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FR  FR - on train tracks


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Southampton breeze.

I was at the city of Southampton and after doing what I came into town to do, I decided to talk to some girls.

First few minutes, I still needed to get myself in the mood so I roamed the mall and got to coffee shop after coffee shop and pubs also. Then I began walking into the city center area where I saw girl..

No.1 stopped her and asked if she was single. She didn't understand English but she was trying to nicely talk to me. I realise that people who are in a rush never really wait for you to speak but in the case they do, you need to keep them guessing. With this girl, as soon as I complimented her, she got the gist and walked off since she must have not been interested - I had proposed an "instant date".

No.2 she was biting on a sandwich. First blunder was to walk past her as though I hadn't seen her, only to run back slightly. She turned me down very easily also. Probably I could have lingered a bit, said something coy about her meal with some certain eye contact and then gradually asking her out.

No.3 I basically asked her straight way if she was single and she moved off.

I left the city, rather tired. On the train however, this young girl sat right next to me. I didnt know how old she was but we got talking, and I deep dived well and used chase frames accordingly like: "You offered me a drink from your bottle. If you had money, you'd take me out for coffee or a drink." She smiled and re-engaged. On external accessing of this lady, she was young and her lips were rather chapped. I noticed her leggings were old too. Meh!..not too easy on the eyes but she had good hair, and was pleasant to talk with.

At some point I did the palm read thing with her, and she was rather cool about it. When she was saying about what she thought of me, she seemed thrilled. I touched her on her hip and thigh somewhat..the move was meant to come by me asking her to go to the train restroom. The train service I used has really spacious and fancy ones with electronic push buttons and bleeps. I think, the center would have been great to sign my name on her mind..if you know what I mean.

Anyways, I walked to the toilet and she didn't follow. Maybe I didn't clearly make her see that I would want her in the restroom with me even though I had whispered in her ears what could happen if we were alone. About a minute later, it was her stop and she got off.

#reflection #resultoftalk #socialtraining #yesterday

What ways can one make them follow you especially where you're sitting side by side with them?

And how effective is public transit if deep dive and have short time to move them? Kissing them where I'm sat could pan out wrong because they would not want to move then and they could get rational about anything from then on.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake