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- Oct 26, 2020
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First, I favor indirect openers.
Second, I go direct if she tends to go direct on me.
So for guys who use indirect openers, or have experience using indirect openers. I have 2 questions for you from my recent experiences. When you go indirect and she seems really committed to whatever you ask, is it safe to see this as a form of compliance or interest? I ask this because depending on how she responds, I usually go direct or continue the convo.
I was traveling all day yesterday and noticed these small gaps of windows to initiate a conversation with a girl. Examples like switching trains, or getting covid tests waiting line, whatever. These were like 10 minute windows at max.
When I notice a girl, I instinctively ask like "Do you know which train to take for me to get to X?" or "What test is needed for X?"
Sometimes I genuinely do need it cause I'm flying to new countries or just to see how receptive she is.
Well yesterday, both times I did this, both girls were REAL serious about helping me.
A girl proceeded to look up on her phone for like 5-10 minutes to see what test I need and even though I kept telling her 'it's okay its okay I'll just ask' she kept looking it up until she found the answer. But when I tried to continue the convo and she was answering, she seemed to reply short until we actually had to get the test. (It was short time window like maybe 4 minutes)
Another girl I ask about which train to take to get to X and same response. She proceeds to be really committed to finding the answer for me and whatever.
Although I really did need help for the train, I found myself kind of dearing to see how much they were committed to helping me and both times we had to get moving due to unexpected results.
This is just a simple question but for guys who use indirect, did you find that girls were showing 'compliance' if you ask her for help? I attempted to escalate both times but when I continued either we had to get moving cause the train was arriving or because shot was getting involved.
I hope to continue experimenting with this style and asking for others' experiences.

Should You Use Direct Game or Indirect Game to Get Girls?
Some pickup artists swear by direct game. Others prefer indirect game. Some guys mix it up. This article is meant to help you decide what is best for you. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Indirect Game 3. Direct Game 4. Direct vs. Indirect 5. Conclusion Hey, guys. Since we are beating dead horses...

Second, I go direct if she tends to go direct on me.

Boost Your Success with Women by Using the Traffic Light System
Time and energy can be wasted on non-receptive girls, or by over-gaming receptive ones. Economize your dating by distinguishing between Reds, Yellows, and Greens. With so many women to choose from in the world and so many women to approach, how the heck does a guy manage to filter through them...

So for guys who use indirect openers, or have experience using indirect openers. I have 2 questions for you from my recent experiences. When you go indirect and she seems really committed to whatever you ask, is it safe to see this as a form of compliance or interest? I ask this because depending on how she responds, I usually go direct or continue the convo.
I was traveling all day yesterday and noticed these small gaps of windows to initiate a conversation with a girl. Examples like switching trains, or getting covid tests waiting line, whatever. These were like 10 minute windows at max.
When I notice a girl, I instinctively ask like "Do you know which train to take for me to get to X?" or "What test is needed for X?"
Sometimes I genuinely do need it cause I'm flying to new countries or just to see how receptive she is.
Well yesterday, both times I did this, both girls were REAL serious about helping me.
A girl proceeded to look up on her phone for like 5-10 minutes to see what test I need and even though I kept telling her 'it's okay its okay I'll just ask' she kept looking it up until she found the answer. But when I tried to continue the convo and she was answering, she seemed to reply short until we actually had to get the test. (It was short time window like maybe 4 minutes)
Another girl I ask about which train to take to get to X and same response. She proceeds to be really committed to finding the answer for me and whatever.
Although I really did need help for the train, I found myself kind of dearing to see how much they were committed to helping me and both times we had to get moving due to unexpected results.
This is just a simple question but for guys who use indirect, did you find that girls were showing 'compliance' if you ask her for help? I attempted to escalate both times but when I continued either we had to get moving cause the train was arriving or because shot was getting involved.
I hope to continue experimenting with this style and asking for others' experiences.