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Flirting crash course needed


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
So I have a date tomorrow. I’m gonna make some music with this girl, teach how to write a song. I need to make it clear to her somehow that this is a date. I’ve told her she looks really good every time I see her, but I think she’s taking the compliment platonically.

I’m not very good at flirting, so please, any help would be gladly welcomed.

This girl it looks like is going to be in my social circle, so I don’t know how that makes hanging out with her different from cold approach, let me know if I have to act differently because of it.

My goal with hanging out with her is some good flirting so she knows I’m interested and then maybe even a kiss, if I can pull that off (I’m very inexperienced).

There’s a problem tho, she told me today through truth or dare, that there’s this other guy that she’s been spending a lot of time with, they’ve kissed, and he tried to take her virginity but she didn’t want to have sex. I don’t want to deal with a girl that I’m going to be in contest with a guy over her. Should I just jump ship?
Idk I’m attracted to her, so it’d hard for me to not go for her.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022

The problem with having something other people want is, they will take it if you offer it. So if you told a girl that you wanted to hang out and play music together, it might be she's happy to have a platonic male friend to make music with.

I would suggest, going forward, that you frontload the context. Let her kinda know what it is next time-- you're cute, I want to get to know you, come harp on my banjo. If it is an automatic 'No,' get that out of the way right away, that way you don't have to hang out with some annoying girl in your dorm room for no reason.

No one really knows if this girl likes you or not, now you gotta learn the hard way because you were too soft, and you allowed her to come forward and take-- because you thought you could get something in return, maybe. When this has happened to me, it has never ended in my favor. Not to say that it couldn't for you, i just think the odds are rather low.

You done fucked around, now you gonna find out.