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FR  FR / FU: not sure how to handle the unexpected


May 7, 2013

First a word about me. I am 43 years old, recently divorced and fresh again on the dating market after 15 years with the same woman. Guess what, after 15 years off, you need to re-learn everything from scratch! I discovered Chase's website 6 months ago and it was a big enlightenment. Chase, your web site is great! All my past history of success and failure with girls suddenly all made sense. I can really see how it all fits together, especially the Lover vs. Provider, sexy vs. funny and chasing vs. persistence. And in retrospect, I was always the Provider in every respect; but as said by Chase, this is only 50% of the job as women seek a mixture of Lover and Provider. Since then, I have decided to learn the Lover's way, and to apply the great material from this site. Many things here are new to me, starting with the move fast philosophy. The first thing I worked on was on my fundamentals - and still working on, but yes, I can see a great improvement here, I am getting compliments, and dates, from twenty something ladies.

So now, to the Report. This is very likely a fuck-up, although the interaction is not completely finished at this stage. Yet, I would love to hear what you think and how you would have handled this situation differently. As you will see, that was a great start, then the unexpected happened...

I met this beautiful blonde girl a few week ago via the broader social circle. She is 23 years old working for a big consulting company, and an expat worker like myself in this GCC country. It clicked very well immediately. I could tell she was trying her charms on me with her sideways glances and smiles. I asked her to give me her hand so that I could admire her watch. I touched her hair. She gave me her business card when I was still wondering how I would ask her number (our mutual friends were with us). When we left, I grabbed her softly by the arm and asked her to give me a ride to my place. Well, I am not yet ready to move THAT fast, but I was trying compliance, and at the same time wanted to plant the idea of my place in her mind.

During the week, I kept text chat at the minimum. Some ice breaker text and a little "situational" chat. No big emotions. The following week end, I tried something I never did before, the (almost) instant date by text. I sent a spontaneous text like "This afternoon, I am going to my health club at Ritz Carlton. There is a nice outdoor pool where you can have pool side drinks and snacks. I have a free pass and propose to take you with me. What do you say?" I had to insist a little bit (not too much) and she was in. We had a lovely afternoon. Fun in the pool, snacks, and deep diving. We ended in the lounge of the Ritz with drinks, and at that stage there was a very good emotional connection. Yet, I had an evening dinner planned with a friend and she had a flat visit (she was moving flats), so we had to interrupt the date a bit abruptly. In hindsight, that was the top of our interaction. Two things I could have done differently: I could have kissed her, or I could have canceled the dinner with my friend. I did none of that. After we left, she immediately texted me how much she enjoyed the time, and prompted me to continue pushing good date ideas.

Mid week, I sent her a text reminding her last message, and suggested a date at my place. "On the weekend, you come at my place, we cook crepes (french pancakes) then decide between going to the pool or watching a movie" (need to keep plausible deniability). Answer was an immediate "I am in". And here I realized how easy it is to attract a woman at home so soon when you have the right emotional connection. I thought she would flake... and she did not. On the morning she texted she was on her way so I started arranging things at home. Yet she was late... then I got a text "I lost my car keys". On her way to my home she went to the shopping mall to purchase some fresh orange juice and managed to lose her car key in the process. Of course her home keys were inside the car. I went to the mall and we stayed some time there looking for the keys with no success. I brought her home eventually but guess what, the mood was off now, the worry was still on the back of our minds. We did the cooking then lied down on the sofa watching a movie. I took her in my arms and tried kissing but got protests, and I thought better not to insist given the context. After that we felt that the best to do was to return to the mall and do more looking. When I drove her home I asked for a replacement date, like a dinner out, which ended in a "maybe tomorrow" and then never happened. In hindsight, I probably should not have tried something bold given the context, and spilled my beans on the wrong moment; but then I thought that if I did not try, she would be disappointed. But girls react to immediate experience.

After the would be dinner that never occurred, I decided to cut. That was heading to a chase dynamics I did not like, so I sent a text saying "This is not balanced. I have enjoyed my time with you. Good evening." Then I stopped messaging. She re-initiated a few days after. Few texts. Then I stopped again, for a full week, then she re-initiated. So, I tried proposing another date, asking when she would be free. I also mentioned that I would be off in holidays for two weeks soon (to give some sense of urgency). She was not available on the week end so she proposed for the following week, a few days before my holidays. The day before the date I texted her with date arrangements (a dinner out), to poll if this was still on. No answer after a few hours. Yet, thanks to Whatsapp (chat platform) I knew she had read my text. That was looking like another "maybe" story, and I don't want her to think it is OK. So I wrote "sorry, but the above deserved an answer. I have little time and patience for this. We call it canceled. Good evening." Then suddenly she texted back plenty of apologies and excuses. I said, "why don't you call me, I am growing sick of texting". She finally called a few hours before my plane and we arranged a quick drink. I made sure she did all the talking with a little deep diving and a relaxed mood. She said something like "I hope you will be back to us" (I love the "us"). Then I was off for holidays and there were no more interaction in nearly two weeks since then. I am still away of the country and pondering if and how I am going to take things on when I am back.

Guys, I would love the hear what you think. How would you have handled this differently, after the pool date, after the home date, given the context? Now, as you see it is not quite dead but the dynamics has changed. I met her without a problem three week ends consecutively without problem, and then suddenly it is mission impossible to get more time off together; but yet she would not let me go. I am under the impression that she has put me on second or third priority on her dating list and she is trying to keep me in orbit as a backup if options 1 or 2 fuck it up - a situation I am not prepared to accept.

Guys, how you would handle this moving forward?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Re: FR / FU - not sure how to handle the unexpected


First- welcome to the boards!

I went through a divorce a couple years ago as well. We were together 8 and a half years. It definitely is like starting from scratch after being with one woman for so long! This site has helped me more than I ever would have dreamed, so you're in good hands here!

Now, to your issue with this woman:

There are a number of things that I feel you did wrong or didn't handle properly.

* I feel like you could have (should have) invited her in when she gave you a ride to your house after the first interaction you had with this woman. Sit her down, get her a drink, sit next to her, kiss & push/pull and escalate to sex. And yes, you definitely should have canceled plans to continue the 2nd date!

* Seems you are pretty good at texting already (without seeing exact dialogue, mind you)- however, I would never ever text a girl how you did: "This is not balanced. etc etc etc". Just don't contact her at all. Reacting like this only lets her know that you're frustrated and she's getting to you. Remain non-reactional, calm & cool at all times. Things like this cause auto-rejection.

* More on texting: Don't get discouraged if she reads your text & doesn't respond. Sometimes I read a text and plan to respond later when I am not busy and can give an appropriate response rather than hurredly type something out and click send. Sometimes it takes me several hours or a day to respond to a text. Sometimes I don't respond at all, even though I'm meaning to. The biggest thing here is don't call her out on it (see point 2 above).

* I feel like you're being friend zoned. She likes the fact that you're a cool guy and you spend time with her, text her and all that stuff. You provide her with a good time, and she sees value in you- just not as a lover. I'll admit, sometimes I will put forth a little more investment if the girl is worth it, and at times been successful. If she really misses you like she says, and isn't just blowing smoke up your ass, then this could work- but you're going to have to have sex with her ASAP. You've taken too long already.

* Here's the biggest thing: Sometimes stuff like that (her losing her keys) just comes up. Difficult to deal with, yes. I maybe would have rescheduled the date, but still offered to help her find her keys. I don't have an answer for you on this, unfortunately. But if the mood was off, I wouldn't have continued on with the date. Maybe some of the more experienced guys can help with this. I'll be interested to see other people's take on this situation with the car keys.

Anyway, here's how this interaction went:

1. Meet hot girl, gives you a ride home
2. Take her on 2nd date @ Ritz Carlton
3. 3rd date goes to hell (loses car keys)
4. Things get awkward

Here's how she wanted it to go:

1. Meet hot girl, gives you a ride home. You invite her in and sleep with her.
2. Take her on more dates.

I do get a sense that you're a bit of a natural with women. You just need a little fine-tuning and to move faster toward sex.

Best of luck!


May 7, 2013
Re: FR / FU - not sure how to handle the unexpected

Hey NarrowJ,

Thank you for your supporting comments and advice! That's appreciated. It's my first time to receive objective feedback on how I am doing and honestly it's invaluable.

1. If you say it was possible to do it right after I met up with her the first time, I trust you must be right; I have never been that fast with a woman so it's a learning process, but I will aim for that. To me, I feel that the best time to take her home would have been after the RC date, because we had built a good emotional connection throughout the afternoon, so it would have been a smooth conclusion. But I had this dinner already planned. Would you have ditched the dinner with a friend to take her home instead? I thought about it but finally decided it was not good to give her so much value.

2 and 3. You have a good point about keeping cool over texting. I guess I have to re-learn patience as well :) ! Next time I will follow your advice closely on this.

4. FZ, or kept as alternative option #3. Neither good, I agree. Based on your feedback, I am thinking that my best route is to reduce investment at this point while keeping contact, and focusing on other women. If she comes back to me (my bet is, she will) I will avoid meeting on her terms and propose a tea at my place instead.

Here is a sample of messaging, leading up to the pool date. Let me know what you think, if you have time!

(I just tried to call her on her mobile, no answer)

11:03: (Her) Sorry at the traffic police changing the car plates
11:03: (Her) What's up?
11:21: (Me) Hello, no issue.
11:21: (Me) Have fun!
11:22: (Me) Wanted to make sure you don't forget about my french accent :)
11:22: (Her) Not exactly sure how am I supposed to have fun here but thanks
11:23: (Me) Call it my french sense of humour
11:24: (Me) Do you fancy a couple of hours at the swimming pool of ritz carlton?
11:24: (Me) I am going there and have a free pass
11:29: (Me) Will go there early afternoon. Join me if you have no plans.
11:40: (Her) Niiiice
11:40: (Her) What time you will be going?
11:41: (Me) Like 1pm. Sun is less hot.
11:41: (Me) What do you say?
11:43: (Her) The weather is so tempting
11:43: (Me) Come on! Join me then.
11:44: (Me) Next month will be too hot, so it's now!
11:45: (Me) Plus, they serve fresh fruit juice
11:46: (Me) And we can order some meal.
11:46: (Her) My plan was to go home and sleep
11:46: (Her) I slept yesterday at 4AM
11:46: (Me) Then you can sleep by the pool
11:47: (Her) Alright
11:47: (Her) As long as you don't mind a company of a retarded person
11:47: (Her) Because my head is off
11:47: (Me) It's alright, I am retarded as well
11:47: (Me) :)
11:47: (Her) Awesome
11:47: (Her) Shall I pick you up?
11:48: (Me) Why don't you come here, and we take my car
12:12: (Her) Ok
12:12: (Her) To what time will you be staying there?
12:13: (Me) It's open. I don't have constraints.
12:14: (Me) Count at least 2 hours for your nap :)
12:16: (Her) Alright I have some work to finish at home
12:17: (Her) So will get there by 2
12:17: (Me) Say 1:45 pm?
12:18: (Me) We want to reach the pool before nightfall
12:18: (Her) Will buzz you as I am leaving the house
12:18: (Her) Carry on if you like and I will catch up
12:20: (Me) I can wait here if we target 2pm at the pool.
12:20: (Me) So come to my place, you park here and we go together.
12:22: (Me) Hey, why don't you push these things you have to do for after the pool?
12:23: (Me) We probably won't stay later than 5
12:24: (Her) I have to send few work e-mails
12:24: (Her) Give me an hour
12:24: (Me) Ok fine.
12:25: (Me) I can find things to do here in the meantime
13:57: (Me) Any good news on the radar?
13:57: (Her) Leaving the house in 5
13:58: (Me) :)
13:59: (Me) Great. Think of the pool, the outdoor jacuzzi, the cocktails and the nap under the trees
14:16: (Her) Nap!
14:18: (Her) On my way
14:19: (Her) I would have to leave by 5:30 so would you prefer us to go in 2 cars so I won't have to bother you?
14:20: (Me) Hi. Fine we can go by one car. Come here and we go together. After 5:30 it will be dark anyway.
14:21: (Her) Hopefully I will remember here where
14:21: (Her) I am on corniche so start getting excited
14:22: (Me) Next to the new intercont hotel. You enter the block on the street right opposite to mariott hotel, then first right, then white building.
14:23: (Me) Call me if problem.
14:23: (Me) Yes I am getting excited :)
14:30: (Her) Reached
18:48: (Me) Did you fall asleep in the shower?
19:01: (Her) I was mesmerized staring in the mirror
20:22: (Her) Thank you for today
20:22: (Her) You really made my "weekend"
20:22: (Her) Wish you a beautiful rest of the evening
20:22: (Her) Sorry for keeping you late
20:22: (Her) I was just really enjoying your company
20:23: (Me) I already congratulated myself, what a good idea I had !
20:23: (Me) ok, seriously I am glad you came.
20:31: (Me) Don't worry about my being late, I just thrown my excuses [to my friend]
20:33: (Me) I wish you a good evening and a good night of sleep!
20:44: (Her) I like your great ideas
20:44: (Her) Keep them coming
20:55: (Me) I have more great ideas, for sure, but I won't tell them all at once.

And off for the day.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Re: FR / FU - not sure how to handle the unexpected

First of all- way too much texting there. All your texts are pretty short in length, which is good. But, the conversation drags on for too long. It's ok to build a little rapport, and you should be, but you should have a definite objective when you're texting: to get her out. Short & to the point convos that accomplish what you're wanting to get done. Read about "Law of Least Effort"- texting is all about Law of Least Effort. Get more done, with less effort. This is what powerful, dominant men do.

Also, you need to vary response times and not text back immediately. When you give immediate responses constantly, she thinks you're (a) desperate and (b) have nothing going on. If I'm at work my response times vary from anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours. If I'm not at work, then my response times vary from 5 minutes to an hour or sometimes a little more. But don't be too obvious about it. This accomplishes a few things, but most importantly:

(1) You seem busy (intrigue: what is this guy doing?)
(2) It gives her some time to toss you around in her head a little bit as she waits for a response (investment)
(3) Most importantly, you DO NOT seem desperate. You're getting back to her on your time and your terms.

Also, do not ASK HER if she wants to meet. You want to command her (in a subliminal sort of way, we're not being bossy here), and have her comply.

This- "Do you fancy a couple of hours at the swimming pool of Ritz Carlton?"
Should instead be this- "Let's meet for a couple hours at the pool of Ritz Carlton"

Here is a sample of how I would have texted this girl (in addition to the content, note the varied response times & also see some notes in italics):

11:03: (Her) Sorry at the traffic police changing the car plates. What's up?
11:22: (Me) Wanted to make sure you don't forget about my french accent :) Simple rapport building comment
11:22: (Her) Not exactly sure how am I supposed to have fun here but thanks
11:31: (Me) Call it my french sense of humour Another simple rapport building comment
11:31: (Me) Lets meet for a couple of hours at the swimming pool of ritz carlton. I am going there about 1pm and have a free pass. shoot to the point- command, don't ask her
11:40: (Her) Niiiice. The weather is so tempting
12:10: (Me) Join me then! command
12:13: (Her) My plan was to go home and sleep.I slept yesterday at 4AM
12:29: (Me) Then you can sleep by the pool
12:33: (Her) Alright compliance
12:33: (Her) As long as you don't mind a company of a retarded person. Because my head is off.
12:41: (Me) Come here, and we take my car ignored her comment, no playful retort- shoot straight to the objective
12:42: (Her) Ok more compliance
12:42: (Her) To what time will you be staying there?
12:55: (Me) It's open. I don't have constraints. Count at least 2 hours for your nap :)
12:56: (Her) Alright I have some work to finish at home so will get there by 2
13:03: (Me) Say 1:45 pm I removed the question mark on this text, don't ask for compliance- command it :)
13:05: (Her) Will buzz you as I am leaving the house. Carry on if you like and I will catch up.
13:31: (Me) Sounds good! objective accomplished, end text convo here

Of course, she did text you a few more times regarding logistics. So, its completely ok to handle those as well. I ended the convo at this point for sake of simplicity.


Check out Francos post on "Why It's Good To Be A Bad Texter" here: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1213

Chase also has some excellent blog posts on texting. I'd read those as well.