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"First time Luck"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I'm a fan of Law of Attraction and i have attracted various things in my life, effortlessly. Although i would not say that it works easy, because i have not master it.

Have you ever wonder why some people have it so easy? and some people who work so damn fucking hard and just could not break through or perhaps they break through that plateau later?

There's a fundamental thing called belief. It's used a lot but only a few gets it. Recent researches have pointed out that the heart has a brain itself. Well i have no link or article to back this up, but google this and check it. Okay let's back to what i recently experiment. I thought of not seeing beautiful girls around me. All too often it is just normal average girls and one or two girls who are exceptional will walk by past me, but never was really abundance. I mean this can depends on location too.

So i thought, "i am seeing beautiful girls everytime i walk around".

Okay, so you guys won't believe this crap, but when you new in a field, and good at it first time, people call it "First time luck". Don't get me wrong. "First time luck" has a lot to do with your brain not having conflicting thoughts, and rather just wanting to see the result. That eagerness, enthusiasm and not worry, cautious. This are the signals from the heart, your emotions indicates what your thought is about, and your desire and what you're thinking about mainly, is different from your desire, and thus, not in alignment.

and so back to where i want to see beautiful women.

I SEE THEM EVERYWHERE,. Alight from the bus, On the streets, bumping infront of me. Really cool stuff.

I hope to derive something or draw a map, a mindfield. I been experimenting, digging my brains out. Hope to get it and practice this. I might get a Korean girlfriend soon. (Not so many koreans in my home country here.)

Perhaps understanding what you expecting is essential.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake