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LR  First Post In the Field


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2014
sup guys, so after reading until my eyes hurt and mentally running through interactions. I took the true test and went into the field. but before I tell you my night/week. let me tell you about myself. I have never had problems with women, getting laid or having relationships... while in school (college athlete) so predominantly social circle women. I have never actually tried to "pick up" a random girl, because i never needed to. or had a strong enough desire to get more girls. so this PUA game is all new and exciting. personally I took a look at my "game" like I did my football "game". and took a "we can always improve approach". so my weaknesses lied with pre opening, approach, eye contact etc..my strengths are talking, deep diving and being sexy I would consider myself a bit of a natural at these aspects. although I have been refining it as I read up on things here.

Now my night-dressed up yet casual- here is the look I matched (http://uncrate.com/stuff/garb-clean-shaven/) no beenie or shaving kit of course.

I was the only guy with a tie on at the bar. As soon as I walked in I was getting eye contact from men and women (men probably like wtf is this jackass doing wearing a tie. women hopefully thinking I want to F***k him but also the same as men lol)
now I did arrive solo. and stood at the bar solo to grab a drink. but I met up with some guys from work
A. just wanted to get to the know them for a better work relationship
B. fallback to get away from someone I wasnt that interested in.

I made a quick lap around the bar acting like im looking for the group, I was! but i was also just making my presence know for all to see and take in. mentally pissing on betas at least I like to think so! as i'm walking around, I can see eyes staring at me in my peripheral. and heads turning, (I never actually noticed this stuff before until i started looking for eye contact) but it was almost to much information for me to target a specific women.

so moving on. met "bro-workers" chatted for a bit and headed to the bar with one GUY to grab a round

Now standing at the bar I naturally take in my surroundings so im sure i seem like a loner/day dreamer. but i was reading the big giant menu board, and looking at the goofy pictures on the wall. out of the bottom of my gaze I could see 3 women and 2 men and 2 of the women have been looking my direction for a good couple seconds. so I made eye contact with the blond and gave her a half smile/smirk "saying I see you looking at me" and turned away as my drink had arrived and was being handed to me. still waiting on the rest of the drinks the other girl (brunette) walks up and stands in front of me and behind my friend. and after 5-10 seconds turns around and asks me if "shes in my way". (now this has happened multiple times before and at first I was lost but now I am found!) but after reading up on women and what they do to initiate communication I took this as a "hey I want to talk to you" approach from her. the earlier me would have just said no you are good and not payed any attention to it...stupid I know. so i began talking to this ok looking girl and she was nice. anyways my friend bought all her friends drinks (stupid and a waste of money) and then we stood by the bar and talked a bit and moved back to our table with the round. now this was early in the night and I really didn't want to get tied down in conversation to one girl. my mission tonight was to talk to as many women as I potentially could and work on openers either direct and situational. so the timing didn't work for my goal at least that was my thought at that specific instance in time. I really was kind of taken back by the approach, it kind of made me mad in a way. I was here to work on my game! and this chick is not letting me do work!!! she has cheated me from getting better..lol

now as we are sitting at the table I am watching for eye contact and just women that I find attractive. I didn't find anyone I was mesmerized by, but I did notice a girl across the bar staring at me or at least in my direction. so I figured I would test my gut intuition and see if i was right. so i got up and began to walk her way and about half way to her I was playfully shoved in the back by a girl I had never really talked to. but she goes to the gym I go to. she worked at the front desk and we exchanged light banter but I wasnt that attracted to her so we exchanged numbers (shes a dietician i want to use her knowledge to get from 10% BF down to 7%) and who knows maybe she will be a great friend to have in life! (still have not contacted her).

my target is in my sites I walk past her and boom! I have an opener. she has a cool looking tattoo on her arm and back. so I tap her on the arm and tell her I really like her tattoo its sexy (it was a fox or something) and I told her im a tattoo virgin etc. this chick is total opposite look of me right now (kind of goth looking but very cute) lots of eye contact and deep dived the shit out of her. anyways she asks for number! so we exchange and continue on conversation. I exit by "trying to find my group".

now this tattoo girl is actually with a guy but I didn't care. however, I did ask if they were together as i didn't want to intrude and right in front of him she says no, shes not. even tho I found out later he was trying to. sorry im not sorry. so now we are on number 2 from randoms phone numbers!

standing at the bar getting another drink 2 girls sitting next to me one has her back to me and the other is staring at me. the one who has her back turned turns and glances at me.perfect i think! another chance to test my intuition and practice a situational opener. I noticed they had fancy champagne glasses, as soon as I got my drink I turned to them and asked so what we celebrating with our fancy glasses holding my shitty plastic cup of vodka and tonic. the cute one said girls night! so i cheered them and said here's to a wild and fun girls night and introduced my self and got their names. by this time my bro-worker had come over and thank god started talking to the fat one and I pulled the cute one closer and begin asking her what does she do.( best I could think of and it turned into a nice jumping off point for deep diving). anyways long story short wasn't feeling her, even tho I think she was feeling me. and I excused my self to go sit at our table (missed opportunity to get a number I know. but I just really didn't want it)

so back to the table I go! and who do I run into but my cute blonde from earlier. her friends have been dancing. she thanked me for the drink-I said "anything for a pretty smile" and introduced myself....now here is a girl I would have actually liked to meet and get to know!! exciting right! wrong...I failed miserably!! I let her leave and didn't ask for her number.. like i had been able to do all night prior! I figured i would see her before she left and ask her then..nope never saw her again!

but of course I didn't let this dampen my day I went outside to the patio and was just trying to cool off. and staring at the stars (don't judge me) and noticed a quick glance from a cute tall slender girl with her fat blonde friend who was already engaged in conversation with two men. I walked by again and noticed she had a really cool looking glass like a tiki god glass with very nice garnish etc anyways I stopped next to her and said hey how come you get a lovely glass like that and I get this shitty plastic cup? she looks at me taken back probably by my weird statement and just says I dunno...so i respond "pretty girls get all the cool things" (in a playfully upset way)..i'm james what's your name? and begin conversation. she is smart, successful and in shape except she is just visiting her friend for the weekend but this can work for a one night thing I think to myself. so we converse and I excuse myself to the bathroom. i had to piss for real. when I come back tweedle dee and tweedle dum are back again and talking to her and the fat friend. so I walk back out and I look at her and say sorry forgot my drink give her a wink and look at the two men quickly and back to her and say "have fun" (in a way that says these guys are losers im way better) I will be inside. back to the bar again I go to refresh my drink.

once again standing waiting for a drink I get a stare and the girl opens me and says "my friends are crazy" so i say "why do you hang out with them if they are crazy that sounds dangerous but fun? wait are you dangerous or are you fun?" and we begin conversation. Now some guy comes up and snatches her up (friend/jelious guy whatever) saving her from making a mistake I would assume. so i talk to her crazy friends. and turned out to be really cool people! I went to the same college as one girl. anyways got her number (i was just practicing asking for it) and moved on back to our table.

I went looking for my blonde to get her number, as I failed before. after making a lap no blonde in sight.

so time for a drink again! standing at the bar waiting for a server tattoo girl comes up to me and asks "what am I doing later" and I said "seeing you". to which she replies "I didn't invite you to come home with me". to which I reply do you know what happens when to awesome people like ourselves get together after 1am? she says "no what"?....i pause and say "magic" (lol cheezy) I know ,but I didn't care. at this point I felt accomplished and attained my goal of opening and getting numbers. bedding women was not a goal for me tonight.

well regardless she loved it and said that was a "good one" and told me she would try to ditch the guy she came with. I said "whatever works for you" and told her it was nice meeting you have a good night.

back out to the patio for some fresh air and find my group now towards closing time I head back in to get one last drink of water this time. and i see fat blonde and sexy, smart and successful at the bar. so I begin to talk to the fat blonde and butter her up. then I move to the one I was really after and begin to connect with her and she tells me some disturbing things about her past (dad was murdered and small town life etc) here is were I think I just got lucky. bar closes and i want to bed this girl but had no idea how to ask or what to do to transition into that point thankfully her fat friend was hammered and couldn't drive. I was sober, so i offered to drive them home via their car. her friend actually pressured me to come home with them. so took her to bed and got a cab back in the morning!!! still think I got lucky, taking that girl to bed. as I did not ever say or ask her for it?? any help would be cool for this.

so all in all I situational opened 3 girls and got approached by 3 girls-got numbers from 3 girls and took 1 to bed that night.
as I look back i try to think how I can improve. and a clear point would have been with the girl I actually would have liked to get to know and I should have just treated her like all the others. Ill get that in check. transition and logistics from location to bed.

tattoo girl I texted the next couple of days and took her to bed 3 days later she paid for dinner and took me home what a nice girl but she is batshit crazy yikes!

any feedback from some of the experts would be great and if not learn from my mistakes and maybe you can take something away from my night in the field!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers