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FR  Four girls chasing me

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I just got back from the mall and I wanted to post this while it was still fresh in my mind. Nothing that special happened but I found this very entertaining.

So I'm walking through the mall practicing the sexy walk. I never quite understood how to get it down right. Every time I try, I never get any compliments from women and one of my female friends said I looked "try-hard".
For months I didn't bother working on my walk but for some reason today I started literally walking like a gunslinger...in a VERY exaggerated way. At least it felt that way to me. I felt like I was being too animated. Imagine Woody from Pixar's ToyStory walking slowly like a cowboy then saying: "Reach for the skyyyy".

I walk past multiple people. I'm getting stares. People looking at me longer than usual. Wtf?
Guys with their girlfriends give me death glares as if they're intimidated by me. I stare them down until they turn their eyes away. Stop looking at me.
I walk into the food court.
There's four girls sitting at some tables. They stare at me as I walk in slowly.

One of them shouts out: "you have some sexy lips!"
I slowly turn my head and step towards her.
Me: "wanna taste?"

She made a O_O face and then they all flipped out.
I smirked in delight.
I walked over to them and locked in, standing above them as they were all seated at a four seat table.
They threw statements and questions at me and I responded with some sexy witty remark each time, to which they'd flip out again. (I don't remember what they were, it happened so fast)
I examined each of them. There was only one that was cute to me. The others looked too young.
I looked at the girl I thought was cute.
Me: "what's your name?" i say while touching my hand lightly on her shoulder.
Her: "Alexis"
Me: "nice to meet you Alexis, I'm Wes" I hold out my hand.
She turns her face away.
Her: "I don't shake hands with people"
Me: "this is the difficult one, I see"
The other girls laughed and she turned her face back toward me and looked down.
Another girl spoke up
She says: "where are you from?"
Me: "I'm from here....why?" (it's because I don't sound like I'm from the south)
She doesn't answer and they're all looking at me wide eyed as if they can't wait to hear what I'm going to say next.
Another girl: "why are you so nice?"
Me: "what's the point of being mean to people?"
They didn't answer this either.
Me: "alright, well it was nice talking to you all...have a good one"
And I spun on my foot and slowly walked away.
As I walked away, one of them shouted: hold on, my friend thinks you're cute!
I turned my head back and looked at the girl she was talking about.
Me: "then come with me" (while beckoning her over to me)
They stayed put.
I shook my head and kept walking.
Then the girl who thought I was cute started saying "wait" then she shouted her number at me. I stopped. Looked back at her. Then kept walking.

I thought about it. She was not the one I wanted.

Why can't white girls be this forward?
Lol I love being chased.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
haha that's funny ass story Wes.
The only time I've ever had a girl shout out to me that I was sexy was when I was walking into a convenience store with my shirt off and a quite unattractive white girl that was yelling and cutting up passed me by and yelled "YOUR FUCKING HOT!" and ran off with her friends. So white girls are that forward sometimes... just not the ones you want in your bed.

Keep it up big dawg.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Wesley said:
One of them shouts out: "you have some sexy lips!"
I slowly turn my head and step towards her.
Me: "wanna taste?"

Lol, that was pretty clever for a moment's notice.

Mr.Rob said:
So white girls are that forward sometimes... just not the ones you want in your bed.

True, true. Important to note, prettier white women do the same thing, just more socially calibrated, I think. Walking between clubs the other day, a more attractive white girl with her friend mockingly said "curls get the girls", and it took me a second to realize they were talking about me. She wanted to be approached, but she wasn't going to put herself so out there as to crush her ego if I didn't approach.

From what I've seen, girls are more likely to do "cat calls" if they're in groups, albeit in a very mocking fashion (almost like they're making fun of you). It's a state pumper for all the girls, and simultaneously a plausibly deniable approach invitation. But fun is had by all :)


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Mr.Rob said:
haha that's funny ass story Wes.
The only time I've ever had a girl shout out to me that I was sexy was when I was walking into a convenience store with my shirt off and a quite unattractive white girl that was yelling and cutting up passed me by and yelled "YOUR FUCKING HOT!" and ran off with her friends. So white girls are that forward sometimes... just not the ones you want in your bed.

Keep it up big dawg.

Lol true...just not the ones I want.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
PrettyDecent said:
Wesley said:
One of them shouts out: "you have some sexy lips!"
I slowly turn my head and step towards her.
Me: "wanna taste?"

Lol, that was pretty clever for a moment's notice.

Mr.Rob said:
So white girls are that forward sometimes... just not the ones you want in your bed.

True, true. Important to note, prettier white women do the same thing, just more socially calibrated, I think. Walking between clubs the other day, a more attractive white girl with her friend mockingly said "curls get the girls", and it took me a second to realize they were talking about me. She wanted to be approached, but she wasn't going to put herself so out there as to crush her ego if I didn't approach.

From what I've seen, girls are more likely to do "cat calls" if they're in groups, albeit in a very mocking fashion (almost like they're making fun of you). It's a state pumper for all the girls, and simultaneously a plausibly deniable approach invitation. But fun is had by all :)


I give thanks to Prince Charming from Shrek 2 for that clever comeback. Lol
Oh yea, now that you mention it, I have noticed that whenever girls talk to me first, they're in groups and it's always a "cat-call". Also sometimes feels like they're making fun of me.
Also true about the prettier ones doing it in more socially calibrated ways. My first time going to a nightclub, a pretty white girl sitting on a sofa invited me to sit down with her when she saw me standing up looking around at the room.

The problem with girl's approaches is that we don't really notice what they mean until later so we have to be on our toes and catch it right as it happens. After reading many of Chase's articles, I found out that I was getting hit on by girls all my life but I was too stupid to notice. All that time I thought I was ugly. Lol how ironic.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Hey Wesley , nice story. You got your fundamentals right and it really does not matter if you are good or average looking , if you got your fundamentals right , girls will approach or at least give you signs that they want to be approached which is more likely. I was under the impression that looks matter , but for us guys , your confidence is what matters as much as 80% , the other 20% i would bet on clothing and facial hair. I did not said hair because i have none :D

The walk you mentioned is on my to-do list for 2014

best of luck in new year !