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- Oct 19, 2013
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- 68
The meeting (early morning of Jan. 18, 2014):
I was sitting in a booth of a local Denny's at 4am with 4 guys I randomly met at a gas station after partying. As we were finishing up our dinner-breakfast, a group of 3 attractive blondes checked us out as they settled down in the booth in front of us. I made sure to return eye contact to all 3. When we got up and headed to the cash register, I noticed the 3 blondes checking us out again. We paid, left the restaurant, and as we were walking on the sidewalk parallel to the Denny's, I looked inside the window and caught one of the 3 blondes looking at me. We maintained eye contact for 2-3 seconds until one of the guys stopped the group to tie his shoe laces. I thought out loud how that was an approach invitation, and one of the guys urged me to go talk to her and said that he'd come along.
So CC (another guy), CH, and I walked back into Denny's and approached the table.
Me: Excuse me, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation...(I paused so they could stop talking, and I locked eyes with the blonde who was looking at me when I was outside. Felt like it was more proper to say sorry because they were in mid-convo)...but I just thought you were really pretty
JS: Hahaha thank you.
Me: What's your name?
Me: JS, nice to meet you, I'm fsc. And yours? (Turning to her friend)
V: (A Swedish name that sounds like vanilla)
CH: Vanilla?! Like the ice cream?!
(We all chuckle/giggle and she corrects him. We finish introductions)
Me: Anyway (looking back at JS), I was wondering if you're single
JS: (Giggling) ...Umm...Yes...Sort of...
Me: What do you mean sort of? (Tried to put on a sexy-smiley-curious face)
JS: I'm seeing someone hahaha
Me: Is it serious?
JS: Haha!
Me: You can date multiple people you know? Keep your options open. Then pick the best one. (I probably made her expectations of me really high right here)
JS: (Laughs and fades to a smile) What brings you guys to Denny's this late?
CH: Oh we were just at his party (pointing to me) and decided to get some food.
Me: (Trying to change the subject away from partying) Yeah, what were you ladies up to?
JS: Oh, we actually had a rough night. M here is sick and she lost her phone.
Me: Oh that's terrible. I hope you get better soon.
CC&CH: Hope you feel better.
M: Thanks
JS: Aw that's very nice of you.
CH: Are either of you two ladies single?
M&V: (I don't remember their response. I think they were also single)
(We small talked for another minute or two about our student statuses and where we're from. JS is a college graduate)
CH: You ladies want to come party with us sometime?
I looked at the 3 girls' expressions, and all 3 had this cautious/suspicious/mildly-alarmed looks on their faces. So I decided to try for a number close and bounce out of this awkward situation because they were also waiting for the server to come take their orders. Later on when I went out with JS, she told me that they were out clubbing earlier that night and M wasn't actually sick--she had been roofied--so it was a terrible time for CH to ask if they wanted to come party some time...hahah...
Me: Well, uhh, I'd like to take you out sometime if you're down.
JS: Sure (not much of a smile).
Me: Awesome, let me get your number
(I forgot her name so I entered her in as "Miss Florida" on my phone because that's where she said she was from. Didn't ask for her name again because I was sorta rushing to GTFO)
CC and CH didn't attempt a number close, and the three of us bounced (the other 2 guys were waiting outside). The 4 of us gave CH some shit for asking the girls to come party. I texted JS saying "fsc from Denny's", and hung out with the 4 guys until about 6am. It was a fun night.
I slept for a little bit and woke up at around 11am. Texted JS as soon as I was awake enough to type correctly
Me 11:33am, 1/18: Hey Miss Florida, when is the next time you're free? I'd like to see you again.
JS 11:46am: Hey
I am not sure, my schedule is last minute but what are you up to the next few days?
Me 12:44pm: (Told her my schedule, asked if she lives near campus)
JS 1:34pm: Yeah I live just across the freeway....i usually get off work around 8 or 9 I am working tomorrow but I will text you when I am free
Me 1:46pm: Sounds good
I was surprised that she actually replied. Maybe CH's party invitation gave me some sexual value.
JS 4:41pm, 1/19: Hey! Are you free tomorrow night to meet up? I will be free around 8.
Me 4:55pm: I'll be free around that time. See you tomorrow night.
Then she asks about where we should meet up and where I live, I reply and say we could meet up or I could pick her up. She says it depends where I want to go and asks me what I like to do.
Me 9:32pm, 1/19: I shall pick you up then. We'll be simple and local tomorrow night. We'll save Paris for another day hahah. I'm into boxing but haven't been to practice for a while because of schoolwork. What do you like to do other than attract guys with those eyes?
JS 9:50pm: Haa smooth.....wow boxing
sounds fun im into running but I just started back. I played soccer for the school team in college so I miss it now that im out. What are you studying? Local sounds good I might actually be in the area before we meet up so lets plan on meeting there, ill let you know tomorrow I live nearby.
Me 11:31pm: That is very badass. What do you miss the most about soccer? I study computer science, which can be really time consuming, so I haven't been able to box as much as I'd like to.
JS replies with a fairly short response to the question, then we exchange a few more texts for logistics for the date.
The date (8pm of Jan. 20, 2014):
Felt like shit. Considered rescheduling the date because I didn't feel like doing anything. She was on time and dressed pretty conservatively--dress ended at the midpoint of her crotch and knee, the top of the dress went to the collar bones, and she wore a big coat on top. She looked great nonetheless.
I greeted her with a hug, and kept her in my arms. I could have been sexier here, and that would have helped set a better undertone for the night.
Me: Alright, don't get mad but I don't remember your name (chuckling)
JS: (Laughing) It's okay, I was going to remind you.
Me: The only name I remember is Vanilla haha
She corrected me on her friend's name, and we made short small talk about her day at work as we walked to Yogurtland down the street. Frozen yogurt is a pretty good option if you can find one near you. It costs about $3 per person depending on how much yogurt and toppings you get. We decided to start walking after we finished eating because she was getting cold. We wandered through my university and around our on-campus, outdoor sculpture garden.
Conversation was quite polite, and my deep diving didn't really feel all that deep. The conversation was back-and-forth though, unlike most convos with girls I've had lately--she pitched in and it wasn't just me putting in all the work to maintain a conversation. I feel like I could have done a better job at diving deeper though. I can't remember if I was doing a terrible job at talking, or if she wasn't giving me enough in her responses for me to hook off of. In summary, I think conversation was decent. I found out a lot about her, and I only talked about myself when she asked. I mentioned how my dad is an alcoholic and how I'm not really close to my family when she asked if I was close to my family--I think this helps connect/relate with her because she's also quite disconnected from her family. I'm also hoping that it makes me seem vulnerable, imperfect, and whatnot. Also when we were at the sculpture garden, I wanted to keep on moving, but she sat down twice and also lingered around in front of a bench as if she wanted to sit for a third time. What do you think this means? My guess is that it's better to deep dive sitting down and that's what she wanted, and/or she was trying to make it easier for me to escalate to touching or making out (it was quite a romantic environment). Or am I over-thinking this and she just wanted to rest and relax? Because I also feel like she wasn't really at ease. She looked quite cautious for most of the night as if I was being judgmental. Occasionally she would study my eyes as if trying to figure me out. This is most likely due to the fact that I was pretty tired, and I've been told multiple times that I look pissed when I'm in my neutral mood. Furthermore, I was in a pretty good state when I first met her at Denny's, so I guess she was expecting me to be at about the same state. The date would've turned out so much better had I prepared and gotten myself into a better mood.
After we were done wandering through campus, I decided to go to the grocery store so we can cook something quick to eat back at my place. On the way there, I tried the modified version of the cube test (scroll down for the cube test and my modified version). She said the liquid level was really low, so I told her the liquid represented purity. To this she responded "HAHAHAHA! NOOOOO NO NO! THAT'S NOT ME!" I should've given her a sly smile and asked "are you sure about that?" but I just chuckled. I did mention that my cube was completely dry though, with a smirk. Also earlier on, she mentioned that she was Christian, but it was as if she was Christian just because of her family or whatever. Furthermore, she has had at least 1 boyfriend in the past (her ex through her college years actually has the same name as me), read 50 Shades of Gray (I wanted to transition into talking about My Secret Garden, but the mood was a little too platonic at the time and the topic changed), and goes to parties and clubs and drinks (although she said she does this only about twice a month). Do you think her response to the cube test and her saying that she drinks and goes to parties/clubs only twice a month is an anti-slut defense?
We got to the grocery store, but only purchased some juice and canned soup for me because neither of us were actually hungry. Bad logistics on my part. On the positive side, the food gave me an excuse to bring her home. I also seeded pool into her mind earlier on, so she submitted when I said "let me take these home, and we'll play some pool". She also may have declined to eat because she was expecting sex and didn't want to bone on a full stomach. We got to my frat house and she took her coat off to play pool. My oh my did she have ass...she was an everyday version of Alexis Texas. She played soccer for her college and actually has an NCAA conference champions ring, so yeah, her lower body is very well endowed. I kicked her ass first round, and she suggested another round. She's decent at pool and is competitive, which I find sexy. I kicked her ass again and as a consolation prize, I invited her to my room to watch Iron Man 3. She's a fan of superhero movies but hasn't had the chance to watch Iron Man 3 yet. Her face lit up and we went to my room. Was she expecting sex or was she excited about Iron Man =p?
I usually have my boxing hand wraps hanging at the end of my bunk bed in hopes to have a girl ask me what they are so I can reply with "these are my Christian Gray wraps" or something. JS didn't ask about it though =,[ She didn't really talk much since we left the pool table. I set up Iron Man 3 and suggested we watch it on my bed. She submitted but also said she has to go soon. I just said "okay" and brushed it off. I turned the lights off and we snuggled onto my bed with her on my side, my arm around her head, and her head on my chest. I began massaging her arm and shoulder, then began playing with her hair, then began massaging her scalp. There's a scene 10-15 minutes into the movie where Aldrich Killian kisses Pepper goodbye on her cheek or something, and Pepper kinda gets drawn into him and readies herself for a lip-to-lip kiss but doesn't receive it, and she watches him walk away with longing eyes. After the scene, I whispered "hey", she turned her head to look at me, and I moved in for a kiss. She chuckled for a moment and we proceeded to make out for about 5 minutes. It was fairly passionate, but I got a feeling that she wasn't very experienced. Maybe I should have gotten on top of her, or maybe not. I was tired so I didn't really want to have to support that much weight, and I can't play with her ass if she's lying on her back ;] I tried playing with her ass, but she would move my hand away after a few squeezes and pull her dress back down. I wasn't sure if I should be more aggressive or not, like I was with the previous girl in my past LR, because JS was Christian. Should I have been aggressive?
We stopped and I looked into her eyes to try to gauge her. I think she looked like she wanted sex, but I wasn't sure. She said her neck hurts, so we switched positions: I sorta acted as her chair. I began massaging her neck, and she began talking. I think she was nervous, so she was trying to fill the air with speech. She asked me to massage it harder, so I asked "oh, you like it harder?" and immediately she replied "yeah, I like it rough." Hmm...what to do? I decided to escalate again. While she was talking, I creeped my hand into her dress and began fondling her breast. She couldn't complete her sentence, and she pulled my hand out saying "you're distracting me". So I put my other hand down her dress and began fondling her other breast. I think I said "maybe this one won't distract you too much" or something. Kinda stupid but whatever. She chuckled and pulled that hand out too after a second or two. I just really wanted to turn her over, get on top, and be aggressive, but I really wasn't sure.
I resumed massaging her neck, and after 3-5 minutes, she got up, looked at her phone for 3-5 seconds, and told me she has to go. She's a live-in nanny so her work is sometimes last minute. She had to do something with the family's dog or whatever. She seemed somewhat frustrated. I'm not sure if she was frustrated at me for not being aggressive enough or frustrated at her boss (or live-in mom or whatever) for clamjamming. So I drove her back, which was about 10 minutes of silent driving. She apologized for the quick exit as I opened the door for her and gave me a kiss as she left. When I got back home (~10 minutes after drop off), she sent me a text:
Her: Hey thanks again for tonight
12:10 AM
Me: No problem. Will I see you again? Your gummy bacon is being held hostage 1:05 AM (I feel like "Will I see you again?" won't appear as needy because I was nonchalant throughout the entire night. Probably too nonchalant).
Her: The horror! ....yeah sure I need a rematch at pool anyway ill text you when im free 11:44 AM
Me: What are some cool places you've already been to in LA so far? Pool sounds good. Loser gives winner a massage 6:43 PM (Asked about locations so I could take her somewhere new. Doesn't matter anymore--I'll take her wherever I feel is nice whether she's been there before or not)
Her: Haha now ill really need to win
ummm idk ive been a lot of places I guess 9:22 PM
Me: Haha, I'll just decide where to take you when I see you. Maybe we'll just wrestle all night on some rooftop or my bed. I'm free Thursday after 7pm and any time on the weekend. Any idea when you may be free? 10:38 PM
Her: Def not thurs, I know I am working that night and I already have plans with my friends for the weekend sooo no haha I have no idea when I will be free 7:29 AM
Me: Boooo =[ Have fun and take care, you creepermagnet. Let me know which roof you end up on this weekend. 8:05 AM
Me: And don't let it be too long until the next time I see you. I feel like I was too impersonal. I'd like to do better 8:10 AM
Her: Haha ok yeah I will let you know when I am free
3:53 PM
Me: Sweet 7:06 PM
I felt like the second-to-last text I sent was necessary because I feel like I've been too "whatever" with her on the date. I appeared very interested on the initial approach, then she probably felt like I was uninterested on the date, so I felt like I needed to say something that showed I'm still interested in her. I probably could have said something better, but whatever. At least I got her texting that smiley face again. Yaaaay.
Now, she doesn't go to my school (she actually graduated from a college in Atlanta) and we have no mutual friends, so she has absolutely no reason to text me if she doesn't want to. She simply could have not texted the "Hey thanks again for tonight
", and she would have had a clean slate. So I'm assuming that she's still interested in me because, like one of the GC articles said, if a girl is interested in you, she will text you even if it is to tell you that she's busy. How do I properly handle that "I have no idea when I will be free"/"I will let you know when I am free" though? I feel like silence is necessary because I probably appeared a little needy with the second-to-last text, so I will text her on Monday afternoon or evening. I can't really wait for her to tell me when she's free because that may make me seem uninterested again, but at the same time I've already asked her for her time, implicitly and explicitly, 3 times so asking her when she's free again feels a little awkward.
I'm thinking about texting her something like "Hey soccer star, I hope you had a great weekend. (Short banter, as per this article). I've thought of a nice place to take you. Keep me updated on your schedule. Hope to see you soon"
Lessons learned:
- Read the thread title.
- Small talk (and maybe some quick deep diving) is an important part of opening. It gets her comfortable with you, and maybe a reason, to give you her number and go out with you.
- Give girls memorable experiences. In my case, although the timing of the kiss with that Iron Man 3 scene may have been somewhat memorable, the sculpture garden was probably the better place for the first kiss. Oh well, if I end up getting that second date, it'll be a lot cutesy-er.
- View girls as sexual beings, not sexual objects. I viewed and treated her like an impersonal sexual object. She may have felt like a worthless piece of meat. I feel really, really bad about this.
- First date with a blonde and first makeout session with a blonde. This is personally big because I'm an Asian who used to put blondes on a pedestal.
- Biggest ass fondled holy shit
- The farthest I've gone with a random girl
- Although I wouldn't call this a success because I failed to have sex, I am still pleased with the results given that I initially went into the date feeling like shit with no preparation.
I was sitting in a booth of a local Denny's at 4am with 4 guys I randomly met at a gas station after partying. As we were finishing up our dinner-breakfast, a group of 3 attractive blondes checked us out as they settled down in the booth in front of us. I made sure to return eye contact to all 3. When we got up and headed to the cash register, I noticed the 3 blondes checking us out again. We paid, left the restaurant, and as we were walking on the sidewalk parallel to the Denny's, I looked inside the window and caught one of the 3 blondes looking at me. We maintained eye contact for 2-3 seconds until one of the guys stopped the group to tie his shoe laces. I thought out loud how that was an approach invitation, and one of the guys urged me to go talk to her and said that he'd come along.
So CC (another guy), CH, and I walked back into Denny's and approached the table.
Me: Excuse me, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation...(I paused so they could stop talking, and I locked eyes with the blonde who was looking at me when I was outside. Felt like it was more proper to say sorry because they were in mid-convo)...but I just thought you were really pretty
JS: Hahaha thank you.
Me: What's your name?
Me: JS, nice to meet you, I'm fsc. And yours? (Turning to her friend)
V: (A Swedish name that sounds like vanilla)
CH: Vanilla?! Like the ice cream?!
(We all chuckle/giggle and she corrects him. We finish introductions)
Me: Anyway (looking back at JS), I was wondering if you're single
JS: (Giggling) ...Umm...Yes...Sort of...
Me: What do you mean sort of? (Tried to put on a sexy-smiley-curious face)
JS: I'm seeing someone hahaha
Me: Is it serious?
JS: Haha!
Me: You can date multiple people you know? Keep your options open. Then pick the best one. (I probably made her expectations of me really high right here)
JS: (Laughs and fades to a smile) What brings you guys to Denny's this late?
CH: Oh we were just at his party (pointing to me) and decided to get some food.
Me: (Trying to change the subject away from partying) Yeah, what were you ladies up to?
JS: Oh, we actually had a rough night. M here is sick and she lost her phone.
Me: Oh that's terrible. I hope you get better soon.
CC&CH: Hope you feel better.
M: Thanks
JS: Aw that's very nice of you.
CH: Are either of you two ladies single?
M&V: (I don't remember their response. I think they were also single)
(We small talked for another minute or two about our student statuses and where we're from. JS is a college graduate)
CH: You ladies want to come party with us sometime?
I looked at the 3 girls' expressions, and all 3 had this cautious/suspicious/mildly-alarmed looks on their faces. So I decided to try for a number close and bounce out of this awkward situation because they were also waiting for the server to come take their orders. Later on when I went out with JS, she told me that they were out clubbing earlier that night and M wasn't actually sick--she had been roofied--so it was a terrible time for CH to ask if they wanted to come party some time...hahah...
Me: Well, uhh, I'd like to take you out sometime if you're down.
JS: Sure (not much of a smile).
Me: Awesome, let me get your number
(I forgot her name so I entered her in as "Miss Florida" on my phone because that's where she said she was from. Didn't ask for her name again because I was sorta rushing to GTFO)
CC and CH didn't attempt a number close, and the three of us bounced (the other 2 guys were waiting outside). The 4 of us gave CH some shit for asking the girls to come party. I texted JS saying "fsc from Denny's", and hung out with the 4 guys until about 6am. It was a fun night.
I slept for a little bit and woke up at around 11am. Texted JS as soon as I was awake enough to type correctly
Me 11:33am, 1/18: Hey Miss Florida, when is the next time you're free? I'd like to see you again.
JS 11:46am: Hey
Me 12:44pm: (Told her my schedule, asked if she lives near campus)
JS 1:34pm: Yeah I live just across the freeway....i usually get off work around 8 or 9 I am working tomorrow but I will text you when I am free
Me 1:46pm: Sounds good
I was surprised that she actually replied. Maybe CH's party invitation gave me some sexual value.
JS 4:41pm, 1/19: Hey! Are you free tomorrow night to meet up? I will be free around 8.
Me 4:55pm: I'll be free around that time. See you tomorrow night.
Then she asks about where we should meet up and where I live, I reply and say we could meet up or I could pick her up. She says it depends where I want to go and asks me what I like to do.
Me 9:32pm, 1/19: I shall pick you up then. We'll be simple and local tomorrow night. We'll save Paris for another day hahah. I'm into boxing but haven't been to practice for a while because of schoolwork. What do you like to do other than attract guys with those eyes?
JS 9:50pm: Haa smooth.....wow boxing
Me 11:31pm: That is very badass. What do you miss the most about soccer? I study computer science, which can be really time consuming, so I haven't been able to box as much as I'd like to.
JS replies with a fairly short response to the question, then we exchange a few more texts for logistics for the date.
The date (8pm of Jan. 20, 2014):
Felt like shit. Considered rescheduling the date because I didn't feel like doing anything. She was on time and dressed pretty conservatively--dress ended at the midpoint of her crotch and knee, the top of the dress went to the collar bones, and she wore a big coat on top. She looked great nonetheless.
I greeted her with a hug, and kept her in my arms. I could have been sexier here, and that would have helped set a better undertone for the night.
Me: Alright, don't get mad but I don't remember your name (chuckling)
JS: (Laughing) It's okay, I was going to remind you.
Me: The only name I remember is Vanilla haha
She corrected me on her friend's name, and we made short small talk about her day at work as we walked to Yogurtland down the street. Frozen yogurt is a pretty good option if you can find one near you. It costs about $3 per person depending on how much yogurt and toppings you get. We decided to start walking after we finished eating because she was getting cold. We wandered through my university and around our on-campus, outdoor sculpture garden.
Conversation was quite polite, and my deep diving didn't really feel all that deep. The conversation was back-and-forth though, unlike most convos with girls I've had lately--she pitched in and it wasn't just me putting in all the work to maintain a conversation. I feel like I could have done a better job at diving deeper though. I can't remember if I was doing a terrible job at talking, or if she wasn't giving me enough in her responses for me to hook off of. In summary, I think conversation was decent. I found out a lot about her, and I only talked about myself when she asked. I mentioned how my dad is an alcoholic and how I'm not really close to my family when she asked if I was close to my family--I think this helps connect/relate with her because she's also quite disconnected from her family. I'm also hoping that it makes me seem vulnerable, imperfect, and whatnot. Also when we were at the sculpture garden, I wanted to keep on moving, but she sat down twice and also lingered around in front of a bench as if she wanted to sit for a third time. What do you think this means? My guess is that it's better to deep dive sitting down and that's what she wanted, and/or she was trying to make it easier for me to escalate to touching or making out (it was quite a romantic environment). Or am I over-thinking this and she just wanted to rest and relax? Because I also feel like she wasn't really at ease. She looked quite cautious for most of the night as if I was being judgmental. Occasionally she would study my eyes as if trying to figure me out. This is most likely due to the fact that I was pretty tired, and I've been told multiple times that I look pissed when I'm in my neutral mood. Furthermore, I was in a pretty good state when I first met her at Denny's, so I guess she was expecting me to be at about the same state. The date would've turned out so much better had I prepared and gotten myself into a better mood.
After we were done wandering through campus, I decided to go to the grocery store so we can cook something quick to eat back at my place. On the way there, I tried the modified version of the cube test (scroll down for the cube test and my modified version). She said the liquid level was really low, so I told her the liquid represented purity. To this she responded "HAHAHAHA! NOOOOO NO NO! THAT'S NOT ME!" I should've given her a sly smile and asked "are you sure about that?" but I just chuckled. I did mention that my cube was completely dry though, with a smirk. Also earlier on, she mentioned that she was Christian, but it was as if she was Christian just because of her family or whatever. Furthermore, she has had at least 1 boyfriend in the past (her ex through her college years actually has the same name as me), read 50 Shades of Gray (I wanted to transition into talking about My Secret Garden, but the mood was a little too platonic at the time and the topic changed), and goes to parties and clubs and drinks (although she said she does this only about twice a month). Do you think her response to the cube test and her saying that she drinks and goes to parties/clubs only twice a month is an anti-slut defense?
We got to the grocery store, but only purchased some juice and canned soup for me because neither of us were actually hungry. Bad logistics on my part. On the positive side, the food gave me an excuse to bring her home. I also seeded pool into her mind earlier on, so she submitted when I said "let me take these home, and we'll play some pool". She also may have declined to eat because she was expecting sex and didn't want to bone on a full stomach. We got to my frat house and she took her coat off to play pool. My oh my did she have ass...she was an everyday version of Alexis Texas. She played soccer for her college and actually has an NCAA conference champions ring, so yeah, her lower body is very well endowed. I kicked her ass first round, and she suggested another round. She's decent at pool and is competitive, which I find sexy. I kicked her ass again and as a consolation prize, I invited her to my room to watch Iron Man 3. She's a fan of superhero movies but hasn't had the chance to watch Iron Man 3 yet. Her face lit up and we went to my room. Was she expecting sex or was she excited about Iron Man =p?
I usually have my boxing hand wraps hanging at the end of my bunk bed in hopes to have a girl ask me what they are so I can reply with "these are my Christian Gray wraps" or something. JS didn't ask about it though =,[ She didn't really talk much since we left the pool table. I set up Iron Man 3 and suggested we watch it on my bed. She submitted but also said she has to go soon. I just said "okay" and brushed it off. I turned the lights off and we snuggled onto my bed with her on my side, my arm around her head, and her head on my chest. I began massaging her arm and shoulder, then began playing with her hair, then began massaging her scalp. There's a scene 10-15 minutes into the movie where Aldrich Killian kisses Pepper goodbye on her cheek or something, and Pepper kinda gets drawn into him and readies herself for a lip-to-lip kiss but doesn't receive it, and she watches him walk away with longing eyes. After the scene, I whispered "hey", she turned her head to look at me, and I moved in for a kiss. She chuckled for a moment and we proceeded to make out for about 5 minutes. It was fairly passionate, but I got a feeling that she wasn't very experienced. Maybe I should have gotten on top of her, or maybe not. I was tired so I didn't really want to have to support that much weight, and I can't play with her ass if she's lying on her back ;] I tried playing with her ass, but she would move my hand away after a few squeezes and pull her dress back down. I wasn't sure if I should be more aggressive or not, like I was with the previous girl in my past LR, because JS was Christian. Should I have been aggressive?
We stopped and I looked into her eyes to try to gauge her. I think she looked like she wanted sex, but I wasn't sure. She said her neck hurts, so we switched positions: I sorta acted as her chair. I began massaging her neck, and she began talking. I think she was nervous, so she was trying to fill the air with speech. She asked me to massage it harder, so I asked "oh, you like it harder?" and immediately she replied "yeah, I like it rough." Hmm...what to do? I decided to escalate again. While she was talking, I creeped my hand into her dress and began fondling her breast. She couldn't complete her sentence, and she pulled my hand out saying "you're distracting me". So I put my other hand down her dress and began fondling her other breast. I think I said "maybe this one won't distract you too much" or something. Kinda stupid but whatever. She chuckled and pulled that hand out too after a second or two. I just really wanted to turn her over, get on top, and be aggressive, but I really wasn't sure.
I resumed massaging her neck, and after 3-5 minutes, she got up, looked at her phone for 3-5 seconds, and told me she has to go. She's a live-in nanny so her work is sometimes last minute. She had to do something with the family's dog or whatever. She seemed somewhat frustrated. I'm not sure if she was frustrated at me for not being aggressive enough or frustrated at her boss (or live-in mom or whatever) for clamjamming. So I drove her back, which was about 10 minutes of silent driving. She apologized for the quick exit as I opened the door for her and gave me a kiss as she left. When I got back home (~10 minutes after drop off), she sent me a text:
Her: Hey thanks again for tonight
Me: No problem. Will I see you again? Your gummy bacon is being held hostage 1:05 AM (I feel like "Will I see you again?" won't appear as needy because I was nonchalant throughout the entire night. Probably too nonchalant).
Her: The horror! ....yeah sure I need a rematch at pool anyway ill text you when im free 11:44 AM
Me: What are some cool places you've already been to in LA so far? Pool sounds good. Loser gives winner a massage 6:43 PM (Asked about locations so I could take her somewhere new. Doesn't matter anymore--I'll take her wherever I feel is nice whether she's been there before or not)
Her: Haha now ill really need to win
Me: Haha, I'll just decide where to take you when I see you. Maybe we'll just wrestle all night on some rooftop or my bed. I'm free Thursday after 7pm and any time on the weekend. Any idea when you may be free? 10:38 PM
Her: Def not thurs, I know I am working that night and I already have plans with my friends for the weekend sooo no haha I have no idea when I will be free 7:29 AM
Me: Boooo =[ Have fun and take care, you creepermagnet. Let me know which roof you end up on this weekend. 8:05 AM
Me: And don't let it be too long until the next time I see you. I feel like I was too impersonal. I'd like to do better 8:10 AM
Her: Haha ok yeah I will let you know when I am free
Me: Sweet 7:06 PM
I felt like the second-to-last text I sent was necessary because I feel like I've been too "whatever" with her on the date. I appeared very interested on the initial approach, then she probably felt like I was uninterested on the date, so I felt like I needed to say something that showed I'm still interested in her. I probably could have said something better, but whatever. At least I got her texting that smiley face again. Yaaaay.
Now, she doesn't go to my school (she actually graduated from a college in Atlanta) and we have no mutual friends, so she has absolutely no reason to text me if she doesn't want to. She simply could have not texted the "Hey thanks again for tonight
I'm thinking about texting her something like "Hey soccer star, I hope you had a great weekend. (Short banter, as per this article). I've thought of a nice place to take you. Keep me updated on your schedule. Hope to see you soon"
Lessons learned:
- Read the thread title.
- Small talk (and maybe some quick deep diving) is an important part of opening. It gets her comfortable with you, and maybe a reason, to give you her number and go out with you.
- Give girls memorable experiences. In my case, although the timing of the kiss with that Iron Man 3 scene may have been somewhat memorable, the sculpture garden was probably the better place for the first kiss. Oh well, if I end up getting that second date, it'll be a lot cutesy-er.
- View girls as sexual beings, not sexual objects. I viewed and treated her like an impersonal sexual object. She may have felt like a worthless piece of meat. I feel really, really bad about this.
- First date with a blonde and first makeout session with a blonde. This is personally big because I'm an Asian who used to put blondes on a pedestal.
- Biggest ass fondled holy shit
- The farthest I've gone with a random girl
- Although I wouldn't call this a success because I failed to have sex, I am still pleased with the results given that I initially went into the date feeling like shit with no preparation.