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FR/OR: First time clubbing

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Last night I went clubbing but I didn't have time or the energy to type up a report.
Basically my brother and his friend brought me. His friend knows a lot of people and got us into the VIP section.
I used the whole night as a chance to "see the room".
I didn't try to do any approaches, although two inevitably happened. I just wanted to see what it was like.

First off, it was one of those loud music clubs that's very dark and impossible to conversate in.
Girls seem to be the only ones dancing and gyrating while guys stand around like they're the coolest shit, trying to dance on girls. (I fell into it by mistake. The energy and pressure to conform got to me...but half way through the night I snapped out of it.)

As soon as we got in my brother and his friend hopped on trying to get us into VIP. When we got in, I was introduced to the crowd that usually hangs out there. The VIP area had hookah on tables and big sofas...and there were noticeably more attractive girls there. I started off just following my brother and his friend around the room. They didn't seem to stay in one place like everyone else. They walked around giving dap and handshaking their bros and people they knew.
Then we went back to VIP and chilled there for awhile. Eventually they broke away and i was in VIP alone with all these strangers.

I girl on the couch noticed me standing up bobbing my head to the music. I turned my eyes and made eye contact with her seeing her smiling at me. She motioned for me to come sit by her. She leaned into my ear.
Her: hey! I'm ____! What's your name!
Me: What?!
(yup, that loud)
Me: my names Wes! (I decide to put my hand on her leg. And she didn't seem to care)
The conversation was short...I ask her where she's from and tell her it's my first time in a club to which she asks how do I like it so far?
Then she motions for me to stand up and follow her. (I think...I'm not sure if she wanted me to follow her or if she was saying she will be back, but I followed her)
I ended up losing her in the crowd. Shrugged it off and figured I'll see her again and found my brother and his friend again.
We mostly stood around bobbing our heads looking at the eye candy, falling into the typical beta male stereotypes.
What I examined:

There seems to be these tall club veteran guys who have all the respect from everyone and they basically just stand cool with their hands behind their backs and girls will come and dance on them without them even having to extend effort.

Then there's the guys who don't even try to make moves and stand around looking cool, wasting their money that they paid to get in. (why would you go to club if you're not going to have a good time or try to pickup girls?)

Then there's the pursuers. They aren't quite up there in terms of having a girl just dance on them just because. They have to have their own energy surrounding them for that.
There's pursuers who are actually succeeding. (I.e. dancing on girls, flirting with them, and making out)
And then there are pursuers who are failing (getting rejected to dance and chasing girls the whole night)

I spent a lot of time asking the pursuers who were suceeding what they were doing right and asking for any advice they could give to which they happily told me: just dance beside them and them slowly move behind them. If they stay, they stay, if they don't oh well.

Basically screen for girls who will dance with you.
(I realize the goal was to get them out of there and get laid but I wasn't worried about that...I wanted to experience my first time having a girl grind on me.) so I screened for girls who will do just that.

At first I was an idiot going around ASKING if girls wanted to dance. And they'd give me some excuse.
"I like to dance alone" then I see them dancing on a guy in the distance moments later.
"I'm about to go get a drink, so not right now"

Then I stopped thinking with my dick and realize I needed to TELL them to dance with me.
So I did that.
Me: "let's dance!"
Still more excuses.

Then I observed some more at the guys who were pursuers but suceeding. They were all just taking the girls by the waist and then placing them on their crotch.
So I told them "let's dance" while pulling them into me
I'd get danced on for a few seconds but then the girl would walk away. No hard feelings though, she's just screened out.
I kept going this approach and finally found this short blonde girl who was into her own little world she didn't care whose crotch was on her booty. I danced beside her then pulled her in and she started dancing on me. I couldn't feel a thing because of the pants I was wearing. (I now see why every guy here was wearing shorts) I tried to follow her movements as best I could but I couldn't really get into it. It was actually kinda boring. I was feeling up her legs though and moving them up closer to her pussy. Then another guy somehow smoothly took her from me and started to dance on her better than me and I think he was kissing her neck and whispering in her ear.
He looked up at me like: sorry bro.

No worries..it wasn't that big of a deal. I got what I wanted. Now I know that I'd rather just pick up a girl and get the REAL crotch to crotch action.

I ran into the girl who "told me to follow her" again and then I tried to pull her in to dance on me but fat guy glared at me and pulled her back.
Me: my bad bro! (as I put my hands up)
And he backed off.
I assumed that she was his girlfriend because I noticed she only showed attention to him the whole night.
He was sitting on the couch and she reverse lap danced on him which was just about the sexiest thing I've seen all night. Damn, she could move her body.

The second sexiest thing I saw all night was this Latina girl dancing to the techno beat in her own Latin style of dance. She was in her own world and the way she moved her body was perfection. Guys were all standing around her watching and wondering if they should move in.

And finally the second accidental approach.
I was in VIP and this tall sexy light skinned black girl with curly hair had glow sticks and started waving them in my face.
I pulled her in and talked in her ear. We introduced each other and she told me it was her birthday. I told her happy birthday and hugged her sweaty body. She was one of the early girls that I was going around ASKING to dance with.
She gave me an excuse and then I saw her every once in awhile. She reacted warmly every time she saw me and I'd tried to pull her in to dance but she'd always find some excuse.

Eventually the club closed and I saw her outside when everyone was going to their cars. Told her happy birthday once again. And she asked me if I was coming back next week.
Me: I'm not sure.
Her: we'll I'll most likely be here :)
And she went on her way.

I got home and immediately pulled up all the articles on dance floor game and seduction and the info on bars and nightclubs. (no need to link, I read me all) so now if I go back out, I have one more thing I'll try to master.

That's all for now

Desert Eagle

Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 18, 2013
hmm. I'm trying to think about dance game. I think that it feels sort of challenging when you're first starting out, because you're most likely fumbling around and screwing up. And because of that, people don't pay much attention to you or respect dancing with you that much. I like to think of how I feel about volleyball when I play against others that are clearly below my skill level. It's too easy and gets boring.

I think I read in a dance article that you shouldn't focus on the dancing if you are unable to dance, as it shows a weakness, and instead focus on getting them into your realm of pick-up, which you may be more polished in. Is that what you figured out in your reading as the solution for being a weak/inexperienced dancer?

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Desert Eagle said:
hmm. I'm trying to think about dance game. I think that it feels sort of challenging when you're first starting out, because you're most likely fumbling around and screwing up. And because of that, people don't pay much attention to you or respect dancing with you that much. I like to think of how I feel about volleyball when I play against others that are clearly below my skill level. It's too easy and gets boring.

I think I read in a dance article that you shouldn't focus on the dancing if you are unable to dance, as it shows a weakness, and instead focus on getting them into your realm of pick-up, which you may be more polished in. Is that what you figured out in your reading as the solution for being a weak/inexperienced dancer?

Yes, I actually read that. But I believe Colt also posted an article on picking up girls while making use of dancing...so there's two routes I can go.
Haha funny you say that...I had no idea how to dance to the type of music playing. The beats kept changing.
If I WERE to dance, do you possibly have any links to videos with an example of how I should look.
When I really get into it, I inevitably fall into my default 70's style disco dancing that I picked up from my dad.

Desert Eagle

Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 18, 2013
Wes said:
Desert Eagle said:
hmm. I'm trying to think about dance game. I think that it feels sort of challenging when you're first starting out, because you're most likely fumbling around and screwing up. And because of that, people don't pay much attention to you or respect dancing with you that much. I like to think of how I feel about volleyball when I play against others that are clearly below my skill level. It's too easy and gets boring.

I think I read in a dance article that you shouldn't focus on the dancing if you are unable to dance, as it shows a weakness, and instead focus on getting them into your realm of pick-up, which you may be more polished in. Is that what you figured out in your reading as the solution for being a weak/inexperienced dancer?

Yes, I actually read that. But I believe Colt also posted an article on picking up girls while making use of dancing...so there's two routes I can go.
Haha funny you say that...I had no idea how to dance to the type of music playing. The beats kept changing.
If I WERE to dance, do you possibly have any links to videos with an example of how I should look.
When I really get into it, I inevitably fall into my default 70's style disco dancing that I picked up from my dad.

Yeah, I definitely agree that there's two routes. Being an immaculate dancer is definitely the better route because it shows mastery and high value, but you can always skate by doing something like approaching women after the club. Just make sure you're a good walker I guess!

And I really have no clue how to dance. Like zero. It's something that I am starting to work on though! Right now I'm looking into breakdancing and doing things like the windmill. Only issue is I have a lot of wrist pain and can't do a lot of the movements! Hopefully yoga and icing will solve that issue, don't know what else to try. Might be a good idea to look at the guys who are doing really good with dancing with girls and ask them how they got there. Most likely you'll have to fail in order to get better, but it seems you know that already!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh yea good luck with breakdancing then. Don't be hesitant about looking up tutorials on YouTube for break downs of certain moves.
And I wish I can walk but my town is a town that is widely spread and you'd have to drive everywhere. It's the worse for logistics. Thanks though! I prefer to daygame but unfortunately I've been conditioned into being scared to take actions like touching and kissing ( I just had my first kiss in 2011) and I think I'm going to use nightclubs as a way to get comfortable with all of that. Still too afraid to do the manhandle kiss.