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While this isn't a LR, I'm pretty excited because I now have the time to go out and do one of these and I got a lot of compliance (until the end). I also think there's a lot I can learn and hopefully a couple tidbits for newbies.
Disclaimer: All these details are a little fuzzy, because I was celebrating and I was a little drunker than usual. But I'll work to capture the gist of it.
Background: This was a house party, with a little bit of a dance element. But for the most part, I stayed away from dancing (tip #1 for newbies)
I remember the approach the least. I believe I either approached her with a group of friends (some of whom I already knew), or I approached her on my own and used a situational opener. I think it was the latter, but I can't remember completely. We'll call the girl girl #1.
After we got the introductions out of the way, I started with a couple basic things (small talk) and then quickly moved her within the first five minutes. The music was loud, and I hate trying to talk over it, so I moved her to a quieter area. We sat next to each other on a couch which was perfect because you can get some contact there. She told me that it had been a long, busy week and she was looking to relax a bit. I talked to her a little bit about her work and then did a cold read. Nothing specific, just stuff about how she works hard and plays hard (from the past conversation), that she is independent and ambitious and that she was a dog person. She lit up and said that that perfectly describes her and she is a huge dog person. Now that I had built a little rapport, I started deep diving. Topics like future plans, work, and how great southern women are were just a few examples.
During our conversation, one of my friends started playing his banjo and she got up to dance. I hesitated for a second, then grabbed her hand and started dancing with her. I built plenty of sexual tension here with eye contact, my dancing skills, and touch. I could tell she was really excited and she was interested in me. (This was a different type of dancing than club dancing. I was holding her hands and looking into her eyes, instead of being behind her. I actually think this type of dancing is better for pickup).
This is where I made my first mistake. I had an escalation window and I didn't take it. I should have invited her to my place and after a little more conversation, I could have gone for it. It was a tougher window because she was interested, but still a bit unsure.
Anyways, I sat back down with her and continued talking. There was no one around and again it would have been a good time to pull her, but I missed the window again. This definitely would have been the best time to pull her, especially with what was about to happen.
After a few more minutes, a group of people walked into the room. One of them was a girl who I had met a couple weekends ago but told me she wanted to just be friends. We'll call her girl #2. I told her that I wasn't going to be friends with her, and we had been cool until now. She (girl #2) started trying to cock block me hard. She told girl #1 who I was with that I was a slut and a whore but at least I was cute (at this point I was sitting on a chair with both girls on armrests). Girl #2 was actively trying to engage me, and I made the mistake here by listening to her. Girl #1 got up and started talking to another guy. Girl #2 smiles and tells me "Looks like you lost her", and I smile, look at her and say, "No, I didn't." I stay calm and I can tell that its bothering girl #2 (it also bothers her that I'm not giving her much attention). She gets angry says , "Oh you weren't gonna get with her anyways" and I smile, shake my head, and roll my eyes (basically a yeah, ok kind of look). Girl #2 leaves and joins the rest of the group and eventually I get up and get girl #1 to come back and sit with me (much closer this time). I also hold her hand. The rest of the group leaves and we're alone again except for two loud people talking in the corner. After they say something really obnoxious, I look at her and say "my room's much quieter, let's go there" and she complies.
We head to my room and she sits on my desk chair instead of my bed. I get her to take her shoes off. As we talk, I start leaning in closer to her and eventually kiss her and throw her onto my bed. When I'm making out with her, I bruise her lip. I do this a lot, and I gotta ease off a little bit the next time. One of my roommates also walks in on me, but I use it as an excuse to turn off the lights (which I should have done already) We start making out and I get everything but her panties off. She's grabbing my dick, but then straight up tells me, "we aren't having sex, I don't do that with someone I just met". This is the third time a girl has told me that we aren't having sex in a serious tone. Definitely something to figure out. We keep making out and she laughs at some of my lines. I made the mistake here by taking it a little bit seriously instead of completely laughing it off, although I didn't show too much that I cared. She also told me that she doesn't like dry humping (yeah, duh, me neither) and when I try to go for her panties again, she stops me. We keep making out and then I made the mistake here by having some logical conversation. Not good for sex. I think this was mostly the alcohol, but for some reason I like talking logic when I'm in these positions. I start fingering her and she starts rubbing my dick, and I got her pretty close to cumming. She tells me that she is super turned on and wants to have sex, but is holding back because we just met. She doesn't stay the night because she had things to do in the morning (not a lie) and she leaves.
Also, I saw girl #2 later on in the weekend and she was very nice and even went across the street to hug me in front of my friends. She's being much nicer and much less challenging and giving me a lot more investment.
What I did well:
1. Moving her. I got her to move with me at least four times and got no resistance each time.
2. Sexual tension.
3. Not letting things throw me. I didn't get upset and leave while she was talking to another guy because I knew she wanted me.
4. Not letting the other girl cock block me. Girl #2 was pissed when she saw me the next day with a hickey on my neck
Things to work on:
1. Hitting escalation windows
2. Overcoming LMR
3. I need to stop bruising girls lips, it kills the vibe
4. No logic during sex
5. Drinking less when I go out. I think alcohol was the reason for most of the problems I had.
Tips for newbies:
1. Club dancing sucks. Stay away from it as much as possible.
2. Moving girls is EASY. Just make any old excuse and she will most likely comply.
3. Hit escalation windows the first time. You usually don't get three chances like I did here.
4. Remain calm. Don't let things freak you out. It's not what a sexy man does. You will win in the end.
Questions I have:
1. What do you guys think of girl #2? If she doesn't want me, why does me being around other girls bother her and why is she acting so nice now?
2. How do I start to get girl #1 chasing me? I told her we'd get dinner sometime, but I also want to have her chasing me. What things can I do early in the interaction to get her chasing?
3. Dealing with the "I just met you, we're not having sex" line. I don't think its because I didn't know her, I deep dived pretty well. How do I get past this? She also had a frame that I only wanted to get in her pants (I got past it but still.)
4. How to go for getting a blowjob? I think I could have gotten one, but because I was drunk, I didn't go for it. Do I hint at it, use nonverbals, or what?
Let me know what you guys think. I hope this can help some newbies too, its good to be back
Disclaimer: All these details are a little fuzzy, because I was celebrating and I was a little drunker than usual. But I'll work to capture the gist of it.
Background: This was a house party, with a little bit of a dance element. But for the most part, I stayed away from dancing (tip #1 for newbies)
I remember the approach the least. I believe I either approached her with a group of friends (some of whom I already knew), or I approached her on my own and used a situational opener. I think it was the latter, but I can't remember completely. We'll call the girl girl #1.
After we got the introductions out of the way, I started with a couple basic things (small talk) and then quickly moved her within the first five minutes. The music was loud, and I hate trying to talk over it, so I moved her to a quieter area. We sat next to each other on a couch which was perfect because you can get some contact there. She told me that it had been a long, busy week and she was looking to relax a bit. I talked to her a little bit about her work and then did a cold read. Nothing specific, just stuff about how she works hard and plays hard (from the past conversation), that she is independent and ambitious and that she was a dog person. She lit up and said that that perfectly describes her and she is a huge dog person. Now that I had built a little rapport, I started deep diving. Topics like future plans, work, and how great southern women are were just a few examples.
During our conversation, one of my friends started playing his banjo and she got up to dance. I hesitated for a second, then grabbed her hand and started dancing with her. I built plenty of sexual tension here with eye contact, my dancing skills, and touch. I could tell she was really excited and she was interested in me. (This was a different type of dancing than club dancing. I was holding her hands and looking into her eyes, instead of being behind her. I actually think this type of dancing is better for pickup).
This is where I made my first mistake. I had an escalation window and I didn't take it. I should have invited her to my place and after a little more conversation, I could have gone for it. It was a tougher window because she was interested, but still a bit unsure.
Anyways, I sat back down with her and continued talking. There was no one around and again it would have been a good time to pull her, but I missed the window again. This definitely would have been the best time to pull her, especially with what was about to happen.
After a few more minutes, a group of people walked into the room. One of them was a girl who I had met a couple weekends ago but told me she wanted to just be friends. We'll call her girl #2. I told her that I wasn't going to be friends with her, and we had been cool until now. She (girl #2) started trying to cock block me hard. She told girl #1 who I was with that I was a slut and a whore but at least I was cute (at this point I was sitting on a chair with both girls on armrests). Girl #2 was actively trying to engage me, and I made the mistake here by listening to her. Girl #1 got up and started talking to another guy. Girl #2 smiles and tells me "Looks like you lost her", and I smile, look at her and say, "No, I didn't." I stay calm and I can tell that its bothering girl #2 (it also bothers her that I'm not giving her much attention). She gets angry says , "Oh you weren't gonna get with her anyways" and I smile, shake my head, and roll my eyes (basically a yeah, ok kind of look). Girl #2 leaves and joins the rest of the group and eventually I get up and get girl #1 to come back and sit with me (much closer this time). I also hold her hand. The rest of the group leaves and we're alone again except for two loud people talking in the corner. After they say something really obnoxious, I look at her and say "my room's much quieter, let's go there" and she complies.
We head to my room and she sits on my desk chair instead of my bed. I get her to take her shoes off. As we talk, I start leaning in closer to her and eventually kiss her and throw her onto my bed. When I'm making out with her, I bruise her lip. I do this a lot, and I gotta ease off a little bit the next time. One of my roommates also walks in on me, but I use it as an excuse to turn off the lights (which I should have done already) We start making out and I get everything but her panties off. She's grabbing my dick, but then straight up tells me, "we aren't having sex, I don't do that with someone I just met". This is the third time a girl has told me that we aren't having sex in a serious tone. Definitely something to figure out. We keep making out and she laughs at some of my lines. I made the mistake here by taking it a little bit seriously instead of completely laughing it off, although I didn't show too much that I cared. She also told me that she doesn't like dry humping (yeah, duh, me neither) and when I try to go for her panties again, she stops me. We keep making out and then I made the mistake here by having some logical conversation. Not good for sex. I think this was mostly the alcohol, but for some reason I like talking logic when I'm in these positions. I start fingering her and she starts rubbing my dick, and I got her pretty close to cumming. She tells me that she is super turned on and wants to have sex, but is holding back because we just met. She doesn't stay the night because she had things to do in the morning (not a lie) and she leaves.
Also, I saw girl #2 later on in the weekend and she was very nice and even went across the street to hug me in front of my friends. She's being much nicer and much less challenging and giving me a lot more investment.
What I did well:
1. Moving her. I got her to move with me at least four times and got no resistance each time.
2. Sexual tension.
3. Not letting things throw me. I didn't get upset and leave while she was talking to another guy because I knew she wanted me.
4. Not letting the other girl cock block me. Girl #2 was pissed when she saw me the next day with a hickey on my neck
Things to work on:
1. Hitting escalation windows
2. Overcoming LMR
3. I need to stop bruising girls lips, it kills the vibe
4. No logic during sex
5. Drinking less when I go out. I think alcohol was the reason for most of the problems I had.
Tips for newbies:
1. Club dancing sucks. Stay away from it as much as possible.
2. Moving girls is EASY. Just make any old excuse and she will most likely comply.
3. Hit escalation windows the first time. You usually don't get three chances like I did here.
4. Remain calm. Don't let things freak you out. It's not what a sexy man does. You will win in the end.
Questions I have:
1. What do you guys think of girl #2? If she doesn't want me, why does me being around other girls bother her and why is she acting so nice now?
2. How do I start to get girl #1 chasing me? I told her we'd get dinner sometime, but I also want to have her chasing me. What things can I do early in the interaction to get her chasing?
3. Dealing with the "I just met you, we're not having sex" line. I don't think its because I didn't know her, I deep dived pretty well. How do I get past this? She also had a frame that I only wanted to get in her pants (I got past it but still.)
4. How to go for getting a blowjob? I think I could have gotten one, but because I was drunk, I didn't go for it. Do I hint at it, use nonverbals, or what?
Let me know what you guys think. I hope this can help some newbies too, its good to be back