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LR  First date F-close—Redhead HB9


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I'm REALLY excited about this LR....WHY?
I've had a lot of trouble in my hometown, which is pretty insular and conservative.
Met a very cute, fun, smart Redhead online, —she contacted me first and seemed to initiate more, so I knew she was potentially DTF from the beginning.
It took a while for us to meet up (which bettered the odds) as I was out of town, and busy with other dates.

We started texting before the date and talked once on the phone.
She works in the Shoe business, so I made her tell me how many shoes she has (A lot! —All of them do....this is a good 'routine' to use: Ask them how many bags or shoes they have, and then make them out to be super high-maintenance if they have a lot (more than 30 pairs for instance) or cool/low maintenance/easy if they have fewer. You can even say they're like a man if they have very few, then let them work to show you how feminine they are....but mostly they all have a lot.

I've also developed this practice of referring to dates as 'adventures' and refusing to tell women where I am taking them until the day of or the day before.
I said "i'll ping you with the details" on the day of.

Her: "I'm not sure how to 'ping?'
Me: "It's like Pong-ing, only sexier"
Her: Oh! Excellent, I should be good at that!" (did I tell you she was DTF?)
Me: "Nice way to own it, Imelda!" (for you young lads—Imelda Marcos, corrupt first lady of the Philippines, ridiculously huge shoe collection

Still, she wanted to know what to wear.
I could have just told her, but that would have reduced suspense/tension. So I held out.
Finally—she sent me two images of her in different shoes, saying "I was thinking about these....or these?"

I escalated saying It depended on what clothes she was wearing...
She then asked me "Cute Casual? Or fun and flirty - any clues?"
"Or drop dead sexy?"

(Did I mention DTF?!)

Me: "Well Ive never been disappointed to meet a drop dead sexy woman. Will you forgive me if I stare and grope?"
This was important framing....this let her know very clearly that I was turned on, comfortable with (presumably multiple) women, and would definitely be making the moves. If she did not want that, she should bail.

Her: "You're in luck! I'm very forgiving."

Oh boy was I ever in luck, boys!
I arranged to meet her at a wine bar near my home (LOGISTICS!)

I'm 42, so I don't buy into the "dont buy a girl dinner/drinks until you've had sex."
I'm not poor, I enjoy wining/dining/romancing a woman, and I believe that the traditional gender roles are sexy and a turn on for women.
I'm also not afraid of 'wasting' money on dates. I enjoy the company of women even if it doesn't become sexual.
Likewise, As much as women tout equality, I think most like to be taken care of by a strong, responsible man.
I like to go for wine or sangria and tapas....It gives me the chance to TAKE CHARGE of the ordering, and —while never cheap— CONTROL how long we stay/how much we order, etc. Whereas a standard American meal with appetizers/soup/salad/mains/etc. is far less flexible.

It was a weeknight so we met at 6:30...I arrived 20 minutes early, struck up conversation with a group of young men/women at the bar and flirted a bit with the tattoo'ed bartender. As I walked over to my table, two late 30's/early 40's women gave me the eye...I immediately opened by complimenting their (matching) boots.
We ended up talking about 10-15 minutes. One was definitely into it, could easily have number closed and probably F closed in short order, but I'm a gentleman I don't pick up other women when I'm on a date, even if she's not there yet. Still, it was good to get me in state, and when I spoke to them later during the meal, it reflected well on me as a man other women find attractive. (two of them, no less!)

My date and I clicked immediately—she's smart, sassy, driven, fun, adventurous and dead sexy. Gorgeous green eyes and light red hair, stylish...a real HB9!
I asked her about previous relationships and opened up a bit about mine.
her previous boyfriend was in his 20's and lacking ambition. I'm 10 years older than her, so this played naturally into my strengths as a capable guy who could really lead and inspire her instead of needing to be led and encouraged BY her. (...and really, Fuck Me, I made that mistake myself with my ex-wife, I will never go back to that crap!)

We had a few nibbles and two glasses of wine each and then decided to go to a Whisky bar she mentioned in conversation.
I'm kind of a minor whisky expert so it gave me a chance to show off, and we drove together in my car, so it was good to move/isolate/escalate.
Whereas we had been sitting across from each other at location 1 and I was only able to kino by touching her arm a bit from time to time,
I made sure we sat side-by-side at location 2 (VERY IMPORTANT!) so I could escalate Kino. I kept trying to approve things she said and give her '2 points' whenever she said something I approved of to set up the concept of a "reward" for good behavior so I could kiss her, but it didn't really work, so I just grabbed her Chin gently, pulled her in and kissed her. Repeated that several times. Lots of people around us looking and I did not give one flying fuck. This girl is awesome!

As we finished our dram, she asked me "so...where should we go now?"
In the old days that would go straight over my head, but based on many failures in the past and everything I have learned from Chase and other PUA's I knew very well that meant "let's go to your place!"

Instead I suggested another place I like which was closer to my house for another glass of wine.
Good news——It was closed!!!
I said, "let's go back to my place, I have plenty of nice wine there."
I also referred to something she wanted to see at my house, which I had seeded earlier.

No resistance whatsoever.
Brought her in, very gentlemanly, guiding her at the small of her back and making sure she was ok up the stairs in her black sexy heels.
I made her take her shoes off immediately as my 'house rule' to avoid tracking in dirt and not disturb the downstairs neighbors.
(it really IS true, but just conveniently works out to make her comfortable and start disrobing!)
Gave her a casual tour...I have a lot of art from different places in the World I have traveled to which was fun to introduce her to, and is one more DHV for me.
When we passed through the bedroom to see a piece of interesting art I own, I casually flipped my hand in the direction of the bed and said "and that's where all the magic happens"—to which she beamed and giggled.

Living room—poured two glasses of wine, lit a scented candle. (I ALWAYS have wine and candles in the house!)
talked some more, kissed a lot, groped her back and ass, then her chest and nipples, all very slow and relaxed.
When things escalated enough, I slipped off the sofa, lowered myself down to kiss her breasts and stomach through her shirt,
then SUDDENLY picked her up and threw her over my shoulder...went over and blew out the candle, and carried her down the hall to my bedroom, saying "let's go somewhere more comfortable."

Flung her on the bed a little bit hard (she loved it!) and we got busy.
I am a big fan of fingering/licking for their first orgasm...it is low pressure on you and makes the rest of the session go much smoother for her.
I take my time, making sure to pay attention to all the surrounding areas before going in for the main bits.
A proper pounding was proffered, she is a proper screamer! I think she came 3 or 4 times over an hour or so.
Had to switch out condoms after our first climax together, she was a bit dry by then, so I was happy I had a new tube of KY handy. (BOY SCOUT MOTTO—"BE PREPARED!")
We chilled out for a while after we couldn't go any more, then I drove her back to her car around 2am.

Meeting her again in a couple of days.
My best date since back to my home town, with the best girl I've taken out since I have been back.
Could NEVER have done this before I discovered this community.
You guys are awesome! I have learned so much from you.
A LOT of this is taken from Christian Hudson/The Social Man's "first date blueprint" as well as Chase's "10 Rules of Texting Girls!"

I have 4 more dates with different women this week, and just number closed a girl 20 yrs my junior at a coffee shop today.
I'm still a long way form my goal of natural confidence and interaction...and even further from the ultimate goal of freedom and complete self-assurance in life as applied to women, men, business, hobbies, sports, etc. etc. etc.———but I'm starting to connect the dots and it feels great.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Your LR's never disappoint. Well written and overall great reads. From January Jones to Emma Stone? A man can't complain with a track record like that. I know you met this girl online, but tell me are all your next four dates the same or are you meeting women through day game?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

This was a really interesting post for me to read.

You being over twice my age and still applying this sort of game is awesome. It is good to know that older women respond well to the same type of game (if slightly modified)...because I know firsthand how pickup skills are like fucking voodoo magic to most people my age, the girls included, and have built a reputation with girls around my campus as the guy you'll be talking to, then suddenly be in bed with, and have no idea how you got there conversationally, emotionally, or logistically (no roofies involved, just game ;)), but have vaguely wondered if these skills will translate well to middle age, which it seems they do.

I also agree with you completely on the whole wine and dine angle. At your age (no offense intended, "at your age" was simply the best way for me to word this), I could definitely see myself taking a more romantic dinner type approach to dates and lays; it certainly makes more sense than rolling down to the nearest club and getting shitty to loud rap and electronic music to mac on girls that could easily pass as your children. I would just feel uncomfortable in a crazy venue like that, so I can see how you would prefer a more mature route.

I also like how you have carefully applied a lot of different techniques to hammer out your own unique style/routine of game that seems to work pretty damn well for you. You certainly don't seem to be lacking in confidence, which is really the key to implementing any of this stuff, and seem to have an effective method in place for assuring the woman is impressed with your bedroom performance. Looks like you have a process that works for you, keep putting it to good use man.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Landlord said:
All of them do....this is a good 'routine' to use: Ask them how many bags or shoes they have, and then make them out to be super high-maintenance if they have a lot (more than 30 pairs for instance) or cool/low maintenance/easy if they have fewer. You can even say they're like a man if they have very few, then let them work to show you how feminine they are....but mostly they all have a lot.

I've also developed this practice of referring to dates as 'adventures' and refusing to tell women where I am taking them until the day of or the day before.
I said "i'll ping you with the details" on the day of.

Her: "I'm not sure how to 'ping?'
Me: "It's like Pong-ing, only sexier"
Her: Oh! Excellent, I should be good at that!" (did I tell you she was DTF?)
Me: "Nice way to own it, Imelda!" (for you young lads—Imelda Marcos, corrupt first lady of the Philippines, ridiculously huge shoe collection

Still, she wanted to know what to wear.
I could have just told her, but that would have reduced suspense/tension. So I held out.
Finally—she sent me two images of her in different shoes, saying "I was thinking about these....or these?"

I escalated saying It depended on what clothes she was wearing...
She then asked me "Cute Casual? Or fun and flirty - any clues?"
"Or drop dead sexy?"
Awesome routine with the shoes! - I always used to use shoes as a way of moving into basically appreciating her in a sexual way - its the most gentle way into doing that I think - more sexual than jeans less sexual than underwear which is a bit much! I like to say it says a lot about a girl and then just not tell her what. I like your tease of too many and too few - the guy joke is classic - girls try to play this all the time "you are such a woman for using shampoo/moisturiser etc" so its great to use it back on them!

How did you get her wondering what to wear - something else I used to do but have forgotten how to use?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Sly said:
Your LR's never disappoint. Well written and overall great reads. From January Jones to Emma Stone? A man can't complain with a track record like that. I know you met this girl online, but tell me are all your next four dates the same or are you meeting women through day game?

Thanks sly. I meet few women in day game because there aren't a lot of busy daytime centers here. I met someone at the supermarket whole foods who I dated for a bit and one at an art fair which became fwb situation, every once in a while someone at a coffee shop.

I would prefer day game-- especially b/c 42 seems old to some late 20's/early 30's girls ( my preferred range) but Imost people peg me younger in person, and good chat/ confidence trumps all in person.

The 22 yr old nclose was coffee shop, around 4pm.... She was being indecisive in front of me in line, I teased her about it, then I gave her a fun "decision tree" quiz (hot or cold, sweet or bitter, etc) and told her now she owes me a taste. Chatted with her and told her to sit down, then talked for almost two hours. A bit young for me, and I've got my hands full but nice to n close in the day.

Any suggestions where to go during the day?
If I wanted college girls it's easier, but I like a woman with more experience.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Jay said:

This was a really interesting post for me to read.

You being over twice my age and still applying this sort of game is awesome. It is good to know that older women respond well to the same type of game (if slightly modified)...because I know firsthand how pickup skills are like fucking voodoo magic to most people my age, the girls included, and have built a reputation with girls around my campus as the guy you'll be talking to, then suddenly be in bed with, and have no idea how you got there conversationally, emotionally, or logistically (no roofies involved, just game ;)), but have vaguely wondered if these skills will translate well to middle age, which it seems they do.

I also agree with you completely on the whole wine and dine angle. At your age (no offense intended, "at your age" was simply the best way for me to word this), I could definitely see myself taking a more romantic dinner type approach to dates and lays; it certainly makes more sense than rolling down to the nearest club and getting shitty to loud rap and electronic music to mac on girls that could easily pass as your children. I would just feel uncomfortable in a crazy venue like that, so I can see how you would prefer a more mature route.

I also like how you have carefully applied a lot of different techniques to hammer out your own unique style/routine of game that seems to work pretty damn well for you. You certainly don't seem to be lacking in confidence, which is really the key to implementing any of this stuff, and seem to have an effective method in place for assuring the woman is impressed with your bedroom performance. Looks like you have a process that works for you, keep putting it to good use man.


Thanks jay! I don't really have any proper routines, but you're right I definitely am using tactics like teasing, authority, logistics, dhv, etc. what were doing here is UN learning the crap we were raised with that tried to make men and women out to be exactly the same. We're not the same, and that's wonderful for both sides!

I believe..... No real experience to back this up.... That a lot of real "game"-- mystery method/Rsd club pickup/ Sasha style street day game, etc. .....does not work on women in their 30's.
Anyone confirm/deny that theory?

Because I don't interact with many women under 25, I can't say how my game would work there, I went out with one 22 yr old (she rang me on a Saturday night!) but it was not happening. And she's Asian, which used to be my specialty, still couldn't crack the ice.

Ill tell you this... With divorced milfs over 40--- forget game. They're all dtf! Any of you young guys want some easy standbys... Look for that. And don't think saggy boobs and fat asses.... There are plenty of yoga hard bodied cougars out there who are emotionally and sexually liberated. The only game necessary is libido.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
girlsfollow said:
Landlord said:
All of them do....this is a good 'routine' to use: Ask them how many bags or shoes they have, and then make them out to be super high-maintenance if they have a lot (more than 30 pairs for instance) or cool/low maintenance/easy if they have fewer. You can even say they're like a man if they have very few, then let them work to show you how feminine they are....but mostly they all have a lot.

I've also developed this practice of referring to dates as 'adventures' and refusing to tell women where I am taking them until the day of or the day before.
I said "i'll ping you with the details" on the day of.

Her: "I'm not sure how to 'ping?'
Me: "It's like Pong-ing, only sexier"
Her: Oh! Excellent, I should be good at that!" (did I tell you she was DTF?)
Me: "Nice way to own it, Imelda!" (for you young lads—Imelda Marcos, corrupt first lady of the Philippines, ridiculously huge shoe collection

Still, she wanted to know what to wear.
I could have just told her, but that would have reduced suspense/tension. So I held out.
Finally—she sent me two images of her in different shoes, saying "I was thinking about these....or these?"

I escalated saying It depended on what clothes she was wearing...
She then asked me "Cute Casual? Or fun and flirty - any clues?"
"Or drop dead sexy?"
Awesome routine with the shoes! - I always used to use shoes as a way of moving into basically appreciating her in a sexual way - its the most gentle way into doing that I think - more sexual than jeans less sexual than underwear which is a bit much! I like to say it says a lot about a girl and then just not tell her what. I like your tease of too many and too few - the guy joke is classic - girls try to play this all the time "you are such a woman for using shampoo/moisturiser etc" so its great to use it back on them!

How did you get her wondering what to wear - something else I used to do but have forgotten how to use?

Her: "You don't have to tell me the full plan ... I just need to know how to dress"
Me: "Well it's Sunday evening dear--we're just going for a nice glass of wine somewhere I can see the color of your eyes. ;>) lets meet at(xxx place).

Then she sent me two photos wearing her outfits and let me pick.
Blah, blah, blah...

Me: "Just turn up tomorrow at XXX place at 6:30, I'm sure you will look amazing, no matter what you wear."
Her: "Wait. What are you wearing?"
Me: "I'm wearing an orange prison jumpsuit with shackle accessories and my Groucho marks glasses. Hot! Right?"
Her: "the glasses do sound a little sexy!"
Me: "first Easy and now sexy... What kind of guy do you think I am, ginger?"

And so on...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Landlord said:
Because I don't interact with many women under 25, I can't say how my game would work there, I went out with one 22 yr old (she rang me on a Saturday night!) but it was not happening. And she's Asian, which used to be my specialty, still couldn't crack the ice.

Ill tell you this... With divorced milfs over 40--- forget game. They're all dtf! Any of you young guys want some easy standbys... Look for that. And don't think saggy boobs and fat asses.... There are plenty of yoga hard bodied cougars out there who are emotionally and sexually liberated. The only game necessary is libido.
HA I got told this by a friend and I think you are right it really would be worth a try.

Any advice on asians - I've always had a tough time with them (always seem really conservative) and am going to tokyo soon so any tips would be great!

Some nice laid back texting there, nice teasing


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Girls follow: sorry man I misunderstood your question. You wanted to know how I got her talking about what shoes/clothes to wear in the first place!

Since I was already teasing her about her shoe collection it was easy:

Me:" If you're not sure which pair of shoes to wear, feel free to send me a bunch of "ostrich" photos for evaluation.... I'm really good at that!"

Then she started sending me photos.
I think most women-- if given a fun, non judgement channel to do so, are very happy to send "dress up" pictures.

When you're making plans you can always just say "wear something casual/formal/comfortable/sneaky/fun/arty/appetizing/bookish/extraordinary/surprising/shocking" depending on where you are taking her.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Gf, ill answer later about Asians, but I know Asia Asians, not America Asians. About Tokyo, fishing in a barrel dude... And in case you never been there, hold on! Japanese girls are kinky as shit, and most of them are big screamers!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Landlord said:
When you're making plans you can always just say "wear something casual/formal/comfortable/sneaky/fun/arty/appetizing/bookish/extraordinary/surprising/shocking" depending on where you are taking her.
" If you're not sure which pair of shoes to wear, feel free to send me a bunch of "ostrich" photos for evaluation.... I'm really good at that!"
This is perfect!

Thanks for your response - yes its easy once you've done it a few times - I've got out of practice while in south Africa where the game was very different (party).

Landlord said:
Gf, ill answer later about Asians, but I know Asia Asians, not America Asians. About Tokyo, fishing in a barrel dude... And in case you never been there, hold on! Japanese girls are kinky as shit, and most of them are big screamers!

This is starting to sound perfect - my friend (half Japanese) is already out there working and he has said exactly the same thing RE fishing in a barrel! Also that they are just bursting to let it out. I'm assuming that its because hardly any westerners go to Tokyo (why I was a little reserved about going - thinking it isn' t really known for fun) and apparently most of the Japanese are very timid. Yep it'll be my first time there so should be epic according to what you say - would really appreciate any advice!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Landlord said:
ll tell you this... With divorced milfs over 40--- forget game. They're all dtf! Any of you young guys want some easy standbys... Look for that. And don't think saggy boobs and fat asses.... There are plenty of yoga hard bodied cougars out there who are emotionally and sexually liberated. The only game necessary is libido.

Good to know haha. I'm not particularly attracted to more than a handful of people over the age of 35 right now but I will certainly keep this in mind...

girlsfollow said:
Any advice on asians - I've always had a tough time with them (always seem really conservative) and am going to tokyo soon so any tips would be great!
Landlord said:
Gf, ill answer later about Asians, but I know Asia Asians, not America Asians. About Tokyo, fishing in a barrel dude... And in case you never been there, hold on! Japanese girls are kinky as shit, and most of them are big screamers!

I was just about to say; I have found Asians the easiest to game personally, a lot of them are just begging internally to be tied up and fucked from behind, but I sort of specialize in the shy, closet freak kind of girls (when I'm sitting around trading lay stories with my boys their response to me naming my most recent conquests is typically "You fucked [Insert name of girl widely known for being hot but introverted here]?! I didn't even know she went out/hooked up!" I find the key with these girls is either to actively force them out and show them a crazy time (careful here they could be overwhelmed by this and freak out/leave or like it a bit too much and open the slut floodgates, hooking up with everyone in sight; I've had both happen), or simply take them out and 1st date fuck them; most girls in this category are bursting with unsatisfied sexual urges).

Oh and btw Landlord, I love the scooping the bitch up and physically taking her to your bed; never tried that, but I am definitely stealing that tonight...



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Girls Follow,

What Jay said is right.
Asian culture is concerned with outward appearance and respect for (conservative) parents.
This is fully true in Asia, and I think true in a watered-down sense in American...depending on what generation they are.
Emotions are to be repressed. One should only show behavior that conforms to the Asian social values.
So what do we get when we repress our emotions?

We get ETAC's.
now you guys may not know this, but the term "ETAC" is a somewhat well known term amongst expats in Asia.
I coined it circa 1997 in Hong Kong. It stands for "Emotionally Troubled Asian Chick"

It means a lot of emotional insecurity, which is fertile ground for Game, and a lot of pent up sexual frustration, waiting to get out.
Those apparently conservative girls....well, Jay said it right.
Easy one night stands, kinky sexual interests, etc.
And if you satisfy them sexually, they can be insatiable...you're like the answer to their prayers.
So I sound pretty smart, right? Except it took 15 years and a failed marriage to a Chinese woman who I put on a pedestal to really figure this shit out.

Tokyo: There are TONS of Gai Jin Expats in Tokyo. But still you are a novelty. We are ALL attracted to the exotic
Japanese party girls know that:

!. Western guys are better hung
2. Western guys are more open, humorous, fun, aggressive
3. It's not their "real life"...their family won't know your family, nobody will hear about what she did

Your buddy will know where to go/what to do.
Run your normal game...but PRESUME the girls you meet out in Roppongi or wherever are DTF and open for one-night stands.
Just have fun, DGAF, buy them a few drinks for plausible deniability and you'll score.
Be careful of "working girls"...if a girl approaches you or gives you the eye too much, presume she's working.
Even if well dressed and super hot.
Don't get freaked out if she doesn't groom much downstairs, that's kind of common with Japanese.
And realize that Japanese culture...while all prim and proper on the outside...is really freaky and kinky in the bedroom.

I dated a japanese girl for about two years in my early 20's....one day she said she wanted to try Anal Sex.
This was a BIG DEAL. So next time, I got out the incense, candles, dim lighting, smooth music, —really tried to make things romantic and relaxed for her.
We get down to business (I was really lousy at sex in those days, learned a lot from her)...she says "wait a moment" and goes to the bathroom with her bag.

I'm thinking "ahhh, she wants to make sure she's clean 'back there' before we begin."
I swear to God...a minute later she came out with the biggest, blackest, scariest vein-bulging, leather studded, strap-on dildo I have ever seen in my life!
I nearly shit my pants.

And so—to this day, I have never been on the giving or receiving end of Anal sex, and that's just fine by me!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

I just got some strange looks buggin' my ass off in my college library when I read that shit about the dildo. I hope to see more posts from you soon haha.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013

Hahaha I was in my library when I was reading this too. Was looking over my shoulder every minute. Always wonder if someone who is active on girlschase sees me posting in the site.
