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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello again gents,

Last weekend I visited my Kappa Sigma brothers to help them with the initiation of their pledge class and then afterwards to party. This will be what happened at the party.

The party begins starting when girls from a sorority begin to flood the place. I am feeling quite nice, that optimal level of alcohol in me, I am completely in control but feeling chill at the same time.

I am relaxing at the beer pong tables and as I am walking around I walk beside this pretty short haired girl. I stop, we look at each other at like the same time time I think my opener was simple "Hi Im Brandon" said with a smile. We immediately hit it off really well and I soon move her to a less crowded part of the beer pong table area.(In hindsight I should of moved her to the dark lit bar but...). This is literally not even 10 minutes in after all the girls come. Anyway we continue to talk, I am doing all that incidental touching stuff that I have read from the blog and we continue to each closer and closer until finally I plant one on her. This is when I jump the gun.......................... I had also been reading about pulling and what not and well I had determined that a good place to go would be the bathroom upstairs........(In hindsight I am retarded, I should of gone down stairs like my 2 fraternity brothers who got laid that night). I say follow me.... and try to lead her upstairs god dammit.... In trying not to fail to pull the trigger and not pull I in such a retarded a way and to the wrong place.....

Anyway it does not end there, after she refuses we head back to the pong tables and I continue to talk to her and begin building up rapport again. Get into her psychology major, I also am continueing to touch her we hold hands and I kiss her throughout the conversation. I also, realizing that I was a dumbass for before say lets go to get jello shots upstairs instead. She says she needs to stay with her friends and I continue to persist, saying things like" we will get it and head straight back down to your friends". Heh she even says you are really persistent to me lol. We also get talking about the double standards in society and other stuff. Eventually her friends head up to get shots, I follow her still holding hands for a bit but eventually I head back downstairs. She eventually comes back down and before they all leave she gives me a firm hug and I do not see her again......... FUCK

The rest of the night I continued to try and talk to people but god my mojo was off. I was angry that I had fucked up with that girl who I had such a connection with and was thrown off. Nothing special happens, talk to more people. One girl says to be when we are talking "I came her to make bad decisions", I move her and try to kiss a little but she then says she has a boyfriend and walks away.

I head back later that night after the party gets busted. Also just a question, on screening and qualifying, can someone give me an example of throwing it into a conversation.

That is it really, I was fucking pissed at myself for a while after that. But I have moved on, mostly because of this Fraternity event we did on Sunday the day after called Deepest Darkest. Basically everyone reveals something about themselves that is secret or private and I was amazed at how minor my problem was compared to some of the stuff I have heard.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Ah man, so close. Good stuff on touching during the conversation, cool post. Next time, right? ;)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Couple thoughts:

CollegeFreshman said:
I was angry that I had fucked up with that girl who I had such a connection with and was thrown off.

Connections feel special when you're still newer and they're restricted more to either a) girls who legitimately have a bunch in common with you, or b) girls who are socially talented enough to steer the connection-building end of the conversation themselves. But as you get better and better at getting conversations going and diving deep and finding out more about her, you'll find these easier and easier to make.

CollegeFreshman said:
One girl says to be when we are talking "I came her to make bad decisions", I move her and try to kiss a little but she then says she has a boyfriend and walks away.

Can't tell how quickly you reacted (or not) to this statement, but, one note on these: when girls tell you things like this, make a mental note, but don't do something reactive. So, you have a girl tell you, "I came here to make bad decisions" - usually she somewhat means this, but she's also trying to see if she can make you blink. If you blink (react, get excited, etc.), she knows she's more experienced / socially adept than you, and attraction's done. If you take it in stride / are calm / don't react, you can make a mental note that this girl sounds like she's on the prowl, so try and make something happen with her a little later.

CollegeFreshman said:
I head back later that night after the party gets busted. Also just a question, on screening and qualifying, can someone give me an example of throwing it into a conversation.


Conversation Example

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers