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LR  First time lay– sincerest thanks to Girlschase!!!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 18, 2013
I will do my best to flesh this out after my holiday performances finish up this weekend, but for now, I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally took my first girl to bed last night after two months of being a member here on Girlschase! Some of you may already know me as the "holy man" who took a 15 year hiatus from women. I've been struggling immensely to overcome my own hang-ups and former self-image, but I am stubbornly determined to rebuild myself into a red-blooded male with player instinct. I never would have been able to do this without the information and inspiration from the writers here at Girlschase. Thank you!!!

Details soon…



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 18, 2013
Marty said:
Good deal. Was it the gal that texted you at 2 AM requesting a coffee date? =)

Actually, no, she's one I haven't mentioned here before. I met her through a new social circle that took me in after getting to know a few bar tenders from my new night life out alone. She's a college professor of photography. It's funny– 2 months ago, I was terrified at the prospect of sitting in a bar at all, much less by myself! After considering Chase's stories detailing his humble beginnings of forcing himself to get out there, I decided I owe it to myself to follow in his footsteps… from one calculating nerd to another. Even my avatar wouldn't exist without his POF article. It's the greatest thrill in the world to break out of an old, hardened shell and start growing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 18, 2013
2nd lay with 3rd coming tonight...!

"You're not human... what are you?" —words uttered by my first lover two night's ago when I finally got the chance to bed her a second time after her long vacation with family over New Year's break. Then followed, "I think you broke my vagina..." four hours later, at the end of our third discrete round.

Gym workout pays! ...along with steadfast determination to give a girl all that she can handle physically. After reading Mr. Rob's post about fucking a girl hard like the slut she wants to be, I pushed myself to near death and praised the angels each time she finally came and needed a break, doing my best to act like I wasn't tired. She told me she could barely walk all yesterday but that she is ready for more tonight! Ding dong, the holy man is dead, and the machine is rising...

I was honestly not sure if it was good form or not to bump this old LR or to post this in the "Sex" section of the forums, but it does stray into similar territory as my other FWB because I am now running two parallel FWB's. At least one of them has never taken place at my apartment, so if I can keep it that way, I think all will be well. My main goal is to develop as much sexual skill as I can before these run their courses because knowing that I know how to give a girl mind-blowing sex goes a LONG way for my confidence in early game seductions. Neither of these girls are extremely attractive to me, but they were open to me and I knew I needed the stepping stone to break into the world of becoming a sexual man. I don't mean to sound cold-blooded as though I am using them. Quite the contrary: I genuinely enjoy pleasing them and learning how to please them better and better each time... and I know they love what I can give them. I hope this principle can help and inspire other beginners too!




Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Cool to hear your in control of you sex life now. It's quite empowering when you come from a place of extreme scarcity in that area of life. I know it was for me. Glad my pornstar sex tips worked for ya lol ;).

Don't forget to keep meeting other women!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
That is just awesome. Thanks for posting, it serves as great inspiration and motivation to go out there and push the envelope.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
MP do you have the link to Mr. Rob's thread? I'd like to read it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 18, 2013
Mr.Rob said:
Cool to hear your in control of you sex life now. It's quite empowering when you come from a place of extreme scarcity in that area of life. I know it was for me. Glad my pornstar sex tips worked for ya lol ;).
Very empowering— your porn star tips paid off brilliantly yet again!! Last night (and on through 4pm today), we went another four discrete rounds (using all four condoms I had left) and by the end we were both soaking wet in our own bodily fluids. (It is worth noting that she spontaneously paid for all of my drinks before taking me back to her place again— I just love the role reversal here.) This girl can take a hell of a pounding... the harder and faster I went, the louder she moaned and the tighter she pulled me against her body. My continuous fear was running out of steam each time before she climaxed, so I had to practice pacing myself, changing from fast and furious thrusting to slower, deeper penetration, the later of which got some really priceless expressions on her face. =) It was a lot like a gym workout for me though, where I have to picture myself as a terminator in a testing lab being stressed to the maximum limits in order to measure necessary upgrades and push passed my fatigue— not much mental energy left for my own orgasm, but I think that will come later as I get more used to this and in even better physical shape. So far, I feel it's worth the sacrifice to impress the girl, leaving her wondering how much more she could have received from me. I can always go home and wank to the memory of it (which I do). I want to be the best she's ever had, so deep down, I really do enjoy treating both pick-up and sex as a discipline.

Mr.Rob said:
Don't forget to keep meeting other women!

I'm not forgetting this principle. Thanks for the reminder: if there's no scheduled sex, I do go back out on the hunt to keep refining my social game.

xcrunner said:
MP do you have the link to Mr. Rob's thread? I'd like to read it
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers