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- Oct 23, 2013
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Hey guys I’m Gem, I’m sorta new to the forums but have been doing approaches for a while now.
I wanted to write my FR from a couple days ago. Before I begin, I wanted to reference that article that Chase wrote about naturals where he said something very true is that when someone’s natural they’ve started very young and have been doing it for a while and it’s usually more trouble than it’s worth to explain all the tiny details of the approach/interaction from open to close.
As a natural you never care to explain too much to people. It is something you learn early on that most people don’t really give a shit to know how you did it or know about all the smaller refined nuances and intricacies of a well pulled-off seduction (plenty of people will say oh wow he’s so good at x thing, makes me want to just quit while I’m ahead; and that’s a really unwise foolish paradigm to hold).
I’m going to try and explain some of the tiny details of my approaches because many of the guys here care to know and could help some guys out. I should add that I’m not really thinking of any of these things as I do them because they have become second nature doing many approaches (but it’s good to thing about all these little things as you do them and then practice till eventually you get to a certain skill level where you can just do it intuitively)
Ok so to begin I got off my college class around 1, eager rushing with test to go meet some girls. I’m a lean muscled build 150 lbs, 5’9 height; my attire is carefully selected to make sure I look good but (what I like to call) subtle-sexy so that I’m attractive but not pulling too too much attention and can go do my slow approaches sort of under the radar, quietly and efficiently. My clothing is congruent with the GC clothing article: I’m wearing a lighter shade red v neck that cuts like halfway up my bicep (red the attractive color). I have on blue jeans that fit properly and compliment my ass decently. My shoes look like the ones in the article but they are secretly elevated and give me like an extra inch or 2 of height to 5’10 or 5’11.
After I got off class, I first went to the pullup bars we have at school (a sort of cool, secluded area where the army sometimes trains). I did a few muscle-ups and few chin-ups to get a pump really fill my shirt well, and also to get a light sweat so girls can smell the raw testosterone off of me.
Usually I would do more street walking approaches (have been working on the street approaches more lately) but today was a little colder of a day and most of the people were heading to the library. I was walking slowly and comfortably toward that way when I saw a really hot brunette, wearing a pink dress and shawl sitting on a bench some ways off to my right.
I did my standard slow approach which typically starts by me sitting down nearby them while texting on my phone or ipod and pretending not to notice them. So I keep solid fundamentals and slow speed and sit at the bench across from the girl (or if she’s at one end of the bench you could sit at the other; here invariably, if your fundamentals are good, the girl will notice you and see wow hes hot; serves the same purpose as pre-opening essentially) then I fake text for 30 seconds then get done and then look up and pretend to notice her for the first time. I pause a couple of seconds then get up to talk to her.
I’m gonna try to really explain the smaller details here. I haven’t established anything with her yet so when I approach it is pretty low pressure for her. I gesture with one hand and my feet are pointed away so that it’s again a low pressure sort of body language. She had her headphones in but took them off kind of quickly just from me gesturing after I got up.
I was going to do an indirect direct approach here
Me: Hey do you know where the engineering building is
Pink Dress: Which one, there’s two of them
Me: [Coming nearer like a step] oh ok which ones are they
Pink Dress: There’s building 17 and building 5..so are you like a transfer or new here [smiling sort of turned on; didn’t let me finish the opener and say oh I know I just thought you were really attractive and wanted to come say hi]
Me: Oh, I’m an engineering major but like just starting my core classes you know, I’m Gem by the way [slow but warm sexy smile and then hold her hand for a couple of seconds]
Pink Dress: I’m pink dress
Me: Nice to meet you pink dress.. [pause] what year are you, if you don’t mind me asking [said with a sort of smirk].
Pink Dress: I’m a 4th year
Me: oh ok I really like your dress by the way, you’re dressed so nicely (here I compliment to establish that I’m attracted but also to avoid the question back of how old or what year I am; I’m 19 and while usually it shouldn’t be a problem its better a girl find this out later when they’re already pretty wet for you or you’ve already had sex with them).
Pink Dress: Thank you (flattered and blushing a little)
(Now I sit next to her a couple inches away at end of the bench)
Me: what’s your major
Pink Dress: I’m a biochemistry major
Me: Oh what’s that? (I play dumb here so I can get that sort of dumb jock effect)
Pink Dress: It’s blah blah
Me: That’s interesting, do you like it
Pink: yea im really into it blah blah blah talks about it all for a bit
Me: Yea you’ve been at it for a few years you’re almost on your way then huh (sexy smile).. (pause ) do you live on campus
Pink: yea, I live in the village (here in my head I’m like yes! because our schools a commuter school and this year I don’t have my own place on campus)
Me: wow that’s cool.. whyd you choose to live in the village instead of commute
Pink: I really wanted to have that college experience you know?
Me: What do you mean (take things deeper, we must go deeper
Pink: I wanted to make friends and go out but do school too, and join clubs blah blah and just sort of do it all sort of
Me: Yea I like that, sounds like you know how to have a good time
Her: Yea I do
Pause couple of seconds and look off with a kind of Byronic angsty look to the side floor (I feed off this look older chicks into the angsty younger guy)
Me: (look back) Hey so I have to go right now.. but maybe we could meet later on.. get to know each other a little better?
(should mention I’ve been doing light natural kino throughout the interaction here where it fit)
Pink: Yea definitely
Me: cool, let me get you number
(here don’t smile too much because don’t wanna look too surprised or excited at getting the number)
Pink: its xxx-xxxx
Me: all right, I’ll text you in a bit
Pink: it was nice to meet you Gem
Me: Nice to meet you too , and smooth walk off to the library
I did 3 more approaches after this one in the library and got 2 numbers. I had lunch scheduled with a buddy of mine (30 minutes after this approach) who I hadn’t seen in a few months so I couldn’t pull girls to an instant date that I would’ve considered otherwise.
The conversations with the girls I met in library were quicker and less rapport established, because I had less time at my disposal (and the interactions were forgettable nothing particularly significant). I don’t really like not building up light rapport before getting to a good hook point to getting the number, or instadate; however, here I did what I could in the time available to me and just like kept it smooth got in, talked a tiny bit, got the number and got out.
Right now I’ve been commuting whereas last year I lived on campus in the suites. I’ve been wanting to kick fwb that I have but have been looking for a good place where I can regularly have sex on campus (like a classroom or schedule a room in the library or something haha).
My car has been my spot so far this year (seats fold down and it’s an suv) but I have to start taking the toyota from this Monday :/ so need ideas for where to close. I’m gonna be looking for good spots to do it and would be open to ideas from you guys about where good places may be to close at school ( and ideas in general).Hope to get to post more when I can and contribute to the forums and to our individual successes.
I wanted to write my FR from a couple days ago. Before I begin, I wanted to reference that article that Chase wrote about naturals where he said something very true is that when someone’s natural they’ve started very young and have been doing it for a while and it’s usually more trouble than it’s worth to explain all the tiny details of the approach/interaction from open to close.
As a natural you never care to explain too much to people. It is something you learn early on that most people don’t really give a shit to know how you did it or know about all the smaller refined nuances and intricacies of a well pulled-off seduction (plenty of people will say oh wow he’s so good at x thing, makes me want to just quit while I’m ahead; and that’s a really unwise foolish paradigm to hold).
I’m going to try and explain some of the tiny details of my approaches because many of the guys here care to know and could help some guys out. I should add that I’m not really thinking of any of these things as I do them because they have become second nature doing many approaches (but it’s good to thing about all these little things as you do them and then practice till eventually you get to a certain skill level where you can just do it intuitively)
Ok so to begin I got off my college class around 1, eager rushing with test to go meet some girls. I’m a lean muscled build 150 lbs, 5’9 height; my attire is carefully selected to make sure I look good but (what I like to call) subtle-sexy so that I’m attractive but not pulling too too much attention and can go do my slow approaches sort of under the radar, quietly and efficiently. My clothing is congruent with the GC clothing article: I’m wearing a lighter shade red v neck that cuts like halfway up my bicep (red the attractive color). I have on blue jeans that fit properly and compliment my ass decently. My shoes look like the ones in the article but they are secretly elevated and give me like an extra inch or 2 of height to 5’10 or 5’11.
After I got off class, I first went to the pullup bars we have at school (a sort of cool, secluded area where the army sometimes trains). I did a few muscle-ups and few chin-ups to get a pump really fill my shirt well, and also to get a light sweat so girls can smell the raw testosterone off of me.
Usually I would do more street walking approaches (have been working on the street approaches more lately) but today was a little colder of a day and most of the people were heading to the library. I was walking slowly and comfortably toward that way when I saw a really hot brunette, wearing a pink dress and shawl sitting on a bench some ways off to my right.
I did my standard slow approach which typically starts by me sitting down nearby them while texting on my phone or ipod and pretending not to notice them. So I keep solid fundamentals and slow speed and sit at the bench across from the girl (or if she’s at one end of the bench you could sit at the other; here invariably, if your fundamentals are good, the girl will notice you and see wow hes hot; serves the same purpose as pre-opening essentially) then I fake text for 30 seconds then get done and then look up and pretend to notice her for the first time. I pause a couple of seconds then get up to talk to her.
I’m gonna try to really explain the smaller details here. I haven’t established anything with her yet so when I approach it is pretty low pressure for her. I gesture with one hand and my feet are pointed away so that it’s again a low pressure sort of body language. She had her headphones in but took them off kind of quickly just from me gesturing after I got up.
I was going to do an indirect direct approach here
Me: Hey do you know where the engineering building is
Pink Dress: Which one, there’s two of them
Me: [Coming nearer like a step] oh ok which ones are they
Pink Dress: There’s building 17 and building 5..so are you like a transfer or new here [smiling sort of turned on; didn’t let me finish the opener and say oh I know I just thought you were really attractive and wanted to come say hi]
Me: Oh, I’m an engineering major but like just starting my core classes you know, I’m Gem by the way [slow but warm sexy smile and then hold her hand for a couple of seconds]
Pink Dress: I’m pink dress
Me: Nice to meet you pink dress.. [pause] what year are you, if you don’t mind me asking [said with a sort of smirk].
Pink Dress: I’m a 4th year
Me: oh ok I really like your dress by the way, you’re dressed so nicely (here I compliment to establish that I’m attracted but also to avoid the question back of how old or what year I am; I’m 19 and while usually it shouldn’t be a problem its better a girl find this out later when they’re already pretty wet for you or you’ve already had sex with them).
Pink Dress: Thank you (flattered and blushing a little)
(Now I sit next to her a couple inches away at end of the bench)
Me: what’s your major
Pink Dress: I’m a biochemistry major
Me: Oh what’s that? (I play dumb here so I can get that sort of dumb jock effect)
Pink Dress: It’s blah blah
Me: That’s interesting, do you like it
Pink: yea im really into it blah blah blah talks about it all for a bit
Me: Yea you’ve been at it for a few years you’re almost on your way then huh (sexy smile).. (pause ) do you live on campus
Pink: yea, I live in the village (here in my head I’m like yes! because our schools a commuter school and this year I don’t have my own place on campus)
Me: wow that’s cool.. whyd you choose to live in the village instead of commute
Pink: I really wanted to have that college experience you know?
Me: What do you mean (take things deeper, we must go deeper
Pink: I wanted to make friends and go out but do school too, and join clubs blah blah and just sort of do it all sort of
Me: Yea I like that, sounds like you know how to have a good time
Her: Yea I do
Pause couple of seconds and look off with a kind of Byronic angsty look to the side floor (I feed off this look older chicks into the angsty younger guy)
Me: (look back) Hey so I have to go right now.. but maybe we could meet later on.. get to know each other a little better?
(should mention I’ve been doing light natural kino throughout the interaction here where it fit)
Pink: Yea definitely
Me: cool, let me get you number
(here don’t smile too much because don’t wanna look too surprised or excited at getting the number)
Pink: its xxx-xxxx
Me: all right, I’ll text you in a bit
Pink: it was nice to meet you Gem
Me: Nice to meet you too , and smooth walk off to the library
I did 3 more approaches after this one in the library and got 2 numbers. I had lunch scheduled with a buddy of mine (30 minutes after this approach) who I hadn’t seen in a few months so I couldn’t pull girls to an instant date that I would’ve considered otherwise.
The conversations with the girls I met in library were quicker and less rapport established, because I had less time at my disposal (and the interactions were forgettable nothing particularly significant). I don’t really like not building up light rapport before getting to a good hook point to getting the number, or instadate; however, here I did what I could in the time available to me and just like kept it smooth got in, talked a tiny bit, got the number and got out.
Right now I’ve been commuting whereas last year I lived on campus in the suites. I’ve been wanting to kick fwb that I have but have been looking for a good place where I can regularly have sex on campus (like a classroom or schedule a room in the library or something haha).
My car has been my spot so far this year (seats fold down and it’s an suv) but I have to start taking the toyota from this Monday :/ so need ideas for where to close. I’m gonna be looking for good spots to do it and would be open to ideas from you guys about where good places may be to close at school ( and ideas in general).Hope to get to post more when I can and contribute to the forums and to our individual successes.