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LR  first Lr... JK FIRST LAY REPORT M'Fer's! :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I don't know if any of you know or keep up with the Dave Ramsey Show, but he's a national financial advisor that has a radio show. Essentially people call him with their financial debt problems and he give's them wisdom/insight on how to best attack their situation. He does an hourly segment interviewing either a couple or person that has recently paid off all their debt to become debt free and they end the segment in an emotionally charged debt free scream. Skip to 8:20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzidq1RPXqM

To say the least this is exactly how I feel right now. "I'm regular guy free!" or something along those lines.

Anyway I don't know if hostels are just the way to go or something but there are so many women coming with a high turnover rate, and most are pretty cute. I highly recommend traveling abound and meeting women abroad to expand your reference points if you aren't already. So unfortunately this isn't a cold approach and I wish it were, but social context will have to do. Here's the story.

I'm sitting at breakfast a couple days ago and a cute brunette from Austria asks me if she can sit in the seat next to me. I tell her to take it and just share some common small talk, light banter, and a bit of deep dive. Over the next couple of days we continue to see each other around at dinner and around the camp. I kept the convo light with some deep diving and a bunch of sexual eye contact and flirting but inconspicuously in order not to get "thrown under the bus". She's a social butterfly that never runs out of things to say (usually talking about herself and cracks easy under just a little social pressure) so the conversation never went trite. Though I had to steer the conversation in ways to keep it sexual and off her talking about random shit in a platonic way all the time.

Last night I had it in mind I was going to find someway somehow to have a sexual interaction either via a girl here or go out and cold approach at the bars. Though I wanted to try my luck in the social context here before cold approaching to strike while the iron is hot (I flirt with all the girls here and they most all enjoy my presence). At dinner I sit close to this girl and make conversation with the group (3 guys, 3 girls) and the two girls I'm sitting closest to, who won't stop asking me questions and flirting with me, thus creating good social proof and preselection. We all eat dinner and talk for about and hour or two and I know I want to get the Austrian girl I like isolated.
Since everyone here seems to like giving the girls in their interactions names I figure I'll hop on the bandwagon and call this girl "EuroFreak" ;).
Anyway I want isolate EuroFreak but can't figure out a social savy enough way to get her to move with me without it being blatantly obvious so I decide to wait it out to see what happens. Eventually the two guys get up to leave and invite EuroFreak to go out bar hopping with them in which she declines saying she is too tired and needs to go to bed. The two girls that were flirting with me leave as well leaving a couple and us. The place we stay at doesn't offer desert and I want some so I bring up the subject and tell her to accompany me to get some desert. She complies (apparently she didn't have to go to bed early after all ;).

In order to get to town center from my camp it's about a 10 minute walk from where I stay. As we walk out the gate I wonder how the hell this is about to go down and how am I going to escalate and blah blah blah stuck in my head. I quickly become aware of my thoughts due to all the meditation practice I've been doing over the past 6 months and realize I need to focus on the moment and what needs to happen to get us in bed. As I become aware of the moment I notice how close we're walking together, or how close she is walking next to me at least, and capitalize the lead in by giving her sexy eye contact and vibes. She continues to walk very close to me like I'm a magnet or something and I know she wants to be touched. I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her as we walk. I usually do this at moments of emotional spike in interactions or important leading moments (crossing a street etc.) and then take my hand back but I wanted to push my comfort zone so I decided to leave my hand there while we walked. She liked it and actually moved closer to me when I did this and eventually put her arm around me as well (good investment?). I kept the vibe light and slightly sexual as we walked.

I kept bringing up the fact how life can sometimes feels like a movie and I brought her down onto the beach. Once on the beach I tell her that if this was a movie we would go close to the water hug (sexual hug) and probably kiss but since this isn't a movie we'll have to pretend kiss. We hug and of course when it's time to pretend to kiss I say "fuck it life is a movie" and we kiss. She doesn't beat around the bush and is adding tongue almost immediately. I pull back and we hold hands as we walk down the beach. At this point I'm not too crazy about finding desert anymore and I decide to simply walk back to camp in which she has no problem with. At one point I have to stop holding hands to pay for a drink on the way back and she immediately goes to hold my hand again afterwards after I pay.

As we walk back it starts to rain and then pour. I don't want to run back all crazy and think it was quite romantic holding hands in the pouring rain with not a care in the world. We reach under a street light and we start slow dancing sexually in the rain and then I hold her and make out with her in the middle of the street whilst grabbing her ass under her skirt. She really likes this and at this point I'm about 90% sure we'll sleep together, although knowing me anything could happen. We decide its cold and we need to be warmed up ;) so I take her to my room.

Once inside I tell her we need to get out of our wet clothes so we don't get sick. I take her shirt off and we start making out passionately. I take off her bar and start messaging her nipples with my tongue and kissing all over her body until all her clothes are off. Once this is accomplished I kiss in a descending rate until I get to her pussy and I start to give her oral. She goes crazy and is rapidly groping my hair. Once she seems primed for action I get up take my belt off and whip her a couple times before taking my pants off. I take my underwear off exposing my erection and get on top of her, stick my dick in her mouth, and tell her to suck it. She gives me oral. When I'm good to go I put a condom on and start penetrating. She is so excited she is wildly thrusting back in which I have to stop her because she is fucking up the rythym. At one point she tells me that I know exactly what women like in bed (I'm guessing that she means being treated like a dirty girl but being appreciated for it rather than ashamed, sexual freedom) and it kind of threw me off since this was my 3rd time ever having sex and one of my lays was a prostitute that didn't really count. Either way a nice compliment.

I continue to give it to her and think to keep my rhythm on point. We change positions a couple times and in the end I went back to the adapted missionary that chase talks about and stuck with it until she had a massive orgasm with me followed right behind. At least I think she had an orgasm she screamed and seemed to lose control of her body as her muscles flexed hard. Either way we both had a great night and I feel that the hard work I've been putting in for the past 11 months is finally paying off. Now my next challenge is to complete a cold approach lay before I leave in 10 days. Will keep updated.

But for now I'm going to celebrate, Dominican Style! Salud mother fuckers ;)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
you should have fucked her on the beach.... but it rained.... but that would have been hot

seriously, well done. all sounded pretty smooth to me. but remember don't rest on your laurels. keep going

but you should have fucked on the beach...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
haha that would've been tight your right it was actually in the back of my mind, although I say fuck the rain that would be hot but I didn't have a towel or blanket. I think it would've go pretty sandy and possibly painful. Definitely on my to do list!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
yeh keep a towel in your car in case of the unexpected but ever so hot public fuck. really cements you in her mind as a powerful lover, ever later down the line.

really cool to hear of your success though. good luck

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Awesome! Congrats...nice to know that both of our work is starting to pay off. I may have a LR coming soon. I'm going on a date this week or next and I'm pretty confident that I have this handled. We'll see.
It seems great down there in the Dominican republic. I might have to visit one day.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Very, very nice report Rob. I like the pouring rain part with the makeout and hand up skirt. Very cool. EuroFreak is a good name too ;)

You belted her? Are you kidding? How did you know she wanted it that rough?! :)) You must have a very finely-honed natural intuition for women...

Anyway, she sounds lovely. Austrians are good-looking in general, both male and female. Great lay!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Thanks for the kind words fellows I wish I could take all of you down here to get a taste of the action. I feel it's a great place to cut your teeth without a ton of competition. That's not a bad idea honestly. Girls Chase Forum trip to Santo Domingo DR! Imagine everyone going out massively approaching day and night pushing each others boundaries. I bet we could get all the guys complaining about their lack of success to conquer their sticking point. Mine included. Seriously that's a sick idea, maybe not Santo Domingo but some city with lots of daygame/nightgame opportunities, and everyone can pitch in and rent a big house... for all the girls we'll have over every night ;). What do yall think? Probably next to impossible to get everyone on here to drop what their doing and meet up for a week of mass approaching. Ah either way it's nice to dream.

Marty, as far as the belting goes I didn't really know or give a shit I just wanted to do it. I really love dominant sex scenes and yeah I guess I intuitively guessed that she would like it. I watched a video the other day talking about how everyone starts off as being spontaneous and curious but is conditioned by society not to be spontaneous and curious. The first thing I thought when I took off my belt was to whip her so I did without much thought of if she would like it or not. Guess I got lucky ;). Though probably wouldn't have done it if it were a super conservative girl.

Wes, keep us updated my man just don't get all excited about having a lay report as I have found the more I invest into thinking it might happen it never does. I didn't honestly know or expect that I would take this girl as a lover until we were taking each others close off. Like literally something always happens when I think I'm going to get laid so I've trained myself not to expect anything other than my own actions. I don't know if your doing that or not but just in case you are I would be thinking along the lines of pushing your limits and succeeding or failing like you never have before.

Cheers guys,

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Aw man that group trip sounds like a great idea. If nobody else wants to do that, I, for one, would love too.

Yea you're right about not expecting anything. I'll let you be the judge of my possibility of pulling this off. I'm going to post about the girl in my journal.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Once inside I tell her we need to get out of our wet clothes so we don't get sick.

Ahaha, that's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard! Awesome.