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First Date With Korean Chick


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2014
So just came back on a date with a Korean chick.
We met at a breakfast bar and we sat by the bar and ate breakfast.
We talked about:
- Our time in Toronto
- She is on work vacation holiday for a year from Korea
- I was her first Tinder Experience
- I told her about my Tinder Experiences
- What we look for in a partner
- The differences in dating culture

There was some light kino and touching going on between us... alot of talking into each other's ears.
I went for a kiss on the chick and she said, awkward. So I thought she was the type that needed more warming up.

I suggested we go to Neo Coffee Bar after and we go.

We get there and we talk about:
- Movies
- Music
- Korean Cuisine

There is some light leg play.

I suggested we go to a candlelit concert on Wednesday because I seeded the conversation back at the breakfast bar and then when we were talking about music, we talked about beethoven and linkin park and pianos and there was a Linkin Park candlelit concert in our city. She said because of her work schedule she won't know until Tuesday.
Then I told her i have to go study for an interview tomorrow and i had fun.
Although the end was awkward, I was walking out and she followed and I assume we would walk together in the same direction but at the door
she said bye for now and needed to go to the restroom.

Not the best vibe on the date... it sounds like from what she said about Korea's dating culture she is conservative.

18 minutes after the date she sends me a text:
It was nice talking to you xxxx.
I hope you do well in your interview.
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Michael Chief

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 10, 2018
I'd say I know Korean women and Korean culture pretty well. The culture's Confucian roots has certainly led to a lot of sexually conservative attitudes.

It sounds like her frame about dating norms and expectations could have been stronger than yours considering the topics discussed and the relatively slow pacing of escalation. If someone is visiting from a different country, they're more willing to have a "when in Rome" attitude and drop some of the conservatism from their home culture. You need to take advantage of that by establishing strong frames.

If your cheek kiss was actually smooth from an escalation or compliance ladder standpoint, and she still said it was awkward, that's when you could have emphasized that it's completely normal here. Welcome to Rome. If it wasn't a smooth transition, that's another issue.

If I were you I would have leaned a bit more into sexual framing, discussed differences in hookup culture rather just dating culture, openly discussed her sexual values while framing any conservative ones as something she doesn't need to adhere to in this new and amazing place, and just turn her on like crazy with sexual state projection the more she passes compliance tests, etc.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2014
Yeah i see certain issues with my game from this post:
1. I have trouble setting sexual frames unless the girl is already sexually into me and offers minimal resistance. If I get rejected sometimes I am good at laughing it off, rebuilding comfort and trying again later, sometimes i am not.
2. I need to get better at sexual state projection, sometimes I can do it and sometimes if I am anxious I cannot. If the girl is giving of strong sexual vibes, I can feel it and I react to it.
3. Compliance test is a new topic for me, it sounds like getting her to comply with a request.
- I was leading the conversation, any question I asked, she answered
- She complied with moving from the breakfast bar to coffee shop
- I may or may not have her compliance for the date on Wednesday....
4. I will definitely take the "when in rome" attitude to heart, it makes total sense.

Right now I am in text game mode until Wednesday so I am wondering what approach I should take, unless the girl is into me, my text game is not that good.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Asian women, particularly inexperienced Asian women, need to be led.

There are many ways to skin this cat, but my go to with Asian/Indian women is to be very warm (jolly even 😄) with lots of touching. Nothing too overtly sexual. Just go overboard on making her comfortable with you, and then assume the sale and take her through your steps to get her back to your place as if it is the most normal thing for two people to do on a date. If you can tell she is uncomfortable happily ask her if she is ok with whatever you just proposed (and your happiness will often be contagious), and if not happily change your mind to staying put for a little bit, then try again in 5-10 minutes or so.

Once you get her at your place and you are settled in, SPONTANEOUS KISS her. Look it up on the main site if you're not familiar with the term. Plant one on her when she least suspects it, break off the kiss yourself before she has a chance to react, keep talking as if nothing happened (with maybe a twinkle in your eye), and repeat until she is visibly ravenous. Then gently but firmly escalate to sex, and be patient/warm if it takes time to get your cock in her.

Here are two of my LRs involving conservative/inexperienced Asian women you will find very helpful:
