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Foreign Girls and Following the Tradition


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey guys,

So I'm a bit uncertain about something...

I live in Canada, and we are known to have a pretty multicultural society. With that being said, sometimes I'll come across a traditional, conservative girl who says, 'In order for us to date, you have to meet my parents, the family, etc., and basically play along with the tradition.' That was paraphrased, but you get the gist of what I'm saying!

So, in your opinion, is it worth going through all that to be with the girl? Is the outcome usually fruitful or do you go through all that crap and the girl loses attraction for you in the end? Like Chase says, you should move fast with girls, which I agree with. I know you can bed foreign and conservative girls despite the annoying resistance, but out of curiosity, how do things usually turn out if you play it by their traditional rules and meet the parents, impress them but be chill, and then take the girl out and smash her till your heart's content? If I did play it by her family's rules, I would still move fast, but I'd get chucked into boyfriend land. I'd rather be the lover, but I guess I'm wondering if you instinctively know you can land a chick by going the boyfriend route, how's it usually turn out? I remember reading how you should strive to be the guy that the girl doesn't want to show her parents or the 'bad boy'. I find some of these girls intriguing because of the challenge, so I want to know how to land a foxy foreigner without being a little bitch!



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Garrett said:
I live in Canada, and we are known to have a pretty multicultural society. With that being said, sometimes I'll come across a traditional, conservative girl who says, 'In order for us to date, you have to meet my parents, the family, etc., and basically play along with the tradition.' That was paraphrased, but you get the gist of what I'm saying!

Sounds odd... any particular nationalities you've seen this with? I've dated / slept with girls from all over Europe, Asia, and South America, some of the pretty young, but never run into this. My guess is it's probably a function of you being a part of their social circle and/or coming across too much like someone they'd really like to have as a boyfriend.

Can you give an example or two of an instance where you've run into this?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey Chase,

Yeah I agree it is odd isn't it? You live in California, so you've probably met some people from my ethnic background. I'm part Armenian, and our culture is only composed of a mere few million people. The girl I'm referring to is from the actual country, and coincidentally attends my school in Canada (pretty rare occurrence).

Armenian girls from the actual country try to be as chaste as possible, as the guys over there find a virgin a lot more desirable. I'm sure this is true of many cultures; while studying anthropology, I've read how the men of rural China will dispel women who sleep around, and as a result, these women have to move to distant villages due to their newfound reputation.

I don't know if you are familiar with gypsy culture, but the mating process is actually quite similar to conservative Armenian girls. The girl's family, particularly the guys, are very protective, so in order to date the girl, you have to get the father's permission, and oftentimes, you'll get the cousins tagging along on dates, which I imagine isn't the most pleasant. I haven't been on a date like this though so I don't have anything else to say about their dating tradition. If I were to desire one of these girls, I'd probably just move really fast, but I'll leave it at that.

Also, Franco mentioned this in another post, but these girls are sometimes really challenging, and because it's such a small culture, they usually marry Armenian guys and are keen on 'keeping the tradition alive.' With that being said, the Armenian girls in the States and Canada are on the opposite side of the spectrum; you have to move REALLY fast with them because for some reason, they lose interest quicker than most girls.

I'll tell you this though, Chase... When I was talking to the girl, it was clear that she was really sexually repressed and interested in me. I was a bit of an ass hole to her, and seeing as I'm not nearly as 'cultured' as she is, we stopped seeing each other. This girl was really scared because I was opening her up to her true feelings, by framing the relationship we had as, 'It's okay to express yourself sexually, it's okay to feel stressed out about school, it's okay to have a little fun sometimes.' She took it as a threat to her logical beliefs, and rightly so because my approach was wrong. I've learned not to try to completely and forcibly change the logical wiring of girls in general, but these girls in particular, you have to be extra careful about that due to the small culture and firm beliefs.

Anyways, the girl deleted/blocked me off facebook (when I had it) and after I sent her a few chase frames (I was running an experiment), she was like, "CAN YOU STOP THIS IS SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I can't remember the entire conversation, but what I essentially gathered was that she was interested in me because all of the chase frames sunk in. Also, I never showed a hell of a lot of interest in her, and she always saw me with different girls all the time, so she knew what I was about. She was interested, probably still is, but I'm just going to befriend her. I don't know if it's true of most Armenian girls, but this one was somewhat pessimistic, snobby/arrogant, ignorant (thinking our culture is better than everyone else); however, she was really sweet, intelligent, fun (in a sense), and was slowly willing to try new things, provided her logical interpretation of things wasn't changed too much.

As you've mentioned, Chase, once people reach a certain age (young 20's), it's hard to get them to pull the wool from their eyes. I was trying to do that with this girl, but I went about it the wrong way. It's better to show these girls why your beliefs, and some aspects of Western culture are more appealing, but in a subtle, yet convincing way.

I also noticed that this girl was really responsive, even when she was pissed off at me, or others she'd respond to every single message; something that most people in the West don't care to do. I don't think I got auto-rejected, I think it was just rejection. I eventually figured that out, messaged her (in the midst of doing that nice guy-ass hole-genuine guy experiment), and she told me she was glad I finally understood. The culture to these girls is a huge part of who they are, so to mess around with that and to forcibly try to conform them to a newfound society is not the best of ideas.

Chase, hope you could gather some tidbits about my culture, and possibly use them someday ;).

*NOTE this only really applies to Armenian girls from the actual country; most Armenian girls are just like American girls (Ex: Kim Kardashian)
