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- Jun 16, 2013
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Since Chases article on smooth vs. talkative sexy I've deemed it good thought to try and get a bit more talkative and out of my head when gaming. I totally ignore brooding because obviously brooding can't approach women and I don't have any desire to act the part of a negative "the worlds against me" identity. It simply doesn't match my personality.
So I got some social momentum chatting up just about everyone I could and having fun enjoying myself (wish it was always this easy) and whatever success/rejection I encountered from people I chat up. Anyway I'm in the mall (the smaller one, not that it matters to yall but just for the record) and there's never a ton of foot traffic here and a lot lower turnover than the other mall I frequent. The population in the city with this mall is 25,000. So as you can imagine it's pretty fucking small here. Though I've yet to open the same girl twice since I've been coming here (well once and she was 17 Yikes!).
I'm going into the coffee shop they have that is pretty close to the front entrance and order a cup of tea. I'm Irish bitches, I drink black tea for a living in the winter time. So I'm waiting for my tea and I see this rather tall, slightly dark skinned (she's Asian.. a tall one), girl with long black hair walking toward the exit/entrance. I tell the lady making my tea that I'll be right back. The coffee shop is pretty far away from the exit even though you can see the exit from the shop. The store the girl came out of was pretty close to the door so I had some ground to catch up. So I start jogging down the long corridor to the exit and she's out in the parking lot before I even get to the exit.. time to speed my ass up. So at this point I'm already fast jogging and closing on her fast in the parkinglot.
IDk if any of yall ever keep tabs on Sasha Daygame's stuff he has on youtube but, the guys pretty damn funny in my opinion. I watch his stuff because I like his spontaneity, crazy fun vibe (though not always conducive to seduction), and social freedom which I admire. I don't like the fact that he seeks a lot of reaction and overprovides good feelings in his PU's but nonetheless there's stuff to takeaway from watching him. If you haven't seen him he's a big fan of running up from behind women and jumping out like 2 feet in the air to land in front of their path to stop them and get their attention whilst breaking them out of auto pilot. And it does a damn good job at that I will say. Here check this one out, shits funny I'm telling you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Hq9XSqzFo
Anyway so I'm already running to catch up with this girl and I'm like "FUCK IT! Sasha daygame style baby!". I've always been somewhat indifferent/thought it was a really lame way of opening but I just wanted to have some fun and see what would happen.
So I dramatically jump in front of her and say "Hi there!". She was super taken aback and a nervous like wtf is going on. She keeps walking so I walk beside her and continue talking "Look I'm not a robber just stop for 2 seconds." all with a commanding facial expression like I'm not fucking around. She stops and I say "I just wanted to tell you that you look fucking amazing and I like your sexy boots." At this point I'm like high energy as hell but not overboard just more than what I usually am. She says thank you and we banter back and forth for a minute. I have a new leather jacket that makes me look like James Dean so when we exchange names I tell her I'm James Dean.
Me: Whats your name?
Her: Michelle! And you?
Me: What you can't tell? I'm James Dean!
Her: ahaha okay.. how old are you?
Me: Old enough I'm legal baby. How old are you?
Her: 22 but seriously tell me how old you are? (In a really fucking demanding manner)
Me: I'm James Dean do you really think James Dean is going to answer every demanding question asked by the girl he's talking to?
Her: haha No! but your not James Dean!
Me: Then who am I baby?
Her: Idk but I'm starting to get cold!
Me: I can see that. you look like you need a nice warm cup of coffee to warm you up. Your fun to banter with lets grab a cup! (I grab her arm and loop mine in between so now we arm and arm)
Her: OMG is this really happening
Me: Lets go lets go lets go! (with arm still in hers and now we're walking arm in arm to the coffee shop)
So at this point I totally blasted through her resistance to not want to go get coffee with a stranger and now she's following my lead so I figured it would all be downhill from here. Turns out she's got mad frame control, shit tests, and knows how to use social pressure like a pro.
So we get to the coffee shop and she orders I tell the Chinese lady at the counter that were on separate tickets and she puts them on one anyway. I already had the frame set that I was a broke loser that happens to be sexy and charming so she wasn't too surprised when I told her to give me 2 bucks for the coffee I just bought (I did this just to be a jerk and split the bill). She was like "I could have expected you not to pay." But at this point she was way too invested to just leave so we sat down and the banter/framing began.
Like I said this girl had her frame control and social pressure down. I think I could have kept up better looking back, though I kept up pretty good, but I was totally not prepared for this conversation. She was throwing shit tests left and right to test my strength. It was quite awesome actually I've never been put on my toes so much in my life of PU. Of course her first one was "so what you just come to the mall and try and pick up girls left and right". I have a good response to this that she likes and we get talking. I forget how it came up but she throws out "ah I bet your a virgin". I look at her with sexy eye contact and say "know shit, why else would I go around chatting up girls?" in a sarcastic tone that lets her know I'm everything but a virgin.
We also talk about sex toys and how women are more sexual than men too which she disagree's on. I hold my frame here and explain to her why that is and get her to agree in the end.
At one point we get on the topic of pickup and how she thinks I need to go to some slutty bar xyz in order to lose my virginity cause she thinks I'd do pretty good there. I'm telling you every other thing she said was a shit test. I thank her for the advice and tell her I think I like what I'm doing better instead... I'm not 21 anyway. Then I comment on how she probably chews and spits men up for fun at bars. She goes on a rant about how big of pussies men are these days and how they all think she's so intimidating. She tells a story of some lame ass guy that tried to hit on her at a bar in which we both laugh at.
There were a few times she asked me questions and turned the social pressure on pretty high to get me to qualify myself, just like I would normally in my interactions with a girl. And low and behold without thinking about it I'm sitting there trying to qualify myself babbling on about myself, like I'm the girl. It was a truly bizarre situation. Half way through I become aware of whats going on and quickly finish what I'm saying, then look for a way to regain control of the frame and get her to qualify herself. Seriously I was ill prepared for this conversation, quite humbling really.
I really got on the other side of the fence and now realize how qualifying feels to be in the womans shoes and how it works. Good experience really.
A funny point that I semi fucked up on.
I'm sitting back getting her to qualify herself (finally) about how she usually wears the pants in the relationship and is the dominant one (in which I'm thinking bullshit your just waiting for the right guy to come along). A side note is that I'm chewing on a straw and sitting super cool and laid back in my chair like a badboy. Then she says this with social pressure eye contact: "yeah it's funny all my friends always tell me how intimidating I am when guys try and hit on me or chat me up." Im still sitting cool as fuck in my chair and then the most unsmooth thing happens. I'm chewing on my straw and right when she says "I'm intimidating" I miss chew my straw and it falls to the ground, and of course my mouth is slightly ajar so it looks as if I just shat myself even though I was really just super calm the whole time. I think she could tell this didn't actually freak me out but she called me out on it anyway because it was such unsmooth timing and it was pretty funny really.
After about 20 minutes she checks her phone and says it's time to go. I ignore her and ask a questions and she answers. When she's done I tell her to get up because I have to show her something. I did this in order to regain the frame and take the lead, though I really didn't know what I was going to show/take her. I knew it was an escalation window. So we start walking and I want to hold her hand but she has a bag in the hand that is closest to me. I tell her to let me see the bag and she says she doesn't trust me. I tell her to hold it in the other hand she says to fuck off. Gosh I love how bitchy this girl is. So I go to the other side of her, not obeying the law of least effort but fuck it, and tell her to give me her hand. Were stopped now in the parking lot close to her car and I caress her hand and say "I just wanted to see you nail polish, good shit" and then interlock our hands and lead her to her car. She shakes my hand off and I comment on how unromantic she is.
She's like "do I really seem like the romantic type?" Said sarcastically.
Me: "No you seem like the extremely bitchy type... and not that I would know, since I'm a virgin, but in my experience the bitchiest girls really just want some dick" Said with eye contact and a grin
Her: "Haha is that sooo? You would. But I gotta go dude"
Me: "Alright what are you doing later lets link up and have a nightcap later to finish this conversation."
Her: "I'm doing blah blah. And maybe here I get your number"
Me: "No I'll get your number, and a maybe is a no. Lets make that a yes."
Here we talk logistics for a second and it really is a maybe so I don't push it too much. I say well you at least have to give me a hug before we part ways. She says she doesn't give hugs, and I say "but this is a sexual hug." She complies and I put my arms under her arms and bring her in close and smell her neck with our cheeks touching.
Me: "And now we pull back a little (I look into her eyes sexually, with my hands right above her ass) and it looks like we just kissed
. Now you give me a kiss on the cheek!"
Her: "NO!
Me: "Yes!"
Her: "I don't trust you"
Me: "You think I'm going to turn my cheek at the last second"
Her: "Duh"
Me: "Smart girl, let me give you a kiss on the cheek."
Her: "okay"
Me: I pull her hair aside in a caressing way and gently hold her face and kiss her cheek. She turns her cheek to the other side for me to kiss and then I say "And one more" Here I go for a manhandle kiss and she won't let me (I didn't completely manhandle her though I wish I would have now
) . So I think I should have gone all the way, since it probably would have upped her respect for me but at least I went for what I wanted and showed her I wasn't a pussy (not trying to get man vs. woman here but it was almost like a unspoken contest going on but both parties unspokenly agreed to it since it was fun).
Anyway this was a really good failure (I say failure since I didn't interest her enough to get her to want to drive and hour to come see me later) and I handled this as good as I could. I wish I met more girls like her because it would improve my framing and social pressure ten fold. I really liked this girl for that reason. Either way I grew a little and had a fun interaction.
Hope that wasn't too long for yall.
So I got some social momentum chatting up just about everyone I could and having fun enjoying myself (wish it was always this easy) and whatever success/rejection I encountered from people I chat up. Anyway I'm in the mall (the smaller one, not that it matters to yall but just for the record) and there's never a ton of foot traffic here and a lot lower turnover than the other mall I frequent. The population in the city with this mall is 25,000. So as you can imagine it's pretty fucking small here. Though I've yet to open the same girl twice since I've been coming here (well once and she was 17 Yikes!).
I'm going into the coffee shop they have that is pretty close to the front entrance and order a cup of tea. I'm Irish bitches, I drink black tea for a living in the winter time. So I'm waiting for my tea and I see this rather tall, slightly dark skinned (she's Asian.. a tall one), girl with long black hair walking toward the exit/entrance. I tell the lady making my tea that I'll be right back. The coffee shop is pretty far away from the exit even though you can see the exit from the shop. The store the girl came out of was pretty close to the door so I had some ground to catch up. So I start jogging down the long corridor to the exit and she's out in the parking lot before I even get to the exit.. time to speed my ass up. So at this point I'm already fast jogging and closing on her fast in the parkinglot.
IDk if any of yall ever keep tabs on Sasha Daygame's stuff he has on youtube but, the guys pretty damn funny in my opinion. I watch his stuff because I like his spontaneity, crazy fun vibe (though not always conducive to seduction), and social freedom which I admire. I don't like the fact that he seeks a lot of reaction and overprovides good feelings in his PU's but nonetheless there's stuff to takeaway from watching him. If you haven't seen him he's a big fan of running up from behind women and jumping out like 2 feet in the air to land in front of their path to stop them and get their attention whilst breaking them out of auto pilot. And it does a damn good job at that I will say. Here check this one out, shits funny I'm telling you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Hq9XSqzFo
Anyway so I'm already running to catch up with this girl and I'm like "FUCK IT! Sasha daygame style baby!". I've always been somewhat indifferent/thought it was a really lame way of opening but I just wanted to have some fun and see what would happen.
So I dramatically jump in front of her and say "Hi there!". She was super taken aback and a nervous like wtf is going on. She keeps walking so I walk beside her and continue talking "Look I'm not a robber just stop for 2 seconds." all with a commanding facial expression like I'm not fucking around. She stops and I say "I just wanted to tell you that you look fucking amazing and I like your sexy boots." At this point I'm like high energy as hell but not overboard just more than what I usually am. She says thank you and we banter back and forth for a minute. I have a new leather jacket that makes me look like James Dean so when we exchange names I tell her I'm James Dean.
Me: Whats your name?
Her: Michelle! And you?
Me: What you can't tell? I'm James Dean!
Her: ahaha okay.. how old are you?
Me: Old enough I'm legal baby. How old are you?
Her: 22 but seriously tell me how old you are? (In a really fucking demanding manner)
Me: I'm James Dean do you really think James Dean is going to answer every demanding question asked by the girl he's talking to?
Her: haha No! but your not James Dean!
Me: Then who am I baby?
Her: Idk but I'm starting to get cold!
Me: I can see that. you look like you need a nice warm cup of coffee to warm you up. Your fun to banter with lets grab a cup! (I grab her arm and loop mine in between so now we arm and arm)
Her: OMG is this really happening
Me: Lets go lets go lets go! (with arm still in hers and now we're walking arm in arm to the coffee shop)
So at this point I totally blasted through her resistance to not want to go get coffee with a stranger and now she's following my lead so I figured it would all be downhill from here. Turns out she's got mad frame control, shit tests, and knows how to use social pressure like a pro.
So we get to the coffee shop and she orders I tell the Chinese lady at the counter that were on separate tickets and she puts them on one anyway. I already had the frame set that I was a broke loser that happens to be sexy and charming so she wasn't too surprised when I told her to give me 2 bucks for the coffee I just bought (I did this just to be a jerk and split the bill). She was like "I could have expected you not to pay." But at this point she was way too invested to just leave so we sat down and the banter/framing began.
Like I said this girl had her frame control and social pressure down. I think I could have kept up better looking back, though I kept up pretty good, but I was totally not prepared for this conversation. She was throwing shit tests left and right to test my strength. It was quite awesome actually I've never been put on my toes so much in my life of PU. Of course her first one was "so what you just come to the mall and try and pick up girls left and right". I have a good response to this that she likes and we get talking. I forget how it came up but she throws out "ah I bet your a virgin". I look at her with sexy eye contact and say "know shit, why else would I go around chatting up girls?" in a sarcastic tone that lets her know I'm everything but a virgin.
We also talk about sex toys and how women are more sexual than men too which she disagree's on. I hold my frame here and explain to her why that is and get her to agree in the end.
At one point we get on the topic of pickup and how she thinks I need to go to some slutty bar xyz in order to lose my virginity cause she thinks I'd do pretty good there. I'm telling you every other thing she said was a shit test. I thank her for the advice and tell her I think I like what I'm doing better instead... I'm not 21 anyway. Then I comment on how she probably chews and spits men up for fun at bars. She goes on a rant about how big of pussies men are these days and how they all think she's so intimidating. She tells a story of some lame ass guy that tried to hit on her at a bar in which we both laugh at.
There were a few times she asked me questions and turned the social pressure on pretty high to get me to qualify myself, just like I would normally in my interactions with a girl. And low and behold without thinking about it I'm sitting there trying to qualify myself babbling on about myself, like I'm the girl. It was a truly bizarre situation. Half way through I become aware of whats going on and quickly finish what I'm saying, then look for a way to regain control of the frame and get her to qualify herself. Seriously I was ill prepared for this conversation, quite humbling really.
I really got on the other side of the fence and now realize how qualifying feels to be in the womans shoes and how it works. Good experience really.
A funny point that I semi fucked up on.
I'm sitting back getting her to qualify herself (finally) about how she usually wears the pants in the relationship and is the dominant one (in which I'm thinking bullshit your just waiting for the right guy to come along). A side note is that I'm chewing on a straw and sitting super cool and laid back in my chair like a badboy. Then she says this with social pressure eye contact: "yeah it's funny all my friends always tell me how intimidating I am when guys try and hit on me or chat me up." Im still sitting cool as fuck in my chair and then the most unsmooth thing happens. I'm chewing on my straw and right when she says "I'm intimidating" I miss chew my straw and it falls to the ground, and of course my mouth is slightly ajar so it looks as if I just shat myself even though I was really just super calm the whole time. I think she could tell this didn't actually freak me out but she called me out on it anyway because it was such unsmooth timing and it was pretty funny really.
After about 20 minutes she checks her phone and says it's time to go. I ignore her and ask a questions and she answers. When she's done I tell her to get up because I have to show her something. I did this in order to regain the frame and take the lead, though I really didn't know what I was going to show/take her. I knew it was an escalation window. So we start walking and I want to hold her hand but she has a bag in the hand that is closest to me. I tell her to let me see the bag and she says she doesn't trust me. I tell her to hold it in the other hand she says to fuck off. Gosh I love how bitchy this girl is. So I go to the other side of her, not obeying the law of least effort but fuck it, and tell her to give me her hand. Were stopped now in the parking lot close to her car and I caress her hand and say "I just wanted to see you nail polish, good shit" and then interlock our hands and lead her to her car. She shakes my hand off and I comment on how unromantic she is.
She's like "do I really seem like the romantic type?" Said sarcastically.
Me: "No you seem like the extremely bitchy type... and not that I would know, since I'm a virgin, but in my experience the bitchiest girls really just want some dick" Said with eye contact and a grin
Her: "Haha is that sooo? You would. But I gotta go dude"
Me: "Alright what are you doing later lets link up and have a nightcap later to finish this conversation."
Her: "I'm doing blah blah. And maybe here I get your number"
Me: "No I'll get your number, and a maybe is a no. Lets make that a yes."
Here we talk logistics for a second and it really is a maybe so I don't push it too much. I say well you at least have to give me a hug before we part ways. She says she doesn't give hugs, and I say "but this is a sexual hug." She complies and I put my arms under her arms and bring her in close and smell her neck with our cheeks touching.
Me: "And now we pull back a little (I look into her eyes sexually, with my hands right above her ass) and it looks like we just kissed
Her: "NO!
Me: "Yes!"
Her: "I don't trust you"
Me: "You think I'm going to turn my cheek at the last second"
Her: "Duh"
Me: "Smart girl, let me give you a kiss on the cheek."
Her: "okay"
Me: I pull her hair aside in a caressing way and gently hold her face and kiss her cheek. She turns her cheek to the other side for me to kiss and then I say "And one more" Here I go for a manhandle kiss and she won't let me (I didn't completely manhandle her though I wish I would have now
Anyway this was a really good failure (I say failure since I didn't interest her enough to get her to want to drive and hour to come see me later) and I handled this as good as I could. I wish I met more girls like her because it would improve my framing and social pressure ten fold. I really liked this girl for that reason. Either way I grew a little and had a fun interaction.
Hope that wasn't too long for yall.