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FR  First Number Close in a While (Sort Of)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I'm going to be really honest here. I'm not sure this one counts, because this was neither direct, nor intentionally flirtatious. In fact, I was trying to maintain a more platonic barrier because the girl wasn't legal.

Anyway, this was at a speech team meet for school, and people from all across the state go there to compete. This seemed like a perfect place to try something out, and so, I was always on the lookout for opportunities.

Goals for today: Don't take anything too seriously, use more touching, have fun

Only one new girl met today, and I think I'll keep it at that limit for school related things. Don't want to hit on one girl and then have her see me hit on another if you know what I mean.

I saw her as I was trying to find the room I was supposed to give my speech to. She smiled at me, and I engaged her, and we had some random banter before I asked what her speech was about.
Her: It's called "The Microwave Society." What's yours about?
Me: Prostitution :)
Her: Oh..! Against right?
Me: Nope! I'm totally for legalizing it :) You'll get a kick out of my speech, I promise.
Her: Hahaha, I bet.

(On a totally unrelated note, I absolutely love my speech topic and have a big smug look on my face whenever someone asks me about it. This is because I know they immediately assume the only reason a guy would ever support legalizing it would be for total dick reasons, but once they actually hear the speech, my legit reasons win them over.)

And so after more banter, it was time for us to go inside, where the atmosphere was stifling, stiff, and silent. Each one gave their speech one after another, and I did my usual "make everyone think you're a total dick and then win them over when you show the true colors" routine, and afterwards, we exited the room. Her and I said our goodbyes after that, and I wasn't expecting to see her again after that.

Sometime after the third round of speeches were done, I was sitting back at the table with my teammates, and the girl spotted me, smiled and waved. While still sitting down, her and I bantered some more. The topic was getting kind of mundane and I was dragging things out, but despite this, she stood there standing square in front of me while I was sitting down, body facing elsewhere.

Me: How old are you again?
Her: 14 (Dang it! This is the reason I tried to keep the platonic barrier up... She was taller than me too, so I had no idea of knowing.)

At first, I considered ending it right there, before thinking about how mean that would seem... She was standing there waiting for me to make the call of whether or not we'd get to know each other more... So I gave it to her.

Me: Do you wanna go hang out for a bit?
Her: Sure!
Me: Let's go then!

As we walked, we passed by one of her friends, who told her that her team was meeting downstairs. When she was about to apologize for having to go, her friend told her to stay with me. (What?) And so we walked off and sat down. Somewhere along the line, she called me a womanizer, where I ended up asking what that made her then... I don't remember where that was though.

Me: So anyway, besides speech, what else do you like to do?
Her: I play tennis!
Me: Tennis? Okay.. what else?
Her: I run!
Me: As in out on the street or track?
Her: It's for track. I also.. (Many other hobbies I'm too sleepy to recall at the moment)
Me: Don't you breathe?
Her: Hahaha, yes of course!
Me: Can I ask you something?
Her: Yes?
Me: What would be doing, you know, if you didn't have this stranglehold of stuff to worry about? Like what would you do without responsibility?

I don't remember my conversations anywhere near as clearly as I did during the summer because I don't have adequate sleep, but I remember conversing about this for a while, along with what she dreamed to do, her family life, her sister's sign, and her sign.

Her: Actually, we Aries can be pretty girly!
Me: I know that. Haha, it's because Aries is such a masculine sign. All the Cancers I know act really tomboyish because they're fucking feminine... And it's really easy to tell my Aries friends' true colors when I tell them they're good at some sport, even by a guy's standards.
Her: Haha, I guess.
Me: Does that also mean if I push you too much, you get confrontational and I get your wrath?
Her: Yes, that'll piss me off.
Me: ..Interesting... *push her*
Her: Stoooop-uh!
Me: Nope. I don't listen because I'm a man and men are so full of hate. *push her again*
Her: ...You're abusive...
Me: *laughs* Are you saying that because I'm Vietnamese? Haha, I don't think I could ever be one of those guys that hits women to be honest... All they'd have to do is tickle me and I'd be at their mercy.
Her: Hahaha, oh my god! I hate that! I'm sooo ticklish?
Me: Really?
Her: But don't tickle me, because that'll really piss me off.
Me: No don't worry, you'll tickle me back and I'm super ticklish too. Last year, there was a group of girls that always grabbed my ass on the way out of lunch, and they always loved my reaction because their nails tickled and I always jumped.
Her: Hahahahahahahahaha!
Me: Still though, that isn't gonna stop me from doing this *push her*
Her: Hey! Do that one more time, and I'll tickle you
Me: Do it then! *push her and then run*

After we walked back to the place we were sitting, we bantered some more until I decided I was bored just sitting there and wanted to go walk around.

Her: Can you carry that for me?
Me: You got two arms that aren't broken, carry it yourself :)
Her: So do you!
Me: Yeah, but I'm busy carrying the 4 pages of my speech.. This weighs almost .1 ounces you know.
Her: Oh yeah... I bet that's so heavy. That bodybuilding you do must really pay off...

As we walked, the conversation switched from random stuff about family, to how she wasn't the stereotypical Indian girl and how I wasn't the stereotypical Asian guy, to how I was apparently weird but in a good way, to random pranks, to my story of how I messed with people at a store with sex toys, picked up random shit and tried to get them to explain how to use them, and multiple other subjects.

Somewhere in the middle, I asked her for her number.

Me: Do you want to pull a prank with me sometime? You know, if you promise not to tickle me.
Her: Haha, sure!
Me: *Hands her my phone* Got one of these?
Her: Duh. *Puts in her number*
Me: Huh... Now what nickname should I have you as on my phone...
Her: Oh god...
Me: I know! Here it is :) I'm not telling what I put you as either.
Her: Fine, two can play at that game.

We conversed for a while after that, walking and talking, and then we found our way back to the cafeteria where all the teams were. She wanted to turn around and keep talking, but I said I had to get back to my team, and then we parted ways. The only other guy on my team immediately high fived me as I returned, and while during the whole meet, we were pretty much indifferent to each other, suddenly he began to treat me like royalty.

Something I noticed after this was that once I finish meeting a girl and say my goodbyes, if I happen to see her again on my way out, I have absolutely no idea how to greet her. Do I just turn and smile at her, or do I make a face and stick my tongue out at her? I've always been at a loss of what to do here.

But once again, this girl isn't one I plan on doing anything with, and I think from the lack of action on our little walk, she picked up on this too. But IF she texts me back, she's already in the friend zone.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
***UPDATE*** This one texted back, and despite being cold right off the bat, warmed up again, and is now sending me clips of her singing. This is only the third successful number close (no flake, no fake) that I've gotten throughout my time doing this, and the first after summer! Woohoo! :)

I just wish I could have gotten one from a girl that was actually legal for me...

I'm hoping this is a sign that I am now headed to a better place that I was when I originally ended last summer. This time around, the vibe between her and I was totally different than the vibe I had doing daygame all those times before. This sort of carefree vibe is one that I will now work on refining, and finding ways to bring it into direct daygame approaching...

Of course, next time the girl will be legal and I can be more... interesting with my wording and actions ;)