "But I don't even know you"; however you could say, "Well let me grab your number and perhaps I'll let you get to know me better ;)" (chase frame)

Some of my advice could be a bit off because I've never personally dealt with girls with boyfriends, mainly because it's too much work and most of the boyfriends were psycho. I have studied the blogs quite a bit so it's mainly knowledge I've collected and have applied in similar situations. The thing is Demi, if you aren't persistent you'll probably lose a lot of girls, you can't just give up when they say no, unless you're experienced and know you aren't getting anywhere. For example if you tell a girl to join you to sit down and she rejects, you should probably cut her because if she's not going to sit with you, then goodluck trying to have sex with her ;).

If a girl is in a relationship she's never 'off the market', you can always pull, but it's more work/effort and you'll probably face more objections. If a girl is in a relationship, sometimes she'll be fully satisfied and despite your best efforts, she just won't want to have sex because her needs are already being taken care of elsewhere (husband). Newly weds are usually in that honey moon phase so it's harder to sleep with her because her emotions are with her husband, but overtime that dies down and there's a good chance the guy isn't taking care of all her needs, so that's when you strike ;). Another technique is to ask her how her marriage is so if she seems really excited and going off about how great it is then I'd just cut her, but if she starts complaining or doesn't seem all that thrilled then go for it!

*PS number close within 15 minutes max, don't wait half an hour next time!

Goodluck ;),


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Demi,

Garrett said:
*PS number close within 15 minutes max, don't wait half an hour next time!

Garrett has a point here, Don't be too long. :)

Anyway I shall evaluate what you have going on here.

First point:

Ask for her number, told you she was married. you ask her "how's that like?"

Better solution:

You would have reframe your answer, "Oh, you're married. It's okay. I can always take you out when he's not around." or Garrett's "That's fine, I'm not looking for a relationship." Another one, "It's okay, He doesn't have to know."

Responding to her with a sexy flirtatious smile.

Second Point:

Demi said:
She mentioned him a few times, where he was at what he did etc.

You letting her talking too much about her husband i assumed?, especially when you talk to her for half n hour and you flirted with her. I can see from here, that halfway she put you somewhat in the friend-zone, because she outframes you. You would want to be persistent while being warmth next time, just be slightly more flirty (which you do) when a girl mentions she has a guy. Often she either gives it to you, or she leaves.

If u getting good at it, you can get to know what her husband is like during the conversation, so you would get to know better, if you expecting an aggressive repercussions later.

Check this out Demi, https://www.girlschase.com/content/girl- ... things-not



Dec 8, 2012
Garrett and Zac thanks for the help, yes I am a begginer so all helps but one final thing though. I work out here all the time and if there's a chance i might run into her again what would you two do?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Demi said:
Garrett and Zac thanks for the help, yes I am a begginer so all helps but one final thing though. I work out here all the time and if there's a chance i might run into her again what would you two do?


If you are able to get her out the next time you see her, then you can try to escalate and move things forward!

Also, if things don't workout, you could either workout at a different time, or get friend zoned and keep it light with her (spread the butter thin on the bread ;) ). Keep in mind though that a lot of girls will go only a couple times, or even just once then they'll quit, so you may not have to worry about this!

The thing is, you have to be careful where you're trying to pickup girls. Based on your presumed lack of experience, I don't think you should be doing gym pickup right now. I think once you get better at say, Day Game and then build the confidence and assurance up of knowing what to do, you'll be ready for gym pickup.

Here's the thing, if you are repeatedly exposed to a girl, whether it be at work, school, the gym, a small town, or anywhere you go where you'll be seeing her frequently, you should make sure your game is tight first. If you screw up, then it's going to be awkward/uncomfortable, and you won't perform optimally at whatever you're doing because you'll be thinking about that girl who is sitting beside/near you in class, or beside you on the treadmill, or in the office next to yours. Not only that, but you can develop a reputation, and if she feels uncomfortable around you and reports you to the workers at the gym, you could get kicked out, so be careful (don't worry about this too much, this is if you make her feel super uncomfortable, which you won't)

As I mentioned before, get your game tight elsewhere first before trying more exotic approaches. The reason is, if you get better outside of the gym, you'll be aware of how important it is to be discrete, you'll do things more smoothly/confidently, you'll get a better chance of landing her, and if things don't work out, you'll know how to handle things so they don't get awkward and you won't get a bad rep.

Just some tips I thought I'd suggest, best of luck though mate!


Dec 8, 2012
Garrett, now that right there is useful thanks man and hell I could use a lil break from the gym. Good luck out there to you too, as for those who are reading this learn from my mistake and prosper.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Demi said:
Garrett and Zac thanks for the help, yes I am a begginer so all helps but one final thing though. I work out here all the time and if there's a chance i might run into her again what would you two do?

Careful if you workout all the time there, just be warmth if you see her and also be aware, she might bring her husband there. Just be cool and shake his hands if she brings him to you.
