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FR  First time out alone; cock-blocked by her friend!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 11, 2013
Well I had another big achievement tonight. I went out alone for the first time ever. Surprisingly I did not get all clammy and start to sweat from the nerves and mentality that everyone was looking at me. Here is how the night went down...kind of disappointing as you will see.

1) I am leaning against the bar and staring off into the distance and a girl opens me and asks why I have sad eyes. I tell her my eyes are not sad and that I am part Asian..she laughs hysterically (btw I am not Asian). Now I'll be honest, I wasn't into this girl at all, she approached me so I figured what the hell, this is great practice. Immediately I deep dived her and asked her what she did and what her passions were. It worked like a charm...for every question I asked she was trying to meet my standards. It was hard to hear and I made sure to point to my ear to have her come closer to me to speak (her breath was really bad though, major turn off!). She told me flat out that I was cute and I said thanks. I remember Chase saying that if a girl ever does something like this you must pursue aggressively, however as I stated before I just wasn't that into her and she was basically my warm up. She mentioned we should exchange numbers sometime, so I said, "Why not right now?" She ended up saying she had to get back to her group for her friends birthday and we hugged and that was that. No big loss as I wasn't really interested and I was using her to get into state.

One thing I will say about this that Chase is spot on with, is when she asked if I was at the bar alone. Rather than try to come up with some bull shit excuse, I looked right at her and confidently said, "I'm hear alone, I don't need someone to hold my hand to go out." She looked shocked at first like I had just offended her, then she told me how bold that was and she got even closer towards me. Total money, I can't wait to use this again when I go out alone. Girls love this confidence, I didn't believe it honestly. I really thought she would think I was some loser who didn't have any friends. Fact of the matter is I have a lot of friends. They just happen to all be married or have girlfriends.

Another thing that worked well is that every time she would ask something about me I would answer it kind of half ass and turn the question back on her. As Chase has suggested, I tried to be mysterious, I could tell this was working fabulously.

2) Ok ready? Here was the big upset of the night. So I am sitting at the bar again and a group of 3 girls approach. The bar is starting to get crowded so I lean into one girl and say I feel like I am in y'alls way, please take my spot. To my surprise she hugged me...very intensely and then gave me a passionate kiss on the cheek. I could tell right away she obviously liked me and that this would be easy...wrong!! One of her friends from the get go hated me and I could not persevere through her attacks. I shook her friend's hand and we exchanged names. I asked where she worked and she would not tell me no matter how much I playfully teased her. She came off very cold to me, in other words I was sensing she was a bitch. I was deep diving with this girl that was into me while the other two were getting drinks at the bar and the girl who was into me was dry humping me and speaking in my ear very sexy...I instantly had a hard on and I made sure she felt it. I tried to use some kino and grabbed her arm and told her I liked her sense of style and that her jacket was cool. Then debbie downer came into the scene and asked what she was doing. She then grabbed her friends arm and pointed at me and said stranger danger. I was thinking seriously?? Then as she pulled her friend away, she looked right at me and said, do you really expect to meet your future wife at the bar? I have to admit that this pissed me off and I was floored. I grinned at the friend that cock blocked me and with my finger I beckoned her over to speak with her. She wanted nothing to do with it and just like that they were gone. I know I could have easily had this girl in my bed if it weren't for her friend but I could not defuse her. What I am going to say next is going to sound a little cocky and I don't mean it to, however my theory is that she was ultimately pissed that her friend was about to bag a good looking guy and she had no one beckoning for her. This sounds strange but I could sense some serious jealousy...oh if only I had a wingman tonight!

All in all it was a good night. I still got the girls number who was dry humping me in the bar and being very affectionate. I'll shoot her a message and see what happens although I must admit that I have had TERRIBLE luck with text message lately so I won't hold my breath.

What could I have done differently in this situation? Should I have snuck the friend away while the other two were grabbing drinks next to us?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Re: First time out alone and I get blocked by the girl's fri

ChalupaBatman said:
She then grabbed her friends arm and pointed at me and said stranger danger. I was thinking seriously?? Then as she pulled her friend away, she looked right at me and said, do you really expect to meet your future wife at the bar? I have to admit that this pissed me off and I was floored. I

1. "Hey, I'm neither stranger nor danger, just ask your friend!"
2. "Are you saying there aren't any quality women in bars? You girls are in this bar...are you not a quality woman? Your friend is in this bar, are you saying she isn't a quality woman? Because she definitely seems like one to me" and then I'd give her a sexy smile, hold out my hand and try to move her.

You just have to redirect that pressure, try to get the girl to bat for you, it's hard to think that quickly at first but it gets easier. I go out alone 95% of the time, it gets easier.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: First time out alone and I get blocked by the girl's fri

Heya Chalupa, sounds like an excellent first night going out by yourself. So close with that second girl! Good luck next time, brother.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 11, 2013
Re: FR: First time out; cock-blocked by her friend!

Scofield said:
ChalupaBatman said:
She then grabbed her friends arm and pointed at me and said stranger danger. I was thinking seriously?? Then as she pulled her friend away, she looked right at me and said, do you really expect to meet your future wife at the bar? I have to admit that this pissed me off and I was floored. I

1. "Hey, I'm neither stranger nor danger, just ask your friend!"
2. "Are you saying there aren't any quality women in bars? You girls are in this bar...are you not a quality woman? Your friend is in this bar, are you saying she isn't a quality woman? Because she definitely seems like one to me" and then I'd give her a sexy smile, hold out my hand and try to move her.

You just have to redirect that pressure, try to get the girl to bat for you, it's hard to think that quickly at first but it gets easier. I go out alone 95% of the time, it gets easier.

Thanks for sharing Scofield, these are great! Wish I would have known them last night. It's amazing how meaningless getting numbers is to me now. I used to get so excited at my accomplishment, but I've discovered that they really dont mean anything.

PrettyDecent said:
Heya Chalupa, sounds like an excellent first night going out by yourself. So close with that second girl! Good luck next time, brother.

Thanks man! We'll see how tonight goes I guess.

Franco said:
Hey CB,

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Sorry Franco. Won't happen again. Thanks for correcting the topic.