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FR+  First make out ever!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Seen this girl alot in my gym and I approached, I was off my fundamentals big time but I talked to her a little bit and I asked if she wanted to get some coffee with me some time. This lasted about 2 minutes haha, got the digits and followed chases text game to the letter. She later told me how she liked the fact that I didn't text too much at all and that guys send 50,000 text all the time to her.

i fucked up alot. I ran out of stuff to say (but she was asking me more questions than I was asking her) and she made decisions for me at times and I felt weak erghhh, it is my first date in 5 years though, so i need more experience. She wanted to leave starbucks, and follow me somewhere and I suggested a bar close by. At the bar I used kino, my leg was touching hers the whole night and she got close my face many times (cheek to cheek), my EC was dead on though haha. she showed me her ladybug tattoo and I touched it (haha did something right)

Failed Pull
I attempted the yes ladder and it felt awkward as she caught on and she refused , i used "forest gump" as an excuse to get her back to my place lmao I need something better than that hahah she has never seen the movie, and she was telling me that I had to try harder than that to bring her to my place erghhhh. She was nice about it though and she followed me to my car and she made out with me for like an hour, and here I got very witty and she kept saying were not going back to my place all while making out and I was like *sarcasm* "come on, I cant watch forest gump alone, and who is going to drink those smirnoffs lol" . "I would pull away from her and say nooo! dont go, my heart will break". "What you think were doing at my place? I am not easy lol" (all sarcasm).


This girl was so into me that I don't think she cared about my blunders at all lol I think my conversation game was way off, but my fundamentals were very strong.

I couldn't think of anything to say later that night, but she helped me out and asked me questions.

I did make the first move when it came to the kiss. I used the head rub haha

This girl has a bachelors degree and I felt like I was out of her league and she sensed it when i said "dang, you got a bachelors degree?"

I enjoyed making out with her, that was fun, she was a great kisser. I have never made out with a girl before that.

Any ideas on a second date guys? I feel she wants me to chase her lol I got two other girls that I have yet to contact haha


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Ocantu, good job on the make out!

Where were you making out? That might've released some of the tension you had. That might've Been one of the problems with the pull. For your first date in 5 years though, this is excellent! Keep up the work!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
I made out with her inside my car for a whole hour (too long perhaps).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
*accidental post*


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
You probably could've escalated in your car, unless you did that already. Cars aren't very comfortable, unless you have a decently big one.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
yeah, i was grabbing her ass and boobs but not too much though. She gave me LMR when my hand got close to her pussy. i told her that she should take off her jacket and she complied despite that she was already getting ready to leave haha i thought about car sex, but my car is small as hell :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
Good job ocantu. You say you made a lot of errors, but i didn't read anything that sounded too serious. Sounds more like a confidence thing, which will only come with experience. Also, i like your process and escalation. You should definitely be happy that you did a lot of good things, everything else will come in time.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Ryan said:
Good job ocantu. You say you made a lot of errors, but i didn't read anything that sounded too serious. Sounds more like a confidence thing, which will only come with experience. Also, i like your process and escalation. You should definitely be happy that you did a lot of good things, everything else will come in time.


Thanks ryan. She just now sent me a text, and she wants to hang out. hmmm, a little too soon (we dated last night) i am thinking I cant make myself too available...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Dude, get that chick to your house. She already wants you; delaying will only cause auto-rejection.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
I agree with Nick. Sometimes you have to move fast and disregard chasing. If you can get her out you can always set chase frames and restore the balance later.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
darn it haha I just told her that I am busy tonight and that we will meet again. Ok guys say I take her out again, should I limit the amount of kissing i do?
Also how can i bring her home? she didn't fall for the forest gump or nextflix line i need something more clever...

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
ocantu1987 said:
She just now sent me a text, and she wants to hang out. hmmm, a little too soon (we dated last night) i am thinking I cant make myself too available...

In situations like this she is opening the escalation window, and it's up to you to jump through it as fast as possible, otherwise you won't get her. It's actually GOOD that it's so soon, it means SHE WANTS MORE!

ocantu1987 said:
darn it haha I just told her that I am busy tonight and that we will meet again.

See if you can get her to hang out with you today or tomorrow, in my opinion.

ocantu1987 said:
Ok guys say I take her out again, should I limit the amount of kissing i do?

Someone else with more skill likely has a better answer, but I'd still suggest you keep the activity very simple and maybe even do it at or logistically near your place, like home cooked dinner and a movie. Then you can escalate comfortably. Since you've already kissed her you shouldn't limit kissing, but you should do it purposefully with the purpose of building tension, making her horny, and escalating to sex in a private setting.

You can also do her in your car if she's giving you a hard time about coming home.

My two cents.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Dude, get that chick to your house. She already wants you; delaying will only cause auto-rejection.

I agree too. The quicker the second date and the sooner you have sex (which I'd say you have a good chance of getting), the easier it will be to get that girl.

Well if you said you were busy, you need to do something soon. Invite her over for a movie, start touching her, escalate, and have sex. She wanted to hang out at your house, so clearly she's thought about sex and seems interested.

Also, I don't think letting her come over is chasing. SHE texted YOU. That's her chasing you. You accepting is just letting her catch you ;)

You got this man!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Thanks guys! we are still texting and she is not on auto rejection yet (thank goodness). I am so broke this week and I get paid on thursday, i am hoping she can bear with me till then.

I am liking this girl alot and I think I want her as my girlfriend, but sex must come first right?