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FR  For My Own Pride


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I was hanging out with 3 bros, and the topic of meeting girls during the day came up. My bros didn't believe me when I said that I've approached girls alone, while they were in groups, or with their moms or dads. My friend wanted me to prove it, and so the day of pickup began.

Girl #1: She worked at a local coffee shop, but when I opened, she told me she was married. I relayed this information to a my bro, who wasn't there at the moment and wanted to see one up close.. So he ended up pressuring me to go into the tanning salon and try to pick up the girl at the front desk.

Girl #2: Due to being pressured and being in an inconvenient position, my execution was terrible.. My voice resonated from my throat instead of from my diaphragm, and I was unable to open smoothly, or make decent conversation.. My bro got me out of there, but at that point, I was determined to prove something, so I invited them to come with me to my favorite hunting ground: the mall.


Girl #3: I opened with my friends around, but froze up when she interrupted my opener.. This served as my warm up

Girl and her Mom #1: As my friends found something to eat, I went around to find targets. This one wasn't a girl I'd usually find attractive, but all I had to judge beforehand was from the back. After I opened the girl, I greeted the mom and asked if I could have 5 minutes with her daughter. The daughter wasn't willing to though.. I've noticed that the more attractive girls seem to be a lot more friendly than non-attractive girls.. Maybe it's a confidence problem, or maybe they can tell my compliment isn't quite genuine..

Girl and her Sister #1: This girl I genuinely found incredibly attractive, and she was really receptive of my opener, smiling and saying thank you... I fucked it up by asking the woman she was with if she was her mom, and it turned out she was the sister... Yikes. When I asked for five minutes, the sister cock-blocked us and dragged her into the Victoria's Secret.
Lesson learned: ALWAYS assume sister.

Girl and her Mom #2: I met up with my friends, who were still eating to share my awkward story, and when we were leaving, they showed me to a girl. I opened to the girl, who seemed nervous, but said thank you, and this time greeted the mother and asked if she was her sister.. Her mom looked young enough to be a sister though, so when she said no, I immediately assumed friend. Her mom said everything I said had to be around her, but let me sit down.
They were Latina, and she was into Art, and the conversation went smoother than my last few.. That's still something I need to work on. To my surprise, the mother was actually helping me out when it got rocky.
At the end, I offered to grab coffee with her and go for a walk, but she told me she had a boyfriend, so I left. I liked them though, so I asked for their names and wished them a good day.

Girl #4: This one worked for American Eagle.. She approached me, so I was unable to open in my usual style, and thus was not able to state my intent right away. I conversed with her as she showed me the button downs, but when I asked if she was single, she said no.

Girl at Hollister: This one, I opened to after she showed me their button downs, and although the conversation went a lot smoother than usual, she was vague with her answers and seemed to be dodging questions. At some point, she had to help out a customer, and said she'd be back, but my friends and I got tired of waiting and left. Maybe I'll offer the date some other time.

SUCCESS!: Though I had proven my balls very well through the night, I was still determined to get a date with somebody. The black girl I had tried to open the previous day was working there and recognized me. As she was helping me out, I asked if she was single, and when she said no, I offered the coffee and walk date. She said yes, and I asked if she'd get in trouble if she gave her number away on the job. She said probably, but had me get my phone out while she whispered the digits to me. I am currently texting her as I write this.

Lesson of the Day: ALWAYS assume sister, and now I love Latinas even more


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Still no day game direct opening success. But I now have 3 situational successes under my belt
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake