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FR  Five girls, one park :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I've never quite gotten the hang of the multiple approach method; I'm still in awe when I read of other members' exploits opening 10 or 15 girls at a single outing. Most of the FRs and FR+s I've filed here were written about the only girl I approached that day. But today was different, though the satisfaction was really in the fun I had rather than the results I got.

It is early afternoon and I am out running. The weather is unseasonably sunny and I feel I should take advantage of it rather than pushing weights in the gym. Coming to the end of my second circuit of the park in my city that is by now familiar to many readers, I have already run over five miles and plan to head home, when I see a tall brunette—taller than me, I am 6'0"—with powerful, muscular, yet feminine legs, reddened by exposure to the winter air and glazed with her perspiration. Girl #1 crosses the little brick bridge that connects the park with the adjoining streets.

I want her.

I turn and follow, catching up quickly. A wrought-iron gate marks the exit from the park. It is pulled to, leaving a gap of perhaps three feet for pedestrians to pass through. We reach it together and I gesture for her to go first. Drawing level again, I open:

  • Marty: Hey, how're you doing?

    Girl #1: Doing fine, you?

    Marty: Doing great, I was about to leave the park through a different exit, but I saw you here and couldn't resist coming to say hello. What's your name?
We chat for a couple minutes as we run down the street, but a major intersection is ahead and I need to take charge. As we are nearing the crosswalk, I draw the conversation to a close:

  • Marty: Well, I have to go this way, but do you want to grab a coffee with me some time?

    Girl #1: Oh my god! This has never happened to me before!

    Marty: Why don't you give me your cell phone number and I'll see if I can memorize it.

    Girl #1: Yeah, it'll be kudos to you if you remember.

    Marty: So you won't guarantee the coffee if I do?

    Girl #1: Haha, I'll think about it!

    Marty: Okay, go ahead, what is it?
She gives me the number, I repeat it to her and say goodbye. Reaching home I enter it into my phone, take a shower, fix myself lunch and text her an icebreaker:

  • Marty: Nice to meet a fellow runner ;) -Marty
Twenty-five minutes later I receive the reply:

  • Girl #1: Wow, you have a good memory! Nice to meet you too.
I eat lunch and watch a little of the Winter Olympics. I dress and head back to the same park. At the far end very attractive girl speaking on her cell phone distracts me; I walk parallel with her back almost the full length of the park, hoping she will hang up and fully intending to approach, but she keeps talking and leaves the park; I turn back and literally run to catch up with a girl I just saw, dressed very elegantly in a royal-blue coat, trying to take a photo of herself with a view of the city's skyscrapers. She is blond and beautiful.

I offer to take a proper photo of Girl #2 with the desired view; she initially declines but I persist. She thanks me and I introduce myself. I tell her she is very pretty and she thanks me again. She is visiting from another city for a conference and leaving tomorrow morning; I persist in trying to get her to spend time with me but she politely declines and thanks me a third time. I wish her well and she thanks me a fourth time for taking the photo.

I return to the far end of the park where I saw the girl with the cell phone, and spot a petite brunette. Girl #3 meets my eye easily enough for me to open effortlessly, as follows:

  • Marty: Hey.

    Girl #3: Hey.

    Marty: What's your name?
We exchange pleasantries. Then:

  • Marty: I saw you walking here and couldn't resist coming to say hello.
I find out that she is a graduate student and have her tell me about how she finds our city, what her career plans are, etc. I ask what she likes to do for fun, and compliment her that she is in shape when she mentions sport. She says she is headed to an oyster festival at a far corner of the park. I confirm my suspicion that she will be meeting friends there, and decide to number-close. I kiss her on the cheek as we part.

At this point a further 90 minutes have passed, so I decide to text Girl #1:

  • Marty: Maybe just a good head for figures ;) When might be a good day for you to have that cup of tea?
On reflection this may have been a mistake, as I haven't received a reply at the time of writing. Perhaps I should have waited until Sunday morning?

As I start moving again a blond, petite girl heads as if to cross my path, then spots me about to collide with her. I gesture for her to go ahead in a very gallant manner, and Girl #4 starts giggling and moves in the direction indicated. I walk on; she heads for a picnic rug where two young males are waiting for her. Clearly she is talented at creating orbiters. They lark around taking photos of each other with their legs apart and asses in the air, etc. I stand at a distance of some 100 feet and look out from high ground over the park, ostensibly taking in the view; occasionally I glance over toward the picnic rug to observe proceedings.

After some five minutes of this I decide to give up and head down the slope toward a path where a very young-looking blond girl is walking a dog, intending to open her instead. As I am some halfway down the slope, the young guys depart the picnic rug in the opposite direction, in search of something or someone, leaving Girl #4 alone for a moment. I head to her directly; she sees me approach, but I play it cool and say not a word until I am close:

  • Marty: That's quite a cute little laugh you have there...

    Girl #4: Oh thank you!

    Marty: —but I didn't want to tell you that in front of your multiple boyfriends!

    Girl #4: Oh haha, yes that's my entourage.

    Marty: What's your name?
I stoop to take her hand (she is lying in the prone position on the rug) and at this point a third young guy shows up. The other two are still nowhere to be seen.

  • Marty: Oh, here's another one. Well, would you like to have coffee with me when you're not surrounded by your entourage?

    Girl #4: (smirking) You see, I'm actually dating one member of my entourage.

    Marty: Well! And what's he going to think about you having coffee with me?

    Girl #4: (grinning from ear to ear) He wouldn't like it!

    Marty: Does that matter?

    Girl #4: Yes, it does, I'm afraid.
She's still smirking. At this point the third guy is looking at me with mouth agape, a dumb expression transfixing his features. I wink at him and turn back to the girl:

  • Marty: So you care about the opinion of your menfolk?

    Girl #4: Yes, the view of my entourage is extremely important to me!
I bid her a good day and ignore the guy who by this point is at a total loss.

I catch up with the same girl with the dog who almost distracted me a few minutes back, as she crosses the little brick bridge. I open Girl #5 and she gives her name and credentials but has body language and manner indicating discomfort and/or attitude, so I don't press further and wish her an enjoyable remainder of the afternoon.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
One thing I forgot to add: a minute or two before I opened Girl #3, a woman of about 30 with very poor fundamentals stares at me and says as she walks past: "Nice jeans!"

It was obviously intended for me, because when I turn and stare back at her, her friends drag her back to the group and tell her to behave herself. I was speechless.

Anyway, this park is golden as spring draws nearer: I had another very solid interaction here today. More later, if it develops :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 28, 2013
Marty said:
Girl #4: (smirking) You see, I'm actually dating one member of my entourage.
Marty: Well! And what's he going to think about you having coffee with me?
Girl #4: (grinning from ear to ear) He wouldn't like it!
Marty: Does that matter?
Girl #4: Yes, it does, I'm afraid.
  • Marty: So you care about the opinion of your menfolk?
    Girl #4: Yes, the view of my entourage is extremely important to me!

  • This is both awe inspiring and brilliant to me. And I plan on stealing it. Presumptuous/cocky/flirtacious/fun all in one sentence. Do you think a different followup could have changed her end-reaction, or was this interaction more "for the sport"? I think both of your followups were phrased on a way that her "easy" answer was no.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Luego, it was a dead duck because the third guy showed up before I could get really started with the interaction. So I was forced to escalate immediately and ask her out. In front of that guy, she couldn't afford to accept when she was dating his buddy, regardless of her own actual desires. So once I got that answer, I knew I was fucked—I was just having fun with it. -Marty
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Marty said:
I see a tall brunette—taller than me, I am 6'0"—with powerful, muscular, yet feminine legs, reddened by exposure to the winter air and glazed with her perspiration.

I want her.

  • Marty: I was about to leave the park through a different exit, but I saw you here and couldn't resist coming to say hello. What's your name?
  • Girl #1: Oh my god! This has never happened to me before!
To my surprise, I actually now have a confirmed date with this one—as in, agreed upon a specific time and place. Admittedly it's for a week from today, but I thought this was going nowhere. She ignored my first invitation and I left it almost two weeks before hitting her up again upon my return from vacation. I got a real bubbly, positive text-message response. Good news, because this is one type of girl I get a real kick out of: tall, muscular and athletic.