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FR++/FU: Shanghai in Key West


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
So my parents took me to the Florida Keys. Key West has a melting pot of different visiting and local ethnic mixes from all over the world and is quite diverse. For some reason there's an abundance of Chinese women. Not men, though there are a few Chinese men, but women. I don't know why this is it just happens to be what the deal is. Btw Anatman if you're reading this, this is what you inspired. It happened the day after I read your report, just been too lazy to put it up.

The island I'm staying on is really fucking boring so I decided to catch a bus to the more upbeat and happening Key West which is the southernmost island in the Keys and also the southernmost point in the continental U.S. By the way this interaction took place over 3 hours so I'm just going to highlight the key areas for me to look back at.

NOTE: This is a long FR and somewhat boring I'm just writing this for me to look back on for personal reference. All you really need to know is I met a Chinese girl that liked me enough to follow my lead and let me escalate slowly but surely until we were passionately making out and in need of a seduction spot. Unfortunately neither of us had a place so the only options were to escalate in a bathroom or get a room. When I brought up us getting a room, playfully mind you, she wasn't down at all and kinda freaked a little (she was pretty conservative). So I lead her around, unbeknown to her, looking for a bathroom suitable to escalate in.


So I get off the bus and literally the first girl I see is a pale, somewhat curvy (though not big breasted), Chinese girl in a nice dress who's looking down at a map looking helplessly lost. I go chat her up and find out that she's by herself and has nothing to do for the rest of the day and needs help getting to where she wants to go. We make friends fairly quickly and enjoy one another's company and I take the lead pretty quick and get her semi invested. We just walk and talk where I lead her by the small of her back and take her hand in key points of transition. We decide that it would be nice to go to the beach and relax in the sun so I take her down to where that is (a good 30-45 minute walk).

Half way there we get close to the "Southernmost Point In U.S.", a big tourist stop for everyone down here to take pictures at, and she requests that we go there to take pictures. I don't particularly wish to stand in line for 15 min. to get my picture taken at some tourist location but figure "wtf I'm just building a connection with this girl so why not talk while we're in line. So she's asking to go to this tourist location and I teach her the word "please". And then teach her the best way to ask for something in America "can we go to the tourist trap please Robert!" ... "good girl and yes we can ;)". We go to the tourist trap and I take her hand on the way and tell her "i'm the romantic type" and ask her what her views on romance are. We chat in line for a bit and give each other messages while we wait in line. She likes holding my hand.

We take picture and then go get coconuts to drink from the store. I feel a bit mischievous and decided it would be fun to sneak into a hotel resort and use their facilities to hang out on. We go in and blend in like we live there (so it wasn't all that exciting sneaking in :( ) and go sit at the end of their shaded pavilion at the end of the dock they have there. We talk and go on for a bit and at this point I know I need to make a move soon, but of course it never seems like the right time and I start deliberating. I start getting a semi lazy vibe going and kind of start half assing the interaction. This was a serious mistake on my part as the conversation got a bit stale and repetitive. I'm sure it was just an escalation window but I should've attacked the escalation window as it came up rather than deliberate it.

As a note this girl had the craziest cool eyes I've ever seen. Her eyes looked like an explosion of fiery orange and blue surrounding her pupil that was really quite mesmerizing, and they weren't contacts but her natural eye color. I've never seen anything like it. I told her to look at me and she did this funny burst of energy where she got super close to my face for 1 second looked me in the eye and then resumed back to where she was and doing what she was doing. This was really cute because it was a dead giveaway that she wanted me to make a move since she put her face so close to mine then took it away so quickly like she was ashamed of doing it. I told her to look at me again except this time for longer. We looked deep into each others eyes and I was examining hers as I inched closer and closer to her face with her submitting completely. I lightly grabbed her face and started kissing her and then pulled back. She then initiated the next kiss and put some tongue down my throat so I reciprocated and we made out for a second. I then put her on my lap and start feeling up her whole body in the middle of this pier thing. At this point I know I need to lead to sex. Of course we both don't live there so we don't have a room to stay at. It's bright daylight so it would be hard to go have sex in the bushes or an alleyway without being easily detected so I'm thinking the best option would be to either rent a room for an hour or bathroom sex (which isn't necessarily something I wish to partake in but will if I'm forced.

So I take her hand and lead her out of the hotel and we start walking halfway down some street and take her in my arms and makeout with her in the middle of the street groping her and she likes it. I say "the way were behaving we need a room" halfway seeing if she agrees and to see if it would be a good idea to go to the next motel at the end of the street. She's pretty inexperienced by the looks/sounds of it and has only had a boyfriend or 2 and I don't believe has ever had a ONS.. or ODS in this case. She sort of freaks here and is like about to leave after I say this and I just stay calm and say "we don't have to but you're leaving in one hour and then we'll never see each other again" she looks at me and is like yeah your right. So she comes and grabs my hand and we continue walking. Smartly I don't question her decision to not want to get a room or pester her about it but just keep walking like nothing happened. At this point I deem it wise not to bring up the fact we both want each other and just imply it. I also deem it wise to just lead her to a bathroom and try and escalate there. So we keep walking.. and walking.... and walking.. and not finding a suitiable bathroom that we can be alone in without a huge turnover of people coming in and out. I'm starting to get a little tired of this and start getting in my head a little and stop conversing.

I know there is one place in the opposite direction of which we just came that has a bathroom for one that can be locked for complete privacy so I then I lead her in that direction. Here I feel like I should have been a better manager of emotions since the vibe was semi dying out, although she didn't want to let go of my hand for the life of me. I think I should've tried to inject more emotions of desire and arousal to the point it would break through her resistance and let her enjoy her self and the pleasures she desired. So we get to the place with the bathroom and I ask "do you trust me?" as we walk by the place. She says yes and I lead her to the back where the restroom is and notice she looks a little uneasy. I say I just wanted to show her the people working on the house that you can see if you look through the fence there. She looks through the fence and is a excited to see the people working (lol this girl is so cute in the emotions she displays for such boring things, she was so excited to get her picture taken next to the southernmost point tourist thing earlier). I then look at her crazy eyes and hold her and passionately make out with her and push her into the wall with the bathroom door right beside us. She gets turned on and I feel up her whole body while we take turns shoving our tongues down one another's throat (that's kind of a gross way to put it but whateves). I then take her hand and try and lead her into the bathroom, that looks particularly dark, old, and scary even with the dim light turned on (though I think it would've been more hot with that ambiance) and she cries out "No! I can't!". She then tells me how she really wants and likes me but how she's going to regret it afterwards and therefore can't make up her mind. I try and talk with her for a little but soon decide to get back on the street because she was getting all riled up. We walk and talk and I walk her back to where she needs to go and bid her farewell.

Here's where my questions lie.
I wonder if I would have had a more passionate enjoying (fun in the sense of enjoying life and it's moments to the fullest) in the moment vibe if she would've just left aside any thoughts (due to me inspiring youth and freedom along with not being in her head) of me/her judging her and just went along with what she wanted to do?

Could it be possible, since she's from China (being that China is pretty conservative culture) and young she doesn't have the reference points or beliefs to realize that it's okay to have a ONS and still respect yourself. I had a big feeling this was this issue at heart here since she'd never had a ONS (to my knowledge as she seemed pretty inexperienced and naïve but then again I am too) and maybe doing it with someone she only met a couple hours ago in a public bathroom that looked sketchy may not have been a little too much for her. She also admitted she wanted to fuck me but didn't want to regret it afterwards in which I couldn't find a way to convince her otherwise that I wouldn't judge her for giving in to her desires.

Perhaps I came off judgmental?

All in all I wish I would've moved faster altogether and been more alert in my interaction to capitalize better on escalation windows and dive deeper in conversation to form a better connection.

I recorded the first 10 minutes of the interaction on my handy smandy voice recorder that I use to record my openings with and it seemed like I wasn't putting 100% in to this interaction from the start. I also wasn't enjoying myself completely, which is something I would more or less prefer to be doing... at all times. So my vibe was definitely off in the beginning (my fault) but I did try and do this, so I'm proud of myself for initiating and leading to potential sex.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Mr. Rob you sly dog, you!

You've been seducing birds all over the place man. I like what I see.

I take her hand on the way and tell her "i'm the romantic type"

Lol, someone's been watching Justin Wayne videos! Bet she giggled like a school girl at that one.

I then take her hand and try and lead her into the bathroom, that looks particularly dark, old, and scary ( even with the dim light turned on (though I think it would've been more hot with that ambiance) and she cries out "No! I can't!".

Not the best combination lol (don't blame you for trying though).

She also admitted she wanted to fuck me but didn't want to regret it afterwards in which I couldn't find a way to convince her otherwise that I wouldn't judge her for giving in to her desires.

Can't help you with that one, mate. I'm just a noob. Still, I think it's awesome how fast you raced this car dude! Total redline.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hey Rob, it's been awhile. Good job with the fiery eyed Chinese girl.

It seems we might be having the same sticking points. But to answer your question, I think the way you should've handled her sex regret was by out-framing her logic. Like:

Rob: why would you regret it afterwards?
Her: idk...because...(excuse: you'll think I'm a slut, I'll feel like I'm easy, etc)
Rob: (let her know your views on sluts and the double standard society has)
Her: (still objects)
Rob: listen, I just want you to have a good time. You seem like you're enjoying yourself and I'm enjoying myself too. And this is the last time we'll see each other. I think it's moments like this that make life beautiful. (use yes ladder) so, you like me, right?
Her: yes
Rob: you're having a good time right?
Her: yes
Rob: okay, that's all this is...we are just enjoying ourselves.

It also would've helped if you didn't mention "getting a room", even jokingly, it's like announcing: hey, we're going to go have sex now!
Of course she'll object to it logically. You want to have that in the back of her mind where she's unsure, anticipated and excited about what *might* happen.
I think it's only okay to outright mention sex to a girl who already knows that she wants to have sex with you.

Other than that, good job. I saw you used a little bit of some JustinWayne style. Lol


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Rob, great report!

I've been to Key West so I can picture the setting... I always like it when that happens.

Mr.Rob said:
give each other messages while we wait in line.

Mr.Rob said:
I told her to look at me again except this time for longer. We looked deep into each others eyes and I was examining hers as I inched closer and closer to her face with her submitting completely. I lightly grabbed her face and started kissing her and then pulled back. She then initiated the next kiss and put some tongue down my throat so I reciprocated and we made out for a second.
This is cool :)

Mr.Rob said:
I just stay calm and say "we don't have to but you're leaving in one hour and then we'll never see each other again" she looks at me and is like yeah your right. So she comes and grabs my hand and we continue walking. Smartly I don't question her decision to not want to get a room or pester her about it but just keep walking like nothing happened.
This is the bit I don't quite understand, given she says "Yeah, you're right" I'd have considered that a green light and walked into the nearest motel. Confused about this one.

Mr.Rob said:
I wonder if I would have had a more passionate enjoying (fun in the sense of enjoying life and it's moments to the fullest) in the moment vibe if she would've just left aside any thoughts (due to me inspiring youth and freedom along with not being in her head) of me/her judging her and just went along with what she wanted to do?
My own instinct on this would be yes, but it kinda goes against the message of this site. If it had been me, I'd have just enjoyed the kissing in the moment as you say, and to hell with the sex if she didn't want it, even though that's tantamount to heresy here at Girls Chase (and I'm well aware of it). Franco emphasizes that if you want a girl to get romantically attached to you, you need to penetrate her first and the way to do that is to get her sexually aroused by you.

I take his word for it but it is a tough message to swallow intuitively and empathize with, because frankly the multitude of girls who sexually arouse me are eminently forgettable, but the occasional one who grabs my romantic interest stays in my memory a long time. Maybe that's just a fundamental difference between men and women.

In any case you said yourself that you were unlikely to see this Chinese girl again anyway, so the advantage of getting her romantically attached to you drops away and the only reason you are left with for pursuing sex is improving your skill-set (which is important in itself, and you want to create good habits, but you'll get another chance soon enough at the rate you're going). So I wouldn't feel too disappointed with yourself—on the contrary, it seems to me you did real well! :)


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
You're making great strides, Rob! Not sure what I can say, except that keep it up. Glad you took the risk and pushed for public escalation this time.

I'm really not sure what I would have done in your situation regarding where to take her for sex.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Thanks for the feedback as always guys.

@Wes and G_P, yeah not even going to try and hide it. I jacked Justin Wayne's line. I like it though it's dominant and it kills any awkwardness from holding a strange girls hand. You know that moment when you first hold hands and both parties don't know whether to call it out or just let it be. So in certain situations it's a decent tool, for me at least.

Wes, I forgot to put that in the report but I did try and talk out her limiting beliefs/resistance for a second while we were still near the bathroom but she wasn't cooling down. I didn't really put a whole lot of effort into it so perhaps I could've sat down and fleshed out her and my views but based on how she was reacting at the moment it just didn't seem like I would be able to coax her. I think if it would've been a more liberated girl living in the moment it would've gone down like that.

You've been to Key West? I guess you weren't gaming back then but Duval street on a weekend afternoon is daygame central. For me at least. I love street game (it's so anonymous, open, and less stuffy compared to say a bookstore or the mall.. just personal preference) so I was basking in heaven. It was funny though cause the place is so damn small I would've guessed there'd be no one walking the street but in reality there was a high turnover of cute-sexy women.

This is the bit I don't quite understand, given she says "Yeah, you're right" I'd have considered that a green light and walked into the nearest motel. Confused about this one.
Maybe I didn't write this properly. She was got all freaked out when I mentioned it, perhaps I should've just led her to a motel and seen what happened instead, so I just reassured her that we didn't have to right now and she just resumed holding hands. I was just making up her dialogue I don't remember what she actually said but she didn't seem at all comfortable with the idea. Squirmy girl she was.

I take his word for it but it is a tough message to swallow intuitively and empathize with, because frankly the multitude of girls who sexually arouse me are eminently forgettable, but the occasional one who grabs my romantic interest stays in my memory a long time
Do you think this has to do with your limited mindset you posted about? I personally don't have this problem, although most of the women that I go on dates with/sleep with I wouldn't want as girlfriends so maybe I don't have a beef in the argument.
I think ideally you'd want a girl that did both, am I correct?

the only reason you are left with for pursuing sex is improving your skill-set
Not necessarily, I don't think bathroom sex would've allowed for much good practice anyway, more so just escalating and pulling the trigger all the way to sex skill-set. That final couple of moments is always crucial "is this really about to happen, Idk, Oh shit lets find out!"
I think Alek said in an article on escalation: Once you get experienced enough escalation isn't that big of a deal as whether or not she's going to like your advance you more or less wonder "I wonder if she's going to get all weird, or put up a bunch of resistance, or get up and leave when I escalate? Hmmm. Lets find out!"
I'm no where near experienced but for some reason I find it fairly easy to take on this mindset of being outcome independent and devil may care. It really does make things a lot easier when going through the motions.

So I wouldn't feel too disappointed with yourself—on the contrary, it seems to me you did real well! :)
I don't, I'm actually pretty stoked I took it this far and got more practice with my process. I just would've liked to be a little more enthusiastic, passionate, and in the moment. But hey that's what next time's for.

Btw Marts, when are you going to reel out another good FR or LR? You were on a roll for a while but it seems like it's been a while now. I'm missing the vivid descriptions and emotions you cultivate in your reports. Maybe it's because we're both beginners and I relate to it more, but yeah get to it mate!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Hey Rob:

Just to come back briefly on your questions...

Mr.Rob said:
You've been to Key West? I guess you weren't gaming back then but Duval street on a weekend afternoon is daygame central.
I was there in 2008, long before I moved to the States or even knew that I planned to and no, I hadn't even heard the term "day game" and wouldn't have known what it meant if someone said it. Back then I naïvely assumed that lovers usually met through social circle. I was supposed to stay two weeks but was evacuated after the first week due to Hurricane Fay, if you even remember that one, so we decamped to Miami for the second week. I of course remember Duval Street but frankly spent most of my time on the beach at Fort Zachary Taylor. Lovely place, Key West.

Mr.Rob said:
I love street game (it's so anonymous, open, and less stuffy compared to say a bookstore or the mall.. just personal preference) so I was basking in heaven.
I agree. Plus there's something about the sunlight that removes inhibitions.

Mr.Rob said:
Do you think this has to do with your limited mindset you posted about? I personally don't have this problem, although most of the women that I go on dates with/sleep with I wouldn't want as girlfriends so maybe I don't have a beef in the argument.
I think ideally you'd want a girl that did both, am I correct?
I've lost your chain of reasoning here, I'm sorry. I never said anything about girlfriends... sorry for the misunderstanding, don't want to mess with your FR++ so we can drop it or take offline :)

Mr.Rob said:
Btw Marts, when are you going to reel out another good FR or LR? You were on a roll for a while but it seems like it's been a while now. I'm missing the vivid descriptions and emotions you cultivate in your reports. Maybe it's because we're both beginners and I relate to it more, but yeah get to it mate!
Thanks for the encouragement, Rob! I am of course out most days in search of opportunities; I think the last FR I posted was from an interaction on 12/27. Since then I've opened 10 more girls but they have all either been about to leave town (sadly, as the first of these was ultimately cute, as you'll see if you read the story), or denied me their phone numbers, or when they have given out their number they have not responded. I am posting a "fuck-up report" summarizing two of the last category, in the hope that someone wiser will spot where I've gone off of the rails.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take