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FR++/FU: Sex on the Beach... almost


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Sup gentlemen it's been awhile since I've had something cool to post on the FR's boards. Don't think I've been getting complacent though! I've still been out grindin just not getting any real great results despite meeting about 10-20 new women every week.
That is until today...

Seeing Zphix back on here scoping the Latinas and Ozzo macking the MILF's (or old enough to be a MILF) I was feeling like I needed to get my ass out of high gear and into overdrive. Then Marty making boss moves on little sweetheart I was determined to stop being a pussy and reach past my comfort zone so damnit I did!

I fuck up later on by being retarded if you want to skip to the funny part (I think it's funny/extremely irritating that I did it) go down to the headline "I Prove I'm Mentally Retarded".

I got off work late around 3 o'clock today and out of going to hit the gym or meeting a sexy girl on the beach I opted out for the latter.

I got out to the beach dressed in my sexy multi colored polka dot on baby blue shorts and start walking the 1/4 mile stretch of populated beach.

I'm somewhat stuck in my head and really don't feel like doing much talking with anyone. I wouldn't entertain it, but the thought of leaving the beach right to get back in my comfort zone was steadily getting sent to the front of my mind. I continually told my ego to go fuck himself until I saw this sexy legged blonde walk a ways in front of me to sit in a chair by herself, and then my ego started encouraging me to go talk to her. Fucking bipolar motherfucker he is.

I knew I had to meet her so I slowly approached from behind at a distance that respected her personal space so I didn't scare her

Cold Approaching the Hot Babe
Me: Hi
Her: hahaha (she laughing for some reason)
Me: Whats so funny :)
Her: haha don't worry I'm not laughing at you
Me: Wasn't thinking that, I just think it's rude that your not sharing whats so funny
Her: haha (still laughing like a weirdo) I just think it's funny that you're here
Me: ahaaa (somewhat skeptical/amused look)
Her: so whats up
Me: I saw you walk in front of me when you came to sit down and noticed you have sexy legs
Her: (she lights up a bit and obviously wasn't expecting that) Omg you're making me blush
Her: You're really attractive as well! :)
Me: I'm Robert, who are you?
Her: I'm Carly (I actually forgot her name right after she said it which will make sense at the end of this)
Me: Are you going to invite me to sit down for a second (I point at the towel next to her feet, and said this to put social pressure on her as a bit of a "push" to get her more invested)
Her: Oh yes of course! Sit down

So as you can see nothing fancy here just very in the moment conversation of me displaying my intentions and leading. I still find in intriguing how little you can say or talk about and yet have a girl so interested in you... the importance of fundamentals.

Anyway we get to know each other for a bit and I find out she actually is with some friends that I can visibly see that are close by. It turned out that she ran over to the chair to keep it from getting blown away (sweet girl).

She's 22 and from Utah (of all places Utah just seems so fucking random... like I didn't know people actually lived there, nonetheless drive 30 hours to get here) and is on vacation for a week (perfect logistics already). Then this:
Her: So what do you do for a living
Me: You can guess
Her: hmm.. your probably a beach bum
Me: hmmm.. elaborate on what a beach bum entails
Her: dropped out of school to surf, you have a shitty low paying job that causes you to hardly be able to pay your bills, and you live in a degrading low rent apartment with your surf buddies, and you party like no other (OMG I love this girl she's painting the picture of the perfect lover... and she wants me to fit that!)
Me: Sounds like I'll make the perfect lover then ;)
Her: Lol yeah right?

The guy who's chair she kept from blowing away comes back soon so we get up and walk over to her friend group that have witnessed this whole thing go down so far. I say hi and make a witty patronizing comment to the group about the girl my girl (their friend) and they seem to like me enough to want to exchange names.

I didn't want to get invested in the group so I just lock right back into a bubble with my girl and it almost comes to the end (since I originally framed it as if I were going somewhere to meet people) since she knew I was about to leave to go meet friends.

We had good chemistry and she was obviously into me so I inquired on her logistics (she had horrible logistics being 45 min. away, not knowing the town she's staying in, and not having a car to drive). Since I figured it was slim chance of meeting back up with her for a day 2 I figured I'd try and run with it.

Moving the Hot Babe

Yall know the way girls stare at you when their clearly hooked and you might leave, the "I'm pretending its cool that we can't hang out but I really want your cock in me" look. Well I was getting that look and since I'm a man that respects women I did exactly what any "nice guy" would do... That's right I escalated ;) because I'm a genuine nice guy!

My plan was to get her in my car and have her suck my dick, sooooo when she asked where we were going (in which she asked suspiciously and immediately) I asked what her favorite music was since we have such fantastic radio stations down here that I had to show her (that was a lie the radio stations in my city blow Dinosaur cock). She consented and we got on the subject of music and since I knew I had to keep some comfort built in this rather uncertain transition to the "blow job spot" I decided to start making fun of country singers (her favorite type of music) and started singing, impromptu, about drinking to much whiskey and having my heart broken (you know the only thing country singers sing about). She thought this was hilarious and we were laughing back to my car.

Somehow I got on the subject of sexy country men and which ones she thinks are the hottest and as we got closer to my car a girl walking past checked us out. I made a comment that she was probably jealous of us (good us vs. them here), in which she proudly agreed. I then told her lets make her more jealous and started holding her hand in which she liked a lot.

Then as we got close to my car we were bantering and she said jokingly "and then we'll have sex in the back of you car".

Did I mention how much I love this girl? She doesn't even want me to work hard!

We get in my car and I'm still being spontaneous and ridiculous in conversation to build comfort (I've known her for maybe 12 min. at this point). I get in the passenger side and she sits on my lap and I close the door. I continue making fun of country music and find the shitty station. At this point the sexual tension has built up pretty decent and we're having good sexy eye contact.

I think I fucked up a bit here by not having a solid game plan but I soon enough kiss her and we make out for a second and pull away mutually. This rings her ASD (anti slut defense [she's making out with a stranger that she met 15 min. ago in his car with no tint putting on a show for the world to see]) and she says her friends are probably wondering where she is.

I blow straight past this and tell her everything cool were just hanging listening to radio. Then I command her to into the driver seat since she's the boss (not really) and shes in control. I do this to let her feel like theres no pressure and we don't have to have sex... right this instant at least.

I then start sucking her neck (still with no real game plan... maybe try and escalate to the back seat? maybe get her to suck my dick in the front? Maybe drive somewhere so the whole world won't see us?) and this turns her on and she gives back. I'm starting to get a boner and stop. I decide that we need to drive somewhere secluded.

Hot Babe Drives my Car!!

She's in the drivers seat and I get back into fun comfort mode and command her to drive me around in a playful half jokingly way. We banter about it for a second and then I turn the key in the ignition and say "give me a tour of this beach right now missy! I want a tour!". I'm being so ridiculous and just having fun to short circuit her emotions from her logic that way were having so much fun she wouldn't even entertain the thought of leaving.

She complies and she starts driving and I tell her where to go (sound familiar to a past LR anybody?). We start driving down the strip and I do a bit of deep diving along with some more banter. We drive a decent ways just enjoying each others company until we get out where there isn't much civilization (still on the beach) and just open beach with parkinglots to park at every so often.

She starts getting a bit nervous (wondering why we've driven so far) and I tell her to pull off at the next little parkinglot.

Now the place we're at I know well, as I used to teach surfcamp there, and there is a hilly secluded area on the side opposite of the gulf of Mexico that almost no one goes to because no one knows about it. It's about a 5 min. walk so I wrap her in a towel (to keep her warm... just kidding she's carrying our "bed") and keep her occupied while I grab gloves to wrap my jimmy in out of the glove box... lame but pun intended.

Anyway we start walking and we start holding hands, touching, complimenting one anothers skin, flirting.

She asks how I know the place so well and I tell her I used to work at surfcamp here and we'd bring the kids all the way back here for a "nature walk" and then rape them before their parents came back to pick them up. I've never told such a dark joke in my entire life but she absolutely ate it up and thought I was the funniest sexy man alive (girls are weird).

Hot Babe and I get it ON (LMR Ensues)

We get to the secluded spot and I show her the beautiful view from the top of the hill with my arms around her and my penis against her ass, that was starting to gorge with blood.

It was too windy in the best spot so I took her back down to the next best spot which is debatable as to if the cars on the road could see us in action. Though honestly I could care less if anyone sees.

I comment on how cowgirls (did I mention she was another horse girl? Yeah she was talking about how she's a cowgirl and qualified herself as being one when I commented that I like women that ride horses... ride horses well that is ;) ) are tough so I throw her into the sand and get on top of her and look her deep in her eyes.

At this point we're in full "seclusion spot" and it's game on as far as I'm concerned. (In case you're wondering it's still bright as day and we're in a spot EASILY accessed by anyone. A sand dune lol) We make out, exchange sucking on each others necks, and feel each other up. She doesn't allow me to feel her bare breasts and pulls my hand out immediately. I then kept my hands on the cloth protecting her breast and continued feeling her up. Soon I got the bright idea to have her suck my dick so I stopped, propped my self up on my knees, put her hands on my boner (through my shorts), and stole Christian Grey's line "This is the effect that you have on me".
Then I looked at her deep in her eyes, and told her "I want you to suck my dick". She got really turned on by this and when I pulled my shorts down to expose my cock her ASD kicked in and she said she can't and needs to go back to her friends.

I let off the gas, put my comfort face back on, and got her laying on stomach on the towel so I could give her a massage. In an effort to show admiration/respect towards sexually liberated women I told her a crazy sex story I had and made sure to enforce how much I respected and liked the girl in my story for going to bed with me fast and being sexually liberated.

This seemed to help a bit and I told her she made me feel like James Bond (I'm massaging a hot babe I just met on the beach in private) and was fulfilling my bond fantasy. She thought this was funny as well and I soon made more sexual tension and started nibbling her earlobe and sucking her neck again. This turned her on and we got back into making out on the towel, me on top of her. She then stops again and says she can't be doing this and needs to go.

I tell her okay lets go and she doesn't move at all. I restart escalating and making out and then once again she tells me she needs to go. I stop for a second to address this and explicitly say she really wants to have sex but doesn't want to feel like a slut. She won't explicitly say that's the reason but I know it is. I then propose that we should just be friends and she agrees jokingly. She starts getting logical and I quickly shut that down and steal Juan Antonio's line "let's not discuss like a contract", in which she laughs and I proceed to start sucking her neck again.

She gets into it again and I gently shove my knee onto her pussy and make small gentle circular motions with my knee. I ask her if she likes my knee in her pussy and she says she does.

I then take my knee away and start passionately making out with her and fingering her through her swimsuit (my fingers were not touching her pussy directly). She loves this and seems extremely aroused and is about to cum. I stop before she cums and tell her that's all she gets for now and continue to make out with her.

I Prove I'm Mentally Retarded (and deserve to get slapped in the face from each one of you reading this)
So at about this time my penis is calling the shots around here and my brain is switched off into primal fuck mode.

I'm grandly entertaining the thought of her sucking my dick and then fucking on the beach where we were and so I decide I need to put a condom on. Remember that she's extremely turned on at this point and I've almost broken through her ASD.

I remember (not at the time) about a week ago I ran across a forum post discussing how you don't want a girl to know your putting a condom on because it can break the mood and get her back into her logical mind because condom=sex with guy I don't know=I'm a slut. This makes a lot of sense and I did jot that down into my brain for a rainy day (or sunny day on the beach I guess). Only thing is my brain was in primal fuck mode with a mix of ADD.

So anyway she sucking my neck, distracted, and I reach into my pocket and pull out a condom that turns out to be "mint Chocolate" flavored. This is my favorite ice cream and I get excited at the thought of how good it's going to taste for her to suck my dick with the flavored condom on. So what great idea drops into my mind next that to me seems like a great way to get her excited to suck my dick?

Go on take a stab at it, I'm waiting...

Yup you got it right I look at her and shove the condom, with the picture of green mint ice cream and a girls lips, into her face and express my excitement for her (I think I wanted to suck my dick more than she did)
Me: Look! Mint Chocolate! (*Forehead smack)

In an instant her logical mind punches her emotional brain in the face and she says
"Oh no! I can't, I'm sorry! We really need to go"

My penis starts crying :'(

At this point I know I just fucked up, though she doesn't seem entirely serious.

I say "okay lets go" jokingly and she starts to get up this time. I know I don't want to be needy and outcome independent and after one more attempt to keep escalating I get up as well because she wasn't having it anymore and I respect that boundary (no rape right?) (still think I'm fucking up here and should've just thrown her back down, laughed a bit, and gone back at it passionately).

My pants are down around my ankles and I get up on a little hill and expose my boner to the world (and cars driving past) to see. I must say I felt is one of the most freeing feeling I've experienced in quite a while. She thinks this is hilarious and it shows that I really don't give a fuck about whatever happens and I'm not some needy little bitch itching to get my dick wet.

We walk back with our arms around each other and she admits how bad she just wanted to fuck me and how sexy I am. (I already knew this but OMG WHY AM I SO STUPID!!!)

I literally feel bad for her that I fucked up and wasn't able to fulfill a fantasy sexcapade that would have allowed us to connect and share a ridiculously awesome memory for eternity.

And my penis was still crying :'(.

The whole car ride back she was commenting on how lucky she was to have had gone on that adventure with me and how cool I am and other validation that my ego probably could do without. She still seemed very into me and hadn't lost respect for me despite a failed escalation. Could it be possible that through my outcome independence and respecting her boundaries that it wasn't a completely failed escalation after all? IDK hopeful thinking probably.

I drove her back to where I found her and we talked about getting together soon later on (in which she seemed pretty excited about still) and then she put her number in my phone.

Now I'm usually pretty good at remembering names but I did not remember hers at all and so I asked her. She thought I was the biggest dick in the world and slapped my chest very hard and slammed the door in my face LOL! Though we were still smiling at one another through the window of my car and I motioned for her to come back in. She did and we said good bye and talked about logistics once more. Then she said laughing that she was "glad she didn't have sex with me then!" obviously because I didn't even remember her name... yeah fucked up there too.

Anyway that was that I got her number and will try and get her out again to see her but don't know if that will happen since it was a failed escalation.

So all in all I did a good job hitting escalation windows, leading, being cool in general and I have to say my inner asshole is slowly starting to emerge. I thank Anatman for helping inspire that inner asshole and directing me towards Tucker Max's "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell".

Btw that's the funniest book I've ever laid my hands on, seriously I was in tears laughing on every chapter and about strained my laughing muscle from the damn thing. If you haven't read the book pick it up, laugh, and learn to get your asshole on and what it's possible to get away with.

Clearly I fucked up by failing to escalate all the way when I was SO CLOSE TO HAVING SEX ON THE BEACH! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever pimpin aint easy.

Anyway I learned a couple big lessons here:
1. When escalating never, ever, ever show the girl the condom you're about to put on your dick..... especially if you're in broad daylight in public. Just don't do that shit.

2. Persist HARD in escalation and always throw out words and listen to actions. That girl said multiple times it was time to go and when I said "okay lets go" she had a noticeable frown on her face and wouldn't budge.
Always keep escalating, and escalate passionately!

I hope you guys learned a lesson here as well and hopefully enjoyed this book that I'm now going to try and publish. Seriously I wrote a fuck ton and I'm sorry for myself that no one is going to read this because I don't have the time to revise it.

Keep it pimpin, pimpin.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013

This is our texting conversation after I dropped her off:
Me: Carly hey! Enjoyed meeting a fellow adventurer - Robert
Her: Haha Robert you just passed us in the black car!! Haha but it was nice meeting you too! That was fun! (I just drove past them/ it was kind of awkward)
Me: Lol your following me! You just can't get enough of me can you?
Her: Haha more like you followed us ;). I hope you didn't get in trouble with your friends.
Me: Fashionably late remember? (inside joke from earlier)
Her: Haha true true, I really had a fun time though thanks :)
I don't respond
Her: I'm sorry I scratched your back! :/ (She dug her nails into my back when I was fingering her on the beach and I scolded her for doing so in a sexy way)
Me: Lol your good...
Me: Do it again and you will get spanked though ;)
Her: Haha I love getting spanked actually ;). I wanted to go wild with you but I couldn't sorry ha

So my questions are:
She doesn't have a car to drive herself around so I'd either have to rely on her friends bringing her back or I'd have to drive to wherever she is and pick her up.

1. I'm thinking it would be really lame to drive to her as that would be a form of chasing but I'm tempted to do so if she seems excited to fuck me still, which I will determine through further texting.
If she seems eager can I drive to her to hangout without being a chode? Shit I feel like a chode even writing that so I guess that answers that question.

2. Should I solely aim to talk her into coming back to visit me by some form or fashion?

Thanks for the input you guys rock!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013

This is a great report I think this’ll end up being one of those memories for you (in the process of becoming an amazing seducer) where you end up kicking yourself when you think back to it because of how close you got; any time in the future you can look back at it and laugh at it and think “fuck man I was so close!!” but then be content that you at least learned from it and moved on.

I think your fundamentals were dead solid (hard to know from just reading words on a page but sounds like it to me)? On your questions I have some ideas, though not from direct experience here so maybe my ideas are useful to you and maybe they’re not:
In my opinion, it sounds like your fundamentals are solid enough that you could pick her up and it wouldn’t matter. You could frame it as “you’re gonna owe me for that later on dirty girl” or something like that…

If I were in the situation I’d rather pick her up because if her friends do bring you to her, that can give them the chance to season her up and tell her “make sure you don’t fuck him right away and get him to pay for stuff and wait 3 dates” and all that bullshit.. Her friends may drag her away from being an easy lay (but again she is on vacation so could be different here; again just guessing not really listing things from experience).

I think texting her to come would only work so much because you can text her once or twice but it can lead to being a chasing sort of frame if not careful (if it takes more than a few texts; you can’t really do more than a couple in that sense)… I’d go for trying to pick her up and just framing it as playful and stuff like I listed above.

I think that since your fundamentals are really solid you’d be fine if you did that… and one last thing I’d say is go with your instincts because now that you’ve gotten to that point where you’re pretty decent with girls, your instincts will tell you to do and say stuff that won’t seem to make sense completely logically but will be just natural (if that makes sense) and you’ll feel the urge to do good sexy moves that will make you seduce her pants off and be sexy and natural as hell (so try following your instincts when with her and just go for shit).

Whatever happens I think you’ll have fun with this one

Good luck



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
You're really attractive as well! :)

Imagine if you had left when your ego told you to!

Btw, I've never had a girl give me a compliment like that. And off cold approach? Damn, LOL GOOD JOB

Me: Sounds like I'll make the perfect lover then ;)
Her: Lol yeah, right?


Yall know the way girls stare at you when their clearly hooked and you might leave, the "I'm pretending its cool that we can't hang out but I really want your cock in me" look.

Not quite lol

My plan was to get her in my car and have her suck my dick, sooooo


I asked what her favorite music was since we have such fantastic radio stations down here that I had to show her (that was a lie the radio stations in my city blow Dinosaur cock).

I laughed lots

I made a comment that she was probably jealous of us (good us vs. them here), in which she proudly agreed. I then told her lets make her more jealous and started holding her hand in which she liked a lot.

Justin Wayne game

Then as we got close to my car we were bantering and she said jokingly "and then we'll have sex in the back of you car".

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joke, or HINT HINT HINT

She asks how I know the place so well and I tell her I used to work at surfcamp here and we'd bring the kids all the way back here for a "nature walk" and then rape them before their parents came back to pick them up. I've never told such a dark joke in my entire life but she absolutely ate it up

Lol, sounds like something Chateau Heartiste would say. Btw, Roosh uses a similar "test" to see how interested girls are. At the bar, he jokes about putting a roofie in their drink. Girls that are DTF usually laugh, then go to the bathroom minutes later

Then I looked at her deep in her eyes, and told her "I want you to suck my dick". She got really turned on by this and when I pulled my shorts down to expose my cock her ASD kicked in and she said she can't and needs to go back to her friends.


Juan Antonio's line "let's not discuss like a contract",

Juan Antonio? Googled but no results. Nice line though

We walk back with our arms around each other and she admits how bad she just wanted to fuck me and how sexy I am.

Why would she say that when she just had an opportunity to. Anyway, maybe she just doesn't like giving blowjobs and would have consented to plain old sex? Or maybe she felt bad for giving you too much resistance and losing her lay? I'm curious to know if the "mint condom move" was that fatal to the seduction

... yeah fucked up there too.

About forgetting her name? Nah, not really.

Rob, dude, you're pushin' it hard core! Props man, props! I'm so jealous and motivated right now lol, brb finding a beach! Serious, I love this feeling! It's like when you're at the gym, you just hit a personal best, feeling all swoll, then you see another dude just killing it even harder than you, straight mauling dem biceps, like "I COMMAND YOU TO GROW!"
*slow clap*

As for your update, what makes you so squeamish about picking her up for a date back at your place or some other sort of seduction location? I didn't see anything chodish about that, man...especially if she doesn't have a car


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Hey Rob,

She wanted to fuck you, but you put her on the defensive rather than the offensive. You were trying hard for sex while she was sitting back and calling the shots.

Meanwhile, when you finally gave up and stopped investing during the car ride, she immediately went into investment mode and started saying how she wanted to (and probably still wants to) fuck you. It just didn't happen in the moment because she wasn't investing.

The best way to get her investing more while still moving mutually towards sex is to lead her.

Leaders make others invest more while still getting what they want out of it, but it's framed as though they want it because they're the ones doing the actions. A method of doing this is telling her what to do without doing anything yourself. I.e. Tell her, "Suck my dick", then let her unzip your pants rather than you taking the action immediately after commanding. Preferably do this when she is in the moment, as it further promotes simply listening to the command rather than protesting.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Only have a short time to reply right now.

@Ross- Thanks for commenting by the way I always appreciate you sharing your wisdom, as you point out stuff most people (especially me) miss.

Ross said:
You were trying hard for sex while she was sitting back and calling the shots.
Isn't this how it's supposed to be. As in the man makes moves and the woman sets the pace? Or am I interpreting what you wrote wrong?

Ross said:
It just didn't happen in the moment because she wasn't investing. The best way to get her investing more while still moving mutually towards sex is to lead her.
I thought I was leading... to some extent at least. I lead her to the secluded beach and gained quite a bit of investment from the moment I met her to the point that we reached the secluded spot (she was qualifying herself like crazy and trying hard to pass my screens)? I'm assuming you mean leading during actual intercourse.
Can you explain investment during intercourse?

For example, what investment am I seeking to get during escalation? Any examples?

Ross said:
A method of doing this is telling her what to do without doing anything yourself.
What other methods are there of leading like so?

This all makes a lot of sense I just don't seem to grasp exactly what this investment and leading would look like or be in real time.

I'd be very grateful if you could elaborate a bit.

much thanks,

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Mr.Rob said:
Seeing Zphix back on here scoping the Latinas and Ozzo macking the MILF's (or old enough to be a MILF) I was feeling like I needed to get my ass out of high gear and into overdrive.

Haha...glad to be an inspiration to you. I laughed reading this.

Mr.Rob said:
Me: Wasn't thinking that, I just think it's rude that your not sharing whats so funny

Amazing, perfect response! Shows that you don't care, generates intrigue. Statement. Makes her chase.

Mr.Rob said:
Me: Are you going to invite me to sit down for a second (I point at the towel next to her feet, and said this to put social pressure on her as a bit of a "push" to get her more invested)

More investment by her, but you're leading dominantly.

Mr.Rob said:
Her: dropped out of school to surf, you have a shitty low paying job that causes you to hardly be able to pay your bills, and you live in a degrading low rent apartment with your surf buddies, and you party like no other (OMG I love this girl she's painting the picture of the perfect lover... and she wants me to fit that!)
Me: Sounds like I'll make the perfect lover then ;)

NICE read.

Mr.Rob said:
Now the place we're at I know well, as I used to teach surfcamp there, and there is a hilly secluded area on the side opposite of the gulf of Mexico that almost no one goes to because no one knows about it. It's about a 5 min. walk so I wrap her in a towel (to keep her warm... just kidding she's carrying our "bed") and keep her occupied while I grab gloves to wrap my jimmy in out of the glove box... lame but pun intended.

Anyway we start walking and we start holding hands, touching, complimenting one anothers skin, flirting.

She asks how I know the place so well and I tell her I used to work at surfcamp here and we'd bring the kids all the way back here for a "nature walk" and then rape them before their parents came back to pick them up. I've never told such a dark joke in my entire life but she absolutely ate it up and thought I was the funniest sexy man alive (girls are weird).

This is hilarious and awesome, man. You had this. You've done everything to this point so well. Maybe a better gameplan next time?

Mr.Rob said:
2. Persist HARD in escalation and always throw out words and listen to actions. That girl said multiple times it was time to go and when I said "okay lets go" she had a noticeable frown on her face and wouldn't budge.
Always keep escalating, and escalate passionately!

I agree. She wanted to fuck you but you put her on the defensive (like Ross said). I think this is one of those you'll look back on and grow from. It's still incredible that you pulled this off so fast! You're coming along Mr. Rob! This was a really fun read.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
ozzo said:
I agree. She wanted to fuck you but you put her on the defensive (like Ross said). I think this is one of those you'll look back on and grow from.
Couldn't agree more I learned a lot of little things that I think I can use to make shit go smoother next time.

It's funny your two LR's came out and then Marty came with his old man rapid escalation ;) and I was like fuck I'm kooking it I need to make something happen. My first knee jerk reaction was jealousy and then I snapped out quick and said "no you get out what you put in" and got mad at myself for not being a boss like yall. I seem to get motivated best when I get mad at myself for not performing to where I'm capable of so keep the LR's coming my man!

@G_P- Sup brotha man
Gentle_Phrases said:
Not quite lol
You will

Btw Juan Antonio is the character from Vicky, Christina, Barcelona and is probably one of the best movie cold approach scenes from all time. I can't find a youtube clip of it but watch the movie you'll see how to handle shit tests like a boss in a cold approach... along with a smooth vibe to emulate.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Why would she say that when she just had an opportunity to. Anyway, maybe she just doesn't like giving blowjobs and would have consented to plain old sex? Or maybe she felt bad for giving you too much resistance and losing her lay?
I was thinking the same thing at first until Ross commented in which it makes a lot of sense to me now.

Gentle_Phrases said:
I'm so jealous and motivated right now lol, brb finding a beach! Serious, I love this feeling! It's like when you're at the gym, you just hit a personal best, feeling all swoll, then you see another dude just killing it even harder than you, straight mauling dem biceps, like "I COMMAND YOU TO GROW!"
Yeah that's how I felt after reading Ozzo, Marty, and zphix's last posts. Since that last LR with horse girl (which was social circle) I've been approaching left and right and not really getting anywhere and then this came so I ran with it. I could've easily just gotten her number and had another flake here but I was pissed I wasn't being a gangster like these fellows aforementioned... you included.

And swing on down dude there's enough women for the two of us ;).

"It's still your mother fucking set!"
CT Fletcher's a legend. He motivates me for PU just as much as going to workout.

@Gem- Cool to have you drop by mane.
Gem said:
I think this’ll end up being one of those memories for you (in the process of becoming an amazing seducer) where you end up kicking yourself when you think back to it because of how close you got; any time in the future you can look back at it and laugh at it and think “fuck man I was so close!!” but then be content that you at least learned from it and moved on.
Already laughing at it! I look at these things like "yeah I fucked up and missed the last 5% but would I rather have fucked up or not have had the experience at all?" I usually gain good perspective by doing this.

Gem said:
I think your fundamentals were dead solid
I wish I thought the same. I think my fundamentals are tight enough I just lack in consistency of my vibe and emotions I'm eliciting when I meet women.

Thanks for your input I'll keep your suggestions in the noggin for reference chief.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
I thought I was leading... to some extent at least. I lead her to the secluded beach and gained quite a bit of investment from the moment I met her to the point that we reached the secluded spot (she was qualifying herself like crazy and trying hard to pass my screens)? I'm assuming you mean leading during actual intercourse.
Can you explain investment during intercourse?

For example, what investment am I seeking to get during escalation? Any examples?

Yeah Rob, you were leading for the majority of the interaction. You did an excellent job with logistics and the transition point, just need a little work with the LMR and investment, then you'll be smooth sailing.

Investment during intercourse is mainly about getting her involved in the action moreso than you are, putting her in the position to want escalation. This is where you implement techniques such as push-pull, where you pull away from kissing only to start kissing again and notice that she's putting more effort into it, which you then reward with more effort on your part.

In addition to push-pull, you should frame the interaction as you being the hot commodity that is only on display for a limited time, rather than her. It felt as though you were thinking, "Hot girl is only going to be around for a week, better act fast!" whereas it should be more along the lines of, "I'm only going to be around for a week... Is she going to take advantage of this opportunity with me?"

Another method you can use to get her investing more is to very slowly escalate. Often times when you go for certain things it just felt "too fast" and she wants to slow it down. So, go very slowly in your escalation, almost in micro-escalation points where nothing feels too fast simply because it's all natural. Combine it with the push-pull to really slow things down, yet still move them forward. Often times this will turn her on so much that she'll start moving things forward faster, thus making her invest more and go on the offensive because she really, really, wants to seal the deal.

If after using those techniques she still stops you midway to a point, then it's probably best to simply remain calm and leave the door open for another exchange. Become the reason that you two can't escalate, "I've got to go in a few minutes..." while still kissing, then leave in a few minutes and leave the window open.

Hope that gave you a clearer picture Rob. Need any more clarifications and I'll be glad to contribute.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
learned a lot from this, some.friendly reminders.

Although, you let her drive correct? I would have used that as a perfect time to put her in chase frame like, why did you take us to the beach....are you trying to seduce me?
You took me here!
Says the girl driving and grab her hand and led her up tHe hill

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Really good entertaining report did not get bored reading any of it

Bad luck on letting you dick gain control and showing her the condom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGp9P6QvMjY always wanted to use this video and looks like it was not a report where you would be depressed so enjoy :)

Anyways i think other have commented but i think you should pick her up it may seem like chasing but you dont want to deal with her friends e.g. being on a time limit cause her friends have to pick her up etc and they will cockblock etc

Persist HARD in escalation and always throw out words and listen to actions. That girl said multiple times it was time to go and when I said "okay lets go" she had a noticeable frown on her face and wouldn't budge.
Always keep escalating, and escalate passionately!

Will do

ANyways good report keep it up


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Speaking of which also wanted to.note that, chase.mentions in an.article to.keep.going as if.it.didnt.happen just.smile and.persist. the first time.you give her the.option to leave... if she doesnt you know its on and.I feel.like anymore than that comes.off as more insecure, if she really wants you off you will know


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Rob, I know we pretty much covered this over text and on the phone, I'm posting here to ensure I receive any updates if you do choose to pursue.

It's a closed-ended time commitment due to her leaving town shortly, so again you might want to push the envelope and see what develops from a pure learning perspective. You have little to lose :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
@Ross- Thank you for the response back that definitely clears things up and makes sense. I seem to get a bit excited and want to rush straight into sex without much concern for her needs (being led the whole time). I guess in the past I've always done it this way and things seemed off but it always ended in sex anyway so I never learned from it.

Anyway thanks again for the response!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013

Okay so I took Marty's advice on pushing the envelope since I had nothing to lose and it turned out her and I both learned a lot and shared a rather unique experience.

So I talked to her on the phone the night of the original seduction (posted above obviously) and she was still very into me and was looking to make plans to meet up with me. She was investing more than me but she kept saying "but if we meet up you have to promise that we don't have sex!".

I figured she as just saying this to make sure I didn't think she is a slut and not some easy trophy for me so I just told her that "I wouldn't ever think of such a thing".

The next time we were on the phone she brought it up again in a rather urgent way so I asked her to state explicitly why she was putting so much emphasis on not having sex.

It turns out she's a Mormon, which if you didn't know put extremely high moral constraints on sex before marriage and being chaste.

Obviously she isn't a virgin (based on the speed of the seduction) but revealed, via deep diving, that she got mad at god (for a death in the family) and acted out by having sex with her boyfriend and a couple of lovers.

She then came around made reprimands with god and decided to go back to abstaining from sex.

She still really wanted to see me so she talked her friends into coming back down to my town for the morning (before I went to work) so we could hang out.

I knew she had reservations around sex but I was unsure of how large her reservations actually were (was she putting on a front or was she seriously that religious to the point where she feels guilty for having sex).

I knew for a fact she wanted sex so I figured it was my duty to have sex with her and then "walk the line", as Chase calls it, to get her to be okay with her decision to have sex and do what she wanted to do in the first place.

So on day 2, I picked her back up from the beach and took her out to breakfast... at my house ;).

Here we listened to music, fed each other berries, and I started escalating in which she allowed. Things started getting hot and heavy and we were both getting really into it.

She let me take her pants off and stimulate her through her panties but would always pull my hand away if I touched her pussy directly. I kept massaging her pussy once again until she was about to climax (and she was shaking wildly grinding my dick) and then I stopped. I pulled her on top of me and kept trying to get her so aroused that she wouldn't give a fuck about her moral constraints and just go ahead and have sex.

And then I started grabbing her tits and turning her on even more and then a switch flipped. She got up and about started crying and said she wanted me to take her back to her friends.

She was very upset in the car ride home and I "walked the line" the best I could and she was smiling and laughing again by the time I dropped her back off at the beach.

This girl has some serious issues around sex and I felt really bad that her happiness was resting on two different pedastools that conflict with one another to the point she thinks she's genuinely a bad person, and therefore doesn't like herself when she wants sex... which is apparently all the fucking time.

The Date Later That Night
I read Colts article on sleeping with religious women and the different types and found out about the "reformed girl" which describes my girl in question.
It talked about girls that used to have sex but now go through periods of having sex and periods of forced celibacy and that they will usually have sex if you deep dive them and let them know you desire them for their sexy bodies and there personality/character traits. In other words form an emotional connection with them and admire them for who they are.

So I decided (since I had nothing to lose, she bribed me by saying she'd buy me dinner, and she was going out of town never to be seen again in a few days anyway) to make the hour long trip to see her a couple towns away.

We went on a date, I had very good fundamentals, we learned a lot about one another and she was generally turned on by me and commented she feels a bit intimidated around me (she views me as an authority figure.. woot!). She was very submissive and would apologize all the time for saying something or being nervous. I told her not to apologize for who she was and that I understand that she's just nervous around a sexy man.
She also commented that I was a sexual man.

We walked hand in hand back to my car (30 minute walk) still connecting on the way back.

Now I was curious as to if she would be more open to sex now that we had a stronger connection and she knew I liked her for who she was and not just her body.

Long story short I drove back to her place she was staying (her friends house) and we just sat outside and listened to music in my car and talked more. We gave each other massages and I very slowly got her escalating on me (thank you Ross) and then we were making out as she straddled me in my front seat. Things started getting hot and heavy again and we were both very turned on.

Turns out she is a masochist and really enjoys fingernails getting dug into her back to the point where I feel I'm about to rip her skin off (or at least it seemed that way to me). I have a bit of sadism in me so it worked out.

Anyway we were getting into it (though still fully clothed) and the switch flipped and again, except this time she started crying. She felt very guilty for wanting to have sex with me and I just held her in my arms and comforted her for quite a while until she calmed down.

After she stopped crying I took her for a walk and fleshed out my religious beliefs and how I have experienced the same guilt and shame towards myself because of ingrained beliefs that I had been taught since a kid.

I told her how I overcame these things and have become accepting of myself and much happier as a result.

I asked her if she thought I was a bad person because I have sex with women before marriage. She said "no of course not your an amazing man!" in which I replied "We both have the same god (I am Christian, very unorthodox obviously, and do believe in the same foundational beliefs) correct?".
Her: "Yes!"
Me: "Then why do you judge yourself as being a bad person for acting on natural human urges that our god instilled in us, but you judge me as being a good person?"

This really got her thinking and I don't think she has ever questioned her beliefs in such a way in her life. I explained the importance of study and thinking for yourself and adopting what YOU believe and not what YOU ARE TOLD to believe.

After this we went on a walk around the neighborhood and I told her exciting sex stories of mine (that really turned her on... I guess I'm evil after all) and we shared stories of the most fearful things we've done, along with how we've seen god work in our lives.

We never did have sex, I left the ball in her court to make a move if she decided she wanted to, and I think her beliefs are way to ingrained for them to change in one night.

She said if we did have sex the first time I met her on the beach she would have hated my guts and hers as well (she hates all her past lovers for those reasons).

So I think it's safe to say that this originally would've been a LR if she didn't have such extreme reservations regarding sex.

To be honest she's in awe of the man I am and it made me realize that "wow I've come such a far way in the past year and a half and yes I am valuable to women. And yes I do have a higher sense of abundance than I used to". So this was extremely cool for me to realize.

I'm happy we didn't have sex now because that would've ended up hurting her and having her resent me and her being unhappy as a result.

Im sure Chase, Zphix, or Franco could've persuaded her to have sex and then "walk the line" successfully but I'm pretty proud of how I handled all of this and I did my best to get her on the path to liking herself and the importance of coming to peace with her sexuality and her creator.

I also got her to realize that her battle between sex and pleasing god will continue to tear her apart until she quits procrastinating and actually makes a decision one way or the other about her lifestyle.

Departing I told her, half jokingly, she is the biggest tease I've ever met in my entire life in which we both laughed.

I drove an hour back to my house with blue balls... mission accomplished.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
And then I started grabbing her tits and turning her on even more and then a switch flipped. She got up and about started crying and said she wanted me to take her back to her friends.

Dang, that's unexpected. At first I thought exactly what you did - she was just putting up a religious front. But it sounds like she had a major inner conflict between religion and sex.

It's still possible to have sex with these kinds of girls by forming a strong enough emotional connection and holding enough of a conviction that sex = good, but I usually don't go for it as, like you noticed, she would likely resent the interaction later on once her religion and/or social influences started weighing down on her. Valuable as a friend, but not necessarily as a lover.

Sounds like you learned a lot from encounter as well, so worry not, your actions were not in vain ;).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Hey, I think thats not bad, sometimes its good.to.just connect with a girl, like the recent post on.where to.slot them lover or friend. I know.you wanted to hit that, but, if you connected with her maybe, if you dont talk tonher she will.remember you as that one guy, who respected her, in her eyes thats what she wanted. Maybe shebjust wanted belief in that kind of thing because of all these hollywood movies. We thinknlogivally they think.emotionally. they dont want to see relationships as pure sexual we are only supposed to mate in life and live it out andbthen die. We can see it thatbway so you might be that one guy you might not be either way we win some.lose some. I.think there was definitely a religion and sex based confusion here. Oh well, onto the next, you learned a lot. You got better at cinnectingnwith another human being and.made her feel special. Again it didnt end the way you wanted but there are a billion more woman out there. Loved this post all together dude. Keep it up
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
I was just doing some old reading on the article cognitive dissonance. I think it explains this perfectly. She had two competing ideas that she couldn't prove or discredit, which is probably why she was having the mood swings. I wonder what would of happened if you could have praised more, or if the opportunity there was to persist more, or which belief she originally had. Was she originally raised very religious and went crazy then got scared, or was she not really support religious I can't remember what you said in the article she originally was.