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- Aug 8, 2021
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The Secret Lover
I was looking at my pal Mark's blog over on Practical Pick Up, and read through a blog post he has up on something he calls "Chronic Texter Syndrome," referring to American girls who are on their cell phones texting all the time, even throughout the course of a seduction. I put a post up on...

Hi guys. I'm not that well off financially but I do okay with women as well. I'm still improving and would like to get this lover thing down. I also would like to remain secret with the girls I meet so I don't have to deal with all the bs that comes with being a 'boyfriend'.
How do you exactly communicate this when you meet a girl?
For example, I meet a lot of girls via social circle or in my classes. And when I meet a girl, sometimes it can't be helped that I meet her friends because they're in my class.
My questions are
1. How do you communicate to a girl that you want to be the 'secret lover' guy?
2. When should you tell her? (Before/After first sex, series of sex, or when she's pushing for a relationship, etc?)