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FR+  FR+ Rapid Escalation ;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Okay gents I’m in the Dominican Republic right now on a month long surf safari/personal growth mission and I want to share with you a fun field report that I had last night. What I’m about to share with you is a good example of how your ego will try and fuck you out of accomplishing your goals and how what your ego tells you is really just bullshit and means nothing. Let’s get started! btw if you want to skip straight to the field report skip the next paragraph.

A guy from Portugal I met invited me to a party at a hotel lounge near where we’re staying. Then venue was an upscale hotel lobby/lounge with a bar and comfortable couch seats along the sides of the lobby to sit in. The room itself was small to medium and there was a band playing at the back that everyone was either facing or congregated around. Not many people there I would say probably 30 or so and only about 12 girls.
I’m sitting down on the couch running the length of the wall sipping on a beer and notice a group of 3 older (probably 25-27 im 20) women come take a seat nearby close to the extremely loud band playing. I think the one sitting closest to me is just my taste and should go approach her.
It was weird I’ve approached over a hundred girls in the past year and I had this voice in the back of my head start to feed me all these reasons why I shouldn’t go talk to the girl. My minds like “Ahh the music is too loud you won’t be able to talk to her. She’s with her friends she probably doesn’t want to be approached. Ahh you’re tired you should probably save your energy to surf in the morning.” And the worst excuse of all “ahh you don’t want to risk your reputation of getting rejected in front of all these people… that you don’t know and will never see ever again in your life who’s opinion of you doesn’t matter whatsoever.” My goal in coming here is too push myself socially especially with approaching women and my thoughts were keeping me from achieving it. I knew it was time to take action.

It was so loud I knew it wouldn’t be easy to converse and I had no idea how I was going to open. I moseyed up very close to her standing and pretended to “just notice” her. I looked at her with a subtle expression of surprise, curiosity, and sexy smile which she reciprocated back while looking at her friends with a “I can’t believe this really just happened” look. I held out my hand and motioned for her to give me hers with a smile and head nod. She complied I pulled her up gave her a twirl with her arm in the air and when the twirl subsided I laid her arm around me like if we were a couple and we sat back down. She was excited and attracted and I hadn’t even said a word yet.

The cool thing about being in a really loud venue, although not a big fan, is that you can get in girls personal bubbles very easy and get touchy feely very easy as well. We said hi, exchanged names, and guessed where each other was from. Of course we had to talk directly into each others ears which was good since I was able to see if she was comfortable with me touching her ears and being really close to her face. She was. I got tired of yelling into one another’s ears so I told her to come with me outside and moved her by interlacing our arms and leading her outside by the pool. We stood and talked for a while and I was doing my best to have a sexy voice as possible. I did however have great eye contact and the vibe was very sexual, so much to the point she was constantly laughing and looking away to break the pressure. Soon I moved her to a bench to sit down on and talk/get intimate. Her friend came out with my friend from Portugal and was saying they had to leave back to their hotel. My girl kept saying she had to leave but never actually got up and left. Eventually I asked her why she doesn’t just get up and leave. She started to get up and I pulled her down and told her she at least had to say goodbye and pulled her in for a kiss. I forget who pulled away first and she said “I usually say goodbye by just saying so.” Me: “Where I’m from we don’t say much” and turned her face towards mine and kissed her again and pulled away first. After this kiss she told me how intimidating I was and I asked her if she liked it. She said she didn’t know but she was smiling at me and never had any actions indicating being intimidated. I think/hope this is just me displaying powerful charisma. Some thoughts on this would be nice guys.

I may have fucked up here in the fact that I should’ve pushed for a rapid escalation lay just move her and escalate but I felt pretty accomplished at this point for escalating so rapidly (it had been 15 min tops by then). She got up to leave and I didn’t persist in moving her to a seduction spot. We hugged sexually with my hands on her ass and parted ways making sure for her to look for me in the afterlife (since we were never going to see one another again). Looking back the resistance could have easily been overcome but I got more than what I was expecting anyways (which was to be blown out after opening her). Either way this illustrates how fast you can escalate with women and how wrong your ego is. I had no confidence I would even be able to successfully open that woman when I went up there but lo and behold 15 minutes later we were kissing on the pooldeck.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Nice to see you back Rob. Great field report so far, hope to see more from you.
Thanks for the advice on beach pick up too.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers