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FR  Foggy Thinking from Juice Fasting


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I'm starting a new nutrition and exercise regiment, and today I was feeling a bit less energetic due to being on a one day juice fast. That said, I put on my game face anyway, and went out to see if I could meet anyone.
After trying to goad my wing into doing an approach at Walmart, I got two early approaches in. One had a boyfriend, and one was married... I think I hit on her in front of her husband too...

Stephanie: As I was walking I saw a girl with her friend checking out movies and playing with a kid... After nudging my wing and seeing him do nothing, I went up to approach instead.

Me: "I wanted to come tell you before I lost the chance that I thought you looked fucking beautiful.. Had to come say hello!"
Her: "Oh, thank you! Haha!"
Me: "What's your name?"
Her: "Stephanie."
Me: "I'm AP! That's not your kid is it?"
Her: "Haha, no, sadly, but I love him though!"
Friend: "I'm the mom actually!"
Me: "Oh thank god! Haha, he's really cute and seems to really like you!"
Friend: "He loves, loves, loves her!"
Me: "I can see that! Haha! How old are you?" (This is a bad habit I've been trying to shake, but I was paranoid after hitting on a girl right in front of her husband.
Her: "I'm 20."
Me: "Ooohhhhh..... 18."
Her: "Oh hahaha yep...!"
Me: "Is that bad?"
Her: "No, I thought that was really ballsy."
Friend: "Hell yeah, I've never seen someone do it like that before!"
Her: "Yeah, I'm actually kinda stuck right now! Haha, I thought you liked worked here and was walking up to see if we were messing things up."
Me: "Well thank you! Can you tell me something interesting about yourself now that I've picked up my balls to get here?"
Her: "Um... I don't know... Haha, I don't think there's anything really interesting about me."
Me: "There's something interesting about everyone..." *to friend* "Can you tell me something interesting about her? Since she'd being modest and all?"
Her: "Watch what you say about me!"
Friend: "Um... She likes movies... and sleeping.. and she works full time at iHop!"
Me: "The one in Oakdale?"
Her: "No, the one in Maplewood."
Me: "Oh dang it! Haha, do you get hit on on the job a lot?"
Her: "Oh yes."
Friend: "Hell yeah she does."
Her: "Most of the time it's just like 'damn girl' or something sleazy like that though."
Me: "Was I sleazy at all then?"
Her: "Nope, when someone just up and tells me 'oh you're beautiful' it's totally different!"

The whole time, they were shuffling through movies, and just talking about them. My wing talked of a few movies with them, but eventually, I decided that the interaction was going nowhere and just popped the question. My memory of this interaction is surprisingly faint... maybe it's because of the juice fast and I had no energy.

Me: "Anyway, here's the important question. I think you're super cute, and if I were to check out one of these movies, would you be interested in grabbing coffee and watching it with me?"
Her: "Yeah that sounds fun! I can just give you my number and we can meet up sometime!"
Me: "Awesome! Can you type it in for me?" *she gives me her number and saves it for me* "Cool cool... What's your schedule look like this week?"
Her: "Um... I normally have work on weekdays until 3:45"
Me: "Does Thursday at say... 6:30 work for you?"
Her: "Yeah, just text me! I think Thursday will work fine!"

Once again, my mind was fuzzy, and I don't remember exactly how it ended.. I remember that we left without actually grabbing a movie like I said though... As receptive as Stephanie was, I'm anticipating a flake... I did zero kino with her, and hardly got her to invest at all.

Things to work on:
1) Never do a juice fast again
3) Get the girl to invest... Ask her to walk with me


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Great job AP! Since you were around movies anyway... I would've killed two birds with one stone, Id have asked her to hand me a movie she likes. I'd probably say something like:
Me: "I'm tired of the same old movies I have on the shelf at home. I need something new and refreshing. Pass me one or two of your favorites..."

It gets her complying, it gives you some insight into her tastes, and her personality. And definitely gives you something to watch on that upcoming date lol ;)

Enjoy yourself AP,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
That would have definitely been a good idea! Too bad this one flaked as well.

It's come to my attention that with all the attention I put into approaching, I've lost the good vibe I originally had with girls. I spent a lot of time on fundamentals in the past to compensate for my lack of willingness to go out and approach, so when I first started, my energy was grounded and I was overall better with nonverbals.

I think I've been neglecting them for a good while now, and I'm in need of some re-calibration. What do you normally focus on for nonverbals?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
My biggest thing for non-verbals is maintaining eye contact, and noticing a girls body language, and interpreting the vibe she gives off herself. Generally, I don't put a whole lot of focus on non verbals, generally I keep my approaches pretty simple with a combination of humor and seriousness.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Have you considered a water fast?

I know it sounds like a terrible idea (thats what I thought), but there is a ton of science behind it.

It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant (your body makes more antioxidants), detoxing (better than juicing), anti-cancer, and brain building (your actually grow new brain cells) properties.

A lot of people report a lot of having tons of focus and energy when doing it.

Google it for all the facts and safety info.