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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello all,

I could use some of your opinions on this situation that just presented itself to me.

Backstory- At the beginning of the year I was trying to get to know and get with this girl next door to my suite who we will call Girl A. Long story short I thought I screwed up and stopped talking to her for the most part and we would only say hello in passing from then on out.

Week or 2 ago- One time late on Sunday Girl A was pretty drunk and as I was passing her and her friends she confronted me about something. Apparently I had ignored her when I passed her by(I have tunnel vision when I walk about campus). She called me an asshole and I think I explained the tunnel vision part but in the end resolved the grievance. The next day or so I would get an apology from her about being an ass while drunk.

Last Saturday( the 9th)- I decided to stay in instead of going out(which I regret) and smoked with the two stoners who live in my suite with me. I won't be wasting time getting high again but nevertheless this lead to an interesting series of events. My two suitemates and I got back from the forest and began chilling in our suite. Girl A at the same time was getting pretty damn drunk and we eventually met in the hall.

I cannot remember how the conversation because I was erm in a different state of mind and my memory is fuzzy because of it but here are some of the things said.

- She was asking when was the last time I got laid(I lied and said last week).
- She told me about how she called some friend of hers in Isreal asking if he wanted to hook up, Jafar I think his name was
-Then when we were all in a group she said to me " CollegeSophmore I thought we were going to hookup at the beginning of the semester.... I can't remember the rest hehe

Then the next day on Sunday I get a huge text message apology from her saying she is sorry for being an asshole. I replied like a day later that it is not a big deal and that everyone acts differently, myself included.

Now I am not a proficient seducer but I think this girl may like me or somethin. I was thinking of having a pregame or just a small suite party and invite her over to make something happen but what would you guys suggest?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Yo CS,

Given the time frame, she may have been sent into Auto-Rejection and given up on you by now. On the flip side, she may still have feelings for you and it's very possible. I suggest going through with your plan. If it doesn't work out, it's a learning experience at the least. She seems - or seemed - really into you, so go for it!
