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First Journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 5, 2021
Goals, Insights and Other Things.

2 Dec 2021

Great start to the month. 2022 is looking to be my best year yet. 2021 hasn’t been too bad either. Every year I’m a lot better than I was the last. SO, there’s that to be grateful for already.

Some goals to get a head start rolling into the new year.

Starting today

Gonna quit porn and stop masturbating for a while - might jerk off once or twice every couple of weeks to keep sex drive from crashing. Tough because I quite like porn, I’m a lot less a porn hater and a lot more a porn aficionado.

Starting w/in ~a week

Hit gym 3x/week, more is fine but no more than 5x a week (i.e., 6 times is too much). W/O giving away too much info, I can train free weights/machines AND get as many boxing lessons and cardio sessions as I want FOR FREE (I know the owner of the joint ;)).

Or, I can hit up one of the local, elite-level Jiu-jitsu gyms and start training in that. But, since it’s free, I’m thinking 3-4 days of lifting and a day or two of boxing/cardio.

Starting tomorrow

Practice Daily “Renaissance Time” – re: Perry Marshall from Chase’s “Glowing screens” article… before picking up phone, or watching the news, or jumping on the internet, take time to write down your thoughts ideas plans hopes dreams fears regrets, things you’re grateful for, how you want the day week month year and rest of your life to look like. Dig really deep in there and flesh everything out. Very cathartic.

Also going to print out planners like this to write out a healthy, manageable schedule (mine is currently shit). Tip I got from someone a lot wiser than myself: purposefully schedule lots of down-time throughout your day, so that if you work through it it's a bonus, and if you don't then it's not a penalty.

Undefined entirely – actually need a bit of perspective from older hands

Not approaching right now, not sure when to start tbh. I don’t want to go into this the same way 95% or whatever guys do and burn out quickly or see meager results and kill themselves (jk).

Need a plan. Thinking of chunking out very specific blocks of time for gaming, so I’m not approaching in a sporadic manner. But, that doesn’t exclude approaching outside of those times IF the opportunity presents itself.

I dunno. *shoulder shrug* I like my idea. Will peep others' journals, posts, get a better idea of what works and create a plan of attack.

Feel free to chime in and tell me what you would do to get better.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Hi timo! Good to see a fellow newbie starting a journal.

As for approaching, I suggest saying one thing to one person you don't know every day. It doesn't have to be an attractive girl, it doesn't even have to be a girl, but it will help you break that barrier of talking to strangers. I've found that getting in the habit of being social makes it much easier to meet girls than chunking out a time specifically to go approach.

Oh, and don't measure your success by what their response is! Remember that you succeed the moment you say something.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 5, 2021
7 Dec 2021
Was checking out @Ambiance's journal and man, that gave me soooooo much fucking juice to set my goals higher and my bar in general higher, and to work harder than ever towards them. SO thanks for that Ambiance:)

Fleshed out my goals a bit more. I also included brief reasons for why I want to reach these goals.

Note: I’m giving myself some leeway since as we all know, everybody is at a different level and should adapt at their own pace

Quit Porn and Jerkin’
Plain and simple, same as I wrote in the first entry. As I told the boys in the chat (s/o) it’s a race to somewhere around 17-21 days for me, that’s about my usual time needed to implement a new habit, or to kick a bad one.

Here’s my good reasons, in no particular order:
  1. Less time jerking = more time spent working on goals, working on hobbies, things I enjoy, time spent with family, meeting hot girls… more time for everything I want to do
  2. Less porn = see #1, plus an increased desire for more women (don’t all women deserve love and sex and not just 9’s?)
  3. Want to be less avoidant sexually and socially. (for beginners: read this post to understand what I mean).
  4. Want to transmute sexual energy for higher pleasures and purposes. Done it before, it’s less new-agey than you’d think.
  5. Want to be more mentally acute. Just in my experience, I find I’m mentally sharper, wittier, more curious, more cunning etc.
  6. Overall, just everything is better in a very broad, general sense. Call it placebo, call it whatever, idc, if it works for me then it works for me.



Think I’m gonna elevate boxing to my primary form of exercise. Gym can be fun at times, but is a little boring to me. Boxing, on the other hand... get that cardio up, get some combos learned, and start sparring with other rooks. Lot of fun.

I also have little to no desire to compete in powerlifting or bodybuilding – nothing really lost by not practicing those.

Reasons, which should be obvious to many here:
  1. Sexy body – look good, feel good.
  2. Have more energy – will feed positively into my other goals
  3. Improve your mood – I wanna be an overall positive force in life
  4. Sleep better – need this, my time spent sleeping is good but sleep quality needs some work
  5. Reduces the risk of illness – not really super applicable to me, I hardly ever get sick but still good to have
  6. Improves brain function – I want to get better at learning and doing things I wanna do
  7. Reduce stress – I can run a little hot at times lmao
  8. Enjoy nature – how does a tiger learn to kill? By developing killer instinct? NO, tigers have killer instinct already born in them, they learn to kill by playing. (hope I don’t have to clarify I don’t plan on killing lol just a figure of speech)
  9. Overall better, higher quality of life

Educational Goals
  1. Work through Learning How to Learn course (good little course, I recommend it, though it’s more general and less specific).
  2. Read one book per week. Note this does not include books off the Lubbock’s List or classics in general – those works demand greater attention and imo deserve more respect. Might adjust this to one every two weeks, depending how the rest of this month goes.
  3. Crystallize career path, hobbies, aspirations, etc.
  1. LHTL – a highly recommended course, running through it again. Want to internalize the lessons this time.
  2. Book per/week – Need to be strict with myself: have about a dozen books half completed cuz I get distracted. One/week is not as difficult as it sounds.
  3. Career and hobbies – Need to shore up my master plan, beyond the now. Need to ensure I'm not being illogical or short-sighted about things. Need to make sure my current "finish line" is a place I actually want to drive towards.

Pickup / Seduction
  1. Read Real World Seduction 2.0.
  2. Buy SMMA.
  3. Continue improving fundamentals.
  1. Do I really have to list them? It’s the reason we’re all here.
In all seriousness I will flesh these out later. I’m just a bit tuckered out at the moment.

Will update these at year’s end.

2022 is gonna be a killer year boys, simply cannot wait.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 5, 2021
Ending this journal prematurely, focus on infield 2022.
That said, I’m a proponent of bringing closure and so accordingly...

Started well, hit a rough patch in the middle but finished strong. I’m a solid closer :p

One thing I’ll note: my libido crashed, hard, from this. Seeking harmony on this, I concluded I’ll keep it to a limit. Outside of days/nights out.

Had to put boxing aside. Which honestly kinda blows.

Rolled with a black belt, paid the price, learned some lessons lol

Good news: worked out most every day, physique looking better already, going to be peak shape in spring-summer.

LHTL – fuckin abandoned that shit lol . . . it’s not a bad course, just fell off my radar, that’s all. Classes start up soon anyways.

Book per week – read a lot, but no books aside from RWS 2.0 and COTN.

Master plan – money goals set, some hobbies picked up (pun intended)…

Read RWS 2.0 – read it in like 3 hours lol totally killer book… see some holes in my game / approach that can be fixed immediately.

Bought SMMA

Fundamentals –
- experimented a lot with fragrance, namely from WIA’s list + some personal tastes… prepping for spring scents.​
- skin got worse but is to be expected, holidays in all… back on track.​
- stubble, facial hair on point​
- physique coming along well​
- fashion on point, just need some spring-summer duds​

Closing statements
Goals: I'd give it a 7.5/10.

Focused on getting in-field and gaining experience, gathering reference points, getting better every day.

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