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FR  First Field Report


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 30, 2014
Hey everyone, new guy over here.
l will go directly to the tale any questions and comments are always welcome.
The Beginning
l met this chick at a salsa event, she's a beginner am in the intermediate level. l did the cube and the Skydiving games, and they worked like a charm. shes a 24 year Psychologist and she actually said,"l have never seen anyone who read me so well so quickly, thats is actually kinda scary." she shut me out for the rest of the evening, l think l really spooked her with this.
Anyway, l got her number and we started chatting. l was looking for a spot to take her for the coffee,and was also very much scared since it would my first date in such a situation, going with a chick both wiser and pretty dang sharp, so l took almost 2 weeks but l finally did it and we agreed to meet on Thursday.
The Date
Thursday rolls in and l head to the cafe, she says to give her 20 mins so l knew l was waiting for an hour. In the meantime, l start chatting with this friendly Ethiopian(Am Kenyan), and he really helped me pass the time. An hour and 20 mins later, l get her call telling me to get her at the stage. So we settle down and l introduced her to the two chicks who run the cafe and who are both very good friends of mine. l am currently working on my voice and posture, so to kill two birds with one stone,l take deep breaths when talking in order to both pause, and sound deeper.
We talk about her work, and l try to get things sexual by introducing Nancy Fridays book, l ask about her fantasies, nothing, l ask if she does anything exciting, she says she can be wild but she gives no details. So now its a game of minds, me trying to build up pressure and she constantly dissipating it. The thing was, she knew what l was doing, and everytime l gave her intense eyes, imagining her screaming my name in bed, and she would take a deep breath, then tap me three times and smile like she knew what l was thinking and she found it funny.
so anyway, l have no idea what to do, so l tell her to come with me, its like 8 in the evening. she asks me where we are going and l decide to go nuts and tell her we going to my place. We board, and head home. i paid for both the fair and the coffee, came to like 120 sh, probably 2 dollars max.
My Room
So, theres this story in the booK Galillee that l once read to a girl and she went nuts. l pulled the book out and read it to her using sexy voice, or what l think is my sexy voice. then l tried escalating, no dice. no kiss, but my hands are all over her. This went on for a solid 2 hours, and she said she had to head home.
I took her to the stage and she left. Before she left she asked me why l was smiling so evilly, and l said"am imagining you naked screaming my name." and she said"oops!(its her trademark,whenever shes surprised), you should be thinking that !" with a smile and hitting my arm playfuly.
l am honestly pretty happy about this for two reasons 1) l managed a pull 2) l faced my fears and it worked out
now afterwards we were texting, she texted me" l like your confidence by the way"
I told her that we should meet soon but she say that shes about to get busy but want to see me soon. l take this a not so sure will happen thing.
any advice and comments are welcome


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: First Field Report


Please make sure to read the posting guidelines for the Field Reports board and label your topics appropriately. I have labeled this one for you appropriately as an "FR."




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 30, 2014
read and understood,thanks
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake