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FR  First digital field report


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Hi PUA newbs and professionals, just joined the Girls Chase discussion board and am excited to share my weekly outings hopefully I can contribute just as much as I have taken away from this discussion board! I decided to join to not only to publish my outings publicly but to increase my motivation (that i'm in desperate need of) by comparing and contrasting with others. I was writing down my approach encounters on a notepad but Chase noted in the sticking points post to come on here and do it which I believe I will enjoy more. Anyway on with today's encounters!

Recently I got my fake I.D. taken away from my favorite club so I am currently day gaming it up! I have more anxiety in day game but I seem to get better results so far and I feel like it's easier to get into decent convo. I needed today to get some fathers day stuff for my dad and spice my wardrobe up a bit so I hit the mall up. I have had decent results (for me at least) at my local mall in the past so I felt more "settled in" here. I had a slow start moseyed my way around saw a few decently cute girls that passed me by I should have opened. Checked out a couple shops ended up at freaking Tilly's, Idk if they have those all over the U.S. or not but it's like a wanna be surf shop, decided to check out some shirts since I need some. A super cute retail attendant helped me out and I got her opinion on a couple shirts and we talked for a min. I put on the most masculine vibe I could muster with good eye contact and we bantered for a second before putting me in a fitting room upon which she asked me my name in a curious manner. We exchanged names and told me she would bring me some more shirts that looked good to try on, which was cool im going to mark that up as investment since she offered. I tried on a shirt and went out of the fitting room to ask her opinion/flirt and then built a little rapport on her job/school. Got finished trying on shirts and got her to ring me up. I liked her felt she was somewhat into me so after she wrung me up I told her I needed help with some shoes to get her away from other employees so I could ask her on a date. She instantly knew the deal and said something she knew I didn't want shoes. I brought her over to the shoe section and told her we should get a cup of coffee tomorrow since she was off and said she had a boyfriend but we could be friends. I gave her a sultry look and a slight grin and told her friends are always fun. Then recieved more resistance to the date she said she had church tomorrow and was a relax type of day. Hello! why not relax with your new "friend" at a coffee shop. Anyway I didn't see it going anywhere so I told her it was cool and thanked her for the shopping experience none the less.

Had a bad day discipline wise. Even though the mall wasn't packed with women today I missed 3 or 4 decently cute girls I should have opened. The sexiest girl I saw had a mini skirt and a vibrant pink shirt on I immediately got up and pursued (hotter girls make me get going faster) she of course got a call and started talking and I knew I should have gone up and told her I was more important but I didn't shoot from the hip and instead followed her around without her knowing waiting for her to hang up. Of course she didn't and walked to the starbucks line which I decided I'd still wait for her to hang up before getting in the line to open her. When she hung up the phone I headed back over to open and some old guy got in line behind her before me

*lesson learned shoot from the hip even if she's on the phone. I may not get a second chance.

Left the mall single handed and with no real approach down for the day ugh! Oh well the bookstore was next!

The Bookstore: One hot girl in the whole books a million with a friend in the coffee area. I noticed her get up and go browse by herself the personal growth section, freaking awesome love that section hope we hit it off! Pretended to check out a book or two and see what she did. She ended up moving towards me to the middle of the bookcase in which I did the same thing and decided to go indirect direct like Chase says in Shopping pickup. I pre-opened got her looking at me and was shocked to see when my eyes met her's that she looked rather aghast and I asked if she knew where the equestrian sports section was. She completely missed the humor and went colder than eskimo nipples and said she didn't like sports. I looked at her sexily and told her that I didn't think that section existed while her aghast expression grew more upon which a friend out of nowhere ripped her away from me nowhere to be seen again. It was funny watching her expressions as we talked I think my pre opening may have been to strong or she was in wrong frame. Next time I will finish my opener and tell her I think shes cute to see if her expression lightens.

Anyway a crappy day game outing #'s wise but I still went out and met girls and even learned something so awesome anyway! Will do better tomorrow at the beach!

Sorry for the long post don't feel like revising and shortening it will also do better on that tomorrow. Cheers to awesome pick ups!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Glad to have you on board, Mr.Rob! You seem like a cheerful sort and it makes me feel good to know that there's another sorta-newbie on the boards. Solidarity!