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Following up to "how's your night going"?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 4, 2014
Hi all,

I was out tonight, and made what I thought was a respectable 8 approaches. I was with a friend, not solo, but I'm still pleased with that effort. Anyway, as Chase suggested, I tend to go for 3 x situational openers when I get into the club to get warmed up. As I'm still a beginner, I tend to go with "how's your night going?" as a decent all-purpose opener.

The thing is, I'm often stuck for what to say next. Usually a girl will just say "yeah, not too bad", not leaving you much to go on. I remember Chase saying that he knows what he's going to say next (here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/tacti ... y-faze-you)

Does anyone have any ideas for what to say next here?

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Try make a comment based on what she said or if her reply seemed kinda coldish or non informative ask her another question like is she a regular or how could she make her night go from not bad to amazing (just anything to get her to speak more so you have more information to work with and can start deep diving) if you sense a lot of tension even cracking a light joke might reduce it and make the interaction more comfortable.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
I follow it up with different compliments depending on how loud the environment is. For example, if I am at a social gathering (not loud) I will give a complex compliment like "What a radiant looking dress, really sparkles in the disco-ball light. I'm X." The girl will be able to hear the whole compliment without the thumping bass in the background. I've tried giving complex compliments at dance clubs and lounges, but it results in the girl saying, "what" and me repeating myself - missing an escalation window.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I'll sometimes compliment like Barry in that case; it's usually a real "we've said 'hi', now show me you're interested or screen yourself out, girl!" kind of move. If she's "meh" on conversational, switching into a compliment + intro basically says, "All right, I'm cutting the BS, since you're not biting, so... you're cute. Your move."

If you're feeling more casual or feeling rusty and not up to dropping compliments, do this:

  • You: How's your night going?
    Her: Eh, not too bad.
    You: That doesn't sound very exciting.
    Her: Well it's not a very exciting night!
    You: I thought you came outside to be excited!
    Her: I did! Where's all the excitement at!
    You: I don't know, but we should totally create some.

And then you can just start roleplaying with her ("How about we go over there and yank that guy's pants up real high and give him a wedgie? He totally deserves it"). Once she's laughing and engaged in the conversation with you, you can start asking her questions that'll let you build to a deep dive ("So, you from here, or you only come visit here for un-exciting nights?").

Just think "if her energy level is low, you want to gradually bring it up and inject some fun and energy, because that is what she's looking for." Just not so much that you become the super fun guy. You don't want to take it beyond a certain point; if she gets too energetic and wants you to go dance with her, for instance, you might say why don't we grab a seat first and dance later and see if she'll bite (or you can dance if you like dance floor game and are good at running it).
