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- Oct 28, 2013
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I decided to hang around one of the cafeterias and do work today (God knows I can't get work done alone in my room). While sitting and watching programming videos on my laptop to study for my exam, out of the corner of my eye I notice this BEAUTIFUL girl pass by!!! My eyes bugged out and I could not help myself from staring. She passes by and my jaw drops and in my head I'm yelling, "DUDE DUDE GO APPROACH HER!!!!!" I find this so funny because I posted in one of the threads a picture of this gorgeous indian actress and despite not getting a great look at her body cos she was in a pea coat, all I can say is my gosh this girl has the facial features! A battle in my head ensues for whether or not I am going to approach while I am casually looking back and then away to see if she's still around (Earlier, I'd let this one girl unknowingly go because I decided to wait a few more minutes before passing, didn't want the same mistake to happen again). Finally I decided, "Alright. After she orders her food I'm going to go up and talk to her." She orders and sits down and then I do nothing. At that point I was telling myself, "You are really gonna hate yourself if you let this girl pass by man. LOOK AT HER!!!!" I stopped, took my headphones out, said, "Fuck it", and walked the long way around to approach from her side.
Despite having talked to her just a hours ago, I can't remember the whole situation clearly but this is what I can remember:
Me: "Excuse me, are you single."
Her: "What?"
Me: "Are you single."
Her: "Yes. I am single." Her face is confused a bit which slightly scared me but I kept calm and continued onward despite nerves beginning to build. Reasoning: this doesn't happen often to her.
Me: "Okay cool... I was just curious. I thought you were really attractive and had to come over and tell you. I'm TheWiseFool.
Her: "*Mentions her name but repeat it back mistakenly so she mentions it again and I get it right*." I am terrible with names, need a memory trick for that.
Me: "So... what's your ethnicity?"
Her: "I'm Pakistani."
Me: "Wow *pretend surprise* I would have never guessed it." *I pause cos 1) I don't know what to say. 2) I want to see if she'll pick up the conversation.*
Her: "And what ethnicity are you?"
Me: "Me? I'm Filipino."
Her: "I have a lot of filipino friends. Do you know a sophomore by the name of Maria?"
Me: "Unfortunately I don't. This is my first semester here so I don't know many filipino people. Do you commute or do you live on campus?"
Her: "I commute, sorry" :/
Me: "*playfully* Ah man, that means I won't see you around often."
Her: "I knoooow *sad face* Hey, I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm not looking for a relationship right now *something something*, but we can be friends *smiles*"
Me: "That's cool. I'm not looking for a relationship either." I can tell she's trying to create a friend frame
Her: "Yea most of my friends are white, blue-eyed males so it'd be nice to have someone who's different."
Me: "Yea, I know the feeling. Most of my friends at my old school are mostly white." No offense my white brothers! I love and find all people interesting!
Her: "Yea they always want me to go out and party on the weekends."
Me: "That's funny cause my roommate is always telling me, 'Hey, you wanna go to the bar tonight?' and I always tell him, 'Yea.... I'm gonna stay in my room tonight...'" So, Where are you from?"
Her: "I went to *high school*." good cos she lives close by and break is coming up so even better if this works out
Me: "Oh cool, I used to run cross country so I know the place."
Her: "And you?"
Me: "*My high school.*"
*She smiles, which prompts me to ask*
Me: "Yea, when I mention it to people I get some jokes. What do you think of it?" I come from a high school where you are either really rich, stuck-up, and DGAF about high school or your parents are hard working and you take high school seriously. I am of the latter.
Her: "Um, I haven't heard anything bad about it, but I know a few things."
Me: "Oh good haha. So... what are you up to today?"
Her: "I have an engineering practical on IR systems"
Me: "And what are you going to be doing in that?"
Her: "Making an IR system."
*She makes a confused face, which I assume she doesn't think I know what she's talking about*
Me: "IR as in infrared system...?"
Her: "Yes."
Me: "So as in practical you mean you are going to be making something, in this case an infrared system?"
Her: "Yes."
Me: "And I'm guessing you have to get going soon cos of exams?"
Her: "*Something that alludes to her having to leave*"
Me: "Yea, I gotta get back to studying for my computer science exam tomorrow." *I was gonna use this to segway into getting her contact information, but...*
Her: "Oh cool, I'm a computer science minor."
Me: "Interesting. What do you want to do with that?"
*Someone from the cashier calls her receipt number. She tells me she has to get it and I wait patiently and give myself time to breathe and think, "Be cool. What would James Bond do?"*
After she returns, she decides to stand and is fully facing me, rather than sitting down beforehand.
Her: "I don't know. I've always liked it. *Mentions to computing languages then smiles kind of nervous about being seen as nerdy I guess*."
Me: "Hey, you know more than me! I just switched over."
Her: "What school did you come from?"
Me: *Gives doubtful expression* "I doubt you know of it cos it's a small liberal arts college, but it is *my old college*."
Her: "Oh no, I know of *my old college*."
*I genuinely smile and realize that I've started to relax*
Me: "Oh wow, I'm impressed. So what grade are you in?"
Her: "I'm a freshmen."
Me: "No way! I would have never guessed it."
Her: "Really? Most people tell me I look like I'm 13." YES! I'm not in the other category!
Me: "Yea, people always tell me I look younger than I actually am."
Her: "I'm surprised that you came up to talk to me during the day. *Something along the lines of, "It must take a lot of courage to do something like that"*."
Me: "Not really, I mean... you either watch someone pass by you or you don't." The not really part was me lying about it taking a lot of courage, but the second sentence is something I've ingrained into my head day after day of letting women that give me IOI's or approach invitations pass by.
Her: "*Some qualifying statement*. I wish I could do that. I want to live in *Dorm near my place* next year but my classes usually have no girls in them."
At this point, my genuine need to help people change "helpless" mentalities kicks in:
Me: "Well, you just gotta walk up to girls outside of class and talk to them."
Her: "Oh I could never do that. *Something indicating she's shy or afraid*."
Me: "It's easy. I do it all the time. We're presented opportunities all the time. It's our choice to make something happen or stay where we are at." Again referring back to my own behavior with seduction and hoping to implant in her brain to either make something here happen or not. She is either in it or not at this point but I know something is going on in her pretty, little head.
Her: "I don't believe you."
Me: "Well, I'm talking to you, right? *Some witty/sexual remark about 13 year olds*." In retrospect I remember that whatever I said would've been really weird if one were to actually think about... but she either let it go or she just understood that I was blatantly attempting to be funny.
Her: "*Smiles and laughs before agreeing*"
Me: "Anyways, I really need to get back to studying for my exam." I am about to give her my number and tell her she can contact me, but I didn't want her to end up not texting me so I said..."How about you give me your (just before I say number I remembered to say...) contact information and I'll text you later. Either you text me back or you have a random number sitting in your phone."
Her: "Okay yea sure."
Me: "Alright, wait here, I just need to get my phone."
Walked over as confidently and smoothly as I could with the best sexy face I could muster before coming back.
Me: "And your number is?"
I get her number. We shake hands. I bid her off with a have a good day and I walk back to my belongings and I'm just in my own head, surprised at how everything turned out! First day game approach and I got all the way to getting her number.
I wanted to employ what The Tool does when first texting, but my phone died and I wasn't able to charge my phone until just a little over 3 hours later so I had to come here and look up what to do. And I am within Chase's 1-4 hour ideal time limit. Sent the text and was expecting her not to text back but she replied back promptly. Decided to setup a chase frame when she asked for my last name and she accepted it and gave me the same reply back.
Overall, things I need to work on are adding more chase and sexual frames during the conversation (based on what I remember, I should begin to test when my "stranger" vibe where's off). I should have moved her as well. My vocal fundamentals fell off but my body language was spot on. Speaking of body, I did not incorporate ANY touching whatsoever... that is quite frustrating with me now that I think about it. There's probably more and I'll surely get back to them, but right now I know the best thing for me to do is approach more girls so I don't mess this up. Lastly, I think this is great that I talked to this girl today and a girl on Friday. Hopefully I can get further results during winter.
Logistically speaking. I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but since she probably lives 15-20 minutes from my home, I'm sure we can arrange some meeting over break cos it wouldn't make sense for us to meet up anytime this week cos of finals. The only logical thing I could say is to study together but even then I know I wouldn't get any work done cos this really cute girl would be right up in my face.) There is this beautiful town right by my home, about 5 minutes away, with a starbucks on the corner at the heart of the main street. I am not a coffee guy, but I think that is the best place to have a conversation. If anyone can suggest me something to drink there or an alternative venue that would be very much appreciated.
Was a long read and probably nothing special, but I just wanted to document this, especially for the REALLY new guys like me. Thanks for reading
- The Wise Fool
Despite having talked to her just a hours ago, I can't remember the whole situation clearly but this is what I can remember:
Me: "Excuse me, are you single."
Her: "What?"
Me: "Are you single."
Her: "Yes. I am single." Her face is confused a bit which slightly scared me but I kept calm and continued onward despite nerves beginning to build. Reasoning: this doesn't happen often to her.
Me: "Okay cool... I was just curious. I thought you were really attractive and had to come over and tell you. I'm TheWiseFool.
Her: "*Mentions her name but repeat it back mistakenly so she mentions it again and I get it right*." I am terrible with names, need a memory trick for that.
Me: "So... what's your ethnicity?"
Her: "I'm Pakistani."
Me: "Wow *pretend surprise* I would have never guessed it." *I pause cos 1) I don't know what to say. 2) I want to see if she'll pick up the conversation.*
Her: "And what ethnicity are you?"
Me: "Me? I'm Filipino."
Her: "I have a lot of filipino friends. Do you know a sophomore by the name of Maria?"
Me: "Unfortunately I don't. This is my first semester here so I don't know many filipino people. Do you commute or do you live on campus?"
Her: "I commute, sorry" :/
Me: "*playfully* Ah man, that means I won't see you around often."
Her: "I knoooow *sad face* Hey, I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm not looking for a relationship right now *something something*, but we can be friends *smiles*"
Me: "That's cool. I'm not looking for a relationship either." I can tell she's trying to create a friend frame
Her: "Yea most of my friends are white, blue-eyed males so it'd be nice to have someone who's different."
Me: "Yea, I know the feeling. Most of my friends at my old school are mostly white." No offense my white brothers! I love and find all people interesting!
Her: "Yea they always want me to go out and party on the weekends."
Me: "That's funny cause my roommate is always telling me, 'Hey, you wanna go to the bar tonight?' and I always tell him, 'Yea.... I'm gonna stay in my room tonight...'" So, Where are you from?"
Her: "I went to *high school*." good cos she lives close by and break is coming up so even better if this works out
Me: "Oh cool, I used to run cross country so I know the place."
Her: "And you?"
Me: "*My high school.*"
*She smiles, which prompts me to ask*
Me: "Yea, when I mention it to people I get some jokes. What do you think of it?" I come from a high school where you are either really rich, stuck-up, and DGAF about high school or your parents are hard working and you take high school seriously. I am of the latter.
Her: "Um, I haven't heard anything bad about it, but I know a few things."
Me: "Oh good haha. So... what are you up to today?"
Her: "I have an engineering practical on IR systems"
Me: "And what are you going to be doing in that?"
Her: "Making an IR system."
*She makes a confused face, which I assume she doesn't think I know what she's talking about*
Me: "IR as in infrared system...?"
Her: "Yes."
Me: "So as in practical you mean you are going to be making something, in this case an infrared system?"
Her: "Yes."
Me: "And I'm guessing you have to get going soon cos of exams?"
Her: "*Something that alludes to her having to leave*"
Me: "Yea, I gotta get back to studying for my computer science exam tomorrow." *I was gonna use this to segway into getting her contact information, but...*
Her: "Oh cool, I'm a computer science minor."
Me: "Interesting. What do you want to do with that?"
*Someone from the cashier calls her receipt number. She tells me she has to get it and I wait patiently and give myself time to breathe and think, "Be cool. What would James Bond do?"*
After she returns, she decides to stand and is fully facing me, rather than sitting down beforehand.
Her: "I don't know. I've always liked it. *Mentions to computing languages then smiles kind of nervous about being seen as nerdy I guess*."
Me: "Hey, you know more than me! I just switched over."
Her: "What school did you come from?"
Me: *Gives doubtful expression* "I doubt you know of it cos it's a small liberal arts college, but it is *my old college*."
Her: "Oh no, I know of *my old college*."
*I genuinely smile and realize that I've started to relax*
Me: "Oh wow, I'm impressed. So what grade are you in?"
Her: "I'm a freshmen."
Me: "No way! I would have never guessed it."
Her: "Really? Most people tell me I look like I'm 13." YES! I'm not in the other category!
Me: "Yea, people always tell me I look younger than I actually am."
Her: "I'm surprised that you came up to talk to me during the day. *Something along the lines of, "It must take a lot of courage to do something like that"*."
Me: "Not really, I mean... you either watch someone pass by you or you don't." The not really part was me lying about it taking a lot of courage, but the second sentence is something I've ingrained into my head day after day of letting women that give me IOI's or approach invitations pass by.
Her: "*Some qualifying statement*. I wish I could do that. I want to live in *Dorm near my place* next year but my classes usually have no girls in them."
At this point, my genuine need to help people change "helpless" mentalities kicks in:
Me: "Well, you just gotta walk up to girls outside of class and talk to them."
Her: "Oh I could never do that. *Something indicating she's shy or afraid*."
Me: "It's easy. I do it all the time. We're presented opportunities all the time. It's our choice to make something happen or stay where we are at." Again referring back to my own behavior with seduction and hoping to implant in her brain to either make something here happen or not. She is either in it or not at this point but I know something is going on in her pretty, little head.
Her: "I don't believe you."
Me: "Well, I'm talking to you, right? *Some witty/sexual remark about 13 year olds*." In retrospect I remember that whatever I said would've been really weird if one were to actually think about... but she either let it go or she just understood that I was blatantly attempting to be funny.
Her: "*Smiles and laughs before agreeing*"
Me: "Anyways, I really need to get back to studying for my exam." I am about to give her my number and tell her she can contact me, but I didn't want her to end up not texting me so I said..."How about you give me your (just before I say number I remembered to say...) contact information and I'll text you later. Either you text me back or you have a random number sitting in your phone."
Her: "Okay yea sure."
Me: "Alright, wait here, I just need to get my phone."
Walked over as confidently and smoothly as I could with the best sexy face I could muster before coming back.
Me: "And your number is?"
I get her number. We shake hands. I bid her off with a have a good day and I walk back to my belongings and I'm just in my own head, surprised at how everything turned out! First day game approach and I got all the way to getting her number.
I wanted to employ what The Tool does when first texting, but my phone died and I wasn't able to charge my phone until just a little over 3 hours later so I had to come here and look up what to do. And I am within Chase's 1-4 hour ideal time limit. Sent the text and was expecting her not to text back but she replied back promptly. Decided to setup a chase frame when she asked for my last name and she accepted it and gave me the same reply back.
Overall, things I need to work on are adding more chase and sexual frames during the conversation (based on what I remember, I should begin to test when my "stranger" vibe where's off). I should have moved her as well. My vocal fundamentals fell off but my body language was spot on. Speaking of body, I did not incorporate ANY touching whatsoever... that is quite frustrating with me now that I think about it. There's probably more and I'll surely get back to them, but right now I know the best thing for me to do is approach more girls so I don't mess this up. Lastly, I think this is great that I talked to this girl today and a girl on Friday. Hopefully I can get further results during winter.
Logistically speaking. I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but since she probably lives 15-20 minutes from my home, I'm sure we can arrange some meeting over break cos it wouldn't make sense for us to meet up anytime this week cos of finals. The only logical thing I could say is to study together but even then I know I wouldn't get any work done cos this really cute girl would be right up in my face.) There is this beautiful town right by my home, about 5 minutes away, with a starbucks on the corner at the heart of the main street. I am not a coffee guy, but I think that is the best place to have a conversation. If anyone can suggest me something to drink there or an alternative venue that would be very much appreciated.
Was a long read and probably nothing special, but I just wanted to document this, especially for the REALLY new guys like me. Thanks for reading
- The Wise Fool