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FR/LR-: Last weekend USC ( Santa Claus Face )


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 18, 2014
Friday Night


There is a great book store I like to warm up at were the women are rich and ratio rains and tonight just happen to be some women author show case were theres free wine and beer and tons of women
Well only because I know the security guard he gives me a free drinking braclet

I proceed to get tipsy and open a few cute girls nothing sticks the bartender keeps making eye contact
I go back to the front to bander with the security guards a form of pre selection if you ask me I see this tall blonde slim perfect body gazing at the magazines
I walk over with a smirk on my face and say

Me: You need a braclet to drink

Her: (She smiles) and say what's goin tonight here
(in a cute german voice)

Me: you never been here Im assumimg let's get you a braclet and I'll show you

She proceeds to follow I get her a braclet she grabs a beer and imediatly deep dive her as I lead her around the 2 store level mazed fill book store
We talk about cultural differences her passions religion and how we arrived at where are now and oh yeah how meditation and yoga flow and how it deepens are connection society mishaps yadee ya after I'm on like my fourth beer and 2 cups of wine I suggest we go on a walk at a near by park she agrees we grab are stuff and leave

This is Where I should have escalted i was taking her to the seduction spot I just talked and walked instead I did make sure I was touching her and looking into her soul .. we end back @ her place out front she said she needed to get up early lots of sight seeing I was planning on goin to USC anyway after so there was a drunk pause amd I pointed for her to kiss my check she resisted

Her: I don't think we should I'm not looking for that
Me: well I feel we had a connection and I'm not holding back .. and were having a great time

(I pull her In close for a hug sort of)

Her: Yeah I enjoyed are walk through the park but there will be more german girls passing through let's hang out tommorow

Me: This is what matters to me now ( I pull her in again she's dodging my kiss I'm kinda drunk missing lol)

Her:I have to go inside now let's hang out tommorow.

I grab her number and proceed to leave for USC I know there will be plenty of parties on this Friday night

I turn down a street and its full with college age women in small dresses searching for something I have lol I spot a frat party on my left and I see they have pretty well equipt security so I talk to some freshman and figure out how were going get in well one of the pledges agrees to let us in through the back as soon as we enter I walk in its like that scene in a movie where there is ton of girls and booze

So I iimediatly head to the bar where there's wine and booze and shotgun a few beers I have to catch up to the brothers who are far ahead of me I proceed to head to the dance floor I'm in the mood to dance or atleast let girls dance on me.
This blonde starts grinding on me hard I cant even remember how it happen . I don't kno if you ever tried to get a kno a girl while dancing

Her: Are you active ?
Me: ofcourse lol
Her: What's your major ?
Me: I'm undecided about life lol
Her: I'm studyin bussiness communication
Me: I love the way we communicate

She turns around and we start making out and I pull her close

She suggest we get off the dance stage and go some where where there is more room .. I felt like I should have been leading here
So we do and continue making out and here friends feel good about us so they disappear.
I must have missed and escalation window ... because 5 mins after they left she says she's had her fun and runs off into the night

So I proceed to head back to the bar and regroup by this time I'm pretty drunk grab more beers and head back to the dance floor this time near the dj booth and there's tons of girls every where so I'm not worried
Soon enough I find my self in a new situation with this Asian chick she starts dancing on me and her friends are near by just looking around and I kno if I don't fix this there is goin to be some cock blocking going on so any guys that pass I tell to get on the other 2 friends and 2 guys eventually hook and now I can more isolate the asian chick and we try the thing were she's grinding on me and we try to get know each other again

Her:So are you and ac
Me:I love the way you do it
Her:Oh yeah I kno what I'm doing

Side note
I didn't kno when girls were asking me was I active they were talking about being and active frat brother lol

At some point her friends disappear and its just me and her by the dj booth and ofcourse she turns arounds and we start making out pretty hardcore . I think this is just a college thing with the new generation or unexperienced girls or something because any time I go the club and start dancing with a chick this never happens so easy... maybe I was in a zone or God Mode ..
I suggest we go some where more private FIRST to make sure im leading properly.

Me:Let's go some where more private
Her: I'm having so much fun right here
Me: Imagine how much more fun we could have haha
Her: I'm having so much fun her though

At this point I grab her hand to lead her to this place but I don't know excatly where we are going.
Entering the Frat house I find this dark black light room with nothing but couches in i..t if this isn't perfect scenario.

We get to the couches and start making out heavy its fun. Looking over to the couches next to us there is another couple, I yell some manly chant and proceed to unbuckle my belt and whip my dick out and she immediatly start giving me a hand job. We have this small playful agruement about how I want to melt in her mouth not her hand
She gives me head for a while and returns to the hand job something about she was scared of somebody seeing us. A pretty legit concern .. anyway I cum all over her upper body; the way we were laying on the couch it hit her chin perfectly and rolled down the neck what I call santa claus face imagine how this looked under black light I lay there for 5 mins we semi cuddle ..
We meet back up before she leaves we kiss and exchange contact info she gave me the wrong number we were both wasted so its understanable I forget her name too.

Saturday Night


Last night I went back to Usc I was in the mood to party a bit soo... I was thinking Frat party equals high probality situation ... Note there's sometimes their is an issue of getting in or on the list if your not a student or know a brother so its a gamble but hey fuck it. I find 2 major parties on the same street .. I always wonder where these frats get enough money to higher a full on mexican mafia security squads. Me and some other guys try everything to get in from the roof to any open windows no luck. I'm on a winning streak and I just re read chase's article on " the winners effect" I know I must find a way to win on this Saturday night. So last resort is standin outside a party and fishing on the side walk I see this cute blonde stumble by once I notice Her steep LA heels wobble like her equlibrium quite impressive.. I said something to her the first time she shooshed me away I laughed it off no sweat a lot small losses for the big win I repeat slowly under my breath . Open some more girls no luck and I turn around and that same blonde girls is right beside smiling and being drunk so I reopen her and she tells me to leave her alone and turns around but she keeps rubbing her ass on me so I take that as a sign to continue she finally turns arounds and is still being a drunk brat but is now leaning her body against me like were hugging and telling me she's hungry and wants a cab she keeps repeating this like a 4 year old the first sign I should have moved on. She was really really drunk and I was just tipsy so I offered to call her a cab. she kept begging for food but didn't want move very childish. there a mcdonalds straight infront of us so I suggest that she says no and this goes on for 10... 15 mins at this point I'm annoyed. I'm thinking we go back to her place drink more ( I live 20 mins away so I have to go home with girl bad logistics) but I second guess that scenario.. she pisses on the side of a building some football players walk up and ask her if she wants a wet wipe lol pretty funny .. I kinda lost all sexual intrest after that.. so she says can you just walk me home .. I ask her where home is? she points a direction we proceed to walk and I have a feeling shes making it up but she kept naming a sor house... I'm correct about my assumptions we end up at this house on a random street she sitting on a steps she trying to go to sleep I tell her no and I'm leaving she begs me to stay so I ask for her phone I'm calling somebody to get her so I can leave. She doesn't kno her passcode.
And now she wants me to take my dick out she keeps yelling "strip" strip ! And tugging on my jeans she's has on daisy dukes and a cut off tank top and its fucking freezing I can see my breath and she keeps complaining she's cold so I give her my jacket she proceeds to go to sleep on the steps and part me wanted to just to permeant next . . but I couldn't leave her on the stairs to sleep and freeze so I keep her woke and she's shivering now so we go in this apartment lobby thing lightly heated room with carpet she instantly crawls in a ball in my jacket on the floor and contines to whine and say how she can't stop shivering and its so cold I see my breath outside .. I just wanted her to remember her passcode so I could call her friends I put her body against mine just till she stop shivering on the floor and we lAyed on the floor together in a strangers lobby on a street I have no idea with a girl met 2 hours ago with mu dick in her hand we drift off for about 30 mins.. wakes up abruptly and rips out my arm aka black women bitter bangin on doors saying she wants sleep in a bed and where are we an .. I don't bother to explain I convince her to gather her things I wanted to pass her off to campus security they could better accomadate her we walk a few blocks I see some campus security they help and they drive her to the person she was staying with.... turns out she wasn't a student but a 27 year old TA at USC so staff lol campus security couldn't belive she was acting the way she was.. grabbed my coat back and head back home

I learned that you have to belive truely in abundance mentality or your subject your self to nonsense .. you must find a way you win but also have faith in the process

I think what I learned this weekend or is real is that its not about what the girls say follow her actions and continue to push foward no matter what I'm learning to live in that .

As far as mindset goes pratice mediation combined with an abundance mentality and girls will be much more warmer when you open them .. plus the meditation makes you more aware and makes you listen better and the calmness... its real.
Also try your best not to be bitter .
That's where my mind set is lately and girls are so warm
This one girl even told me she can tell I'm peaceful which really stuck with me

As far as questions

What's the threshold with finding a way to win everynight and not lowering your standards ?
(Saturday Night Situation)

When you thought a type of girl would be perfect for you, and one of the bitter ones ruins the perfect model for you .. how do you get pass it ?

I've come to find that when I've been picking up all day it just flow to me at night.
I think it has something to do with pushing boundaries
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take