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FR  First Field Report - So close to closing!

Demo Jones

May 5, 2014
Hello All,

I’d like to start off by sharing my appreciation for this site. About 3 years ago I was going through a stage where I felt completely and utterly worthless, luckily for me I had a friend who promptly told me that things weren’t as I believed them to be and from that day I’ve been on ‘the path of self-improvement’. Since then GC has been insanely helpful, not only with seduction, but with socialising as a whole. I can confidently say that without such a comprehensive, intelligible resource I wouldn’t be able to even imagine what I’m about to type ever happening to me.

Here’s a bit of background; I’ve been working on my fundamentals for a while now, I’d say they’re pretty up to scratch. Otherwise most of my practice regarding pick-up involved reading the articles and the boards, occasionally experimenting with the more subtle concepts (the law of least effort at school, opening tellers and shopkeepers, etc) where and when I felt comfortable. There were a few times I reached out of my comfort zone which resulted in some rather chaotic thinking. Lately I’ve used meditation and certain spiritual/psychological tools to help me overcome some debilitating guilt I was facing (due to societal conditioning, among other things) whenever I saw most girls in a sexual light.

Now for the good part:

I don’t really go out much, but I recently started a bartending job at a nightclub. On the second night of training I noticed one of the patron’s, a short, curvy girl with short blonde hair. I’m pretty sure there was some eye-contact flirting but nothing more.

About a week later I saw her again, except this time I wasn’t working and had a TON of social proof from the friend I brought with and a friend’s birthday party that was being held at the club (there were also two girls who seemed to be trying to pick-up the whole club, was a nice confidence booster though).

I spent most of the night working the club solo. At some stage the blonde girl (who will now be referred to as “Jane”) sent her friend to tell me she thought I was cute. Some time passed, I went to the bar to order a drink when she approached to do the same (supposedly), we basically ended up opening each other. Then, mid-conversation, the birthday-girl and one of her friends came up to us to compliment me on my body, which killed the conversation I was having with Jane, she went back to her friends not long after that. (This seemed like a weird cockblocking/wingwoman kind of experience, I’d really like to get someone else’s perspective on that.)

Anyway, a while later I decided to approach her, but she seemed pro-occupied with part of the group she was with (there was some guy there, he was definitely into her), so instead I approached the friend that relayed the compliment and started a conversation with her. Jane came up to us to join in. I took the opportunity to deep dive her as much as possible. She then asked her friend to dance with her to a song, her friend declined and I (possibly a bit too hastily) proposed I take her place.

We danced for about 30 seconds before she started moving closer to me. I suggested we go outside onto the roof, she followed. As soon as we hit fresh air we started making out and feeling each other up. I proposed I take her home, to which she had several (seemingly valid) objections, but still seemed very keen on the idea, asking for my number.

Her friend came to fetch her, and as she left she asked “but I’ll call you later, hey?”, to which I replied “yeah” in a ‘duh, of coarse!’ kind of tone. I ended up having to leave around the same time and didn’t look her way when I passed her.

She hasn’t called, not that I really expected her to.

I have a few questions:
1. The cockblocking/wingwoman thing
2. Should I have persisted more when proposing I take her home?
3. Any opinions on whether or not I should have looked her way on passing?
4. Should I have called later that night/next day to organise something (the next day was briefly brought up by her)?
5. Anything else you feel like throwing at me
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake