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FR-Second Wind's collection



I apologize if this is in the wrong section. I was not entirely sure where to put it.

I have been in "game" for a while, but feel as if I have almost gotten worse with women. I was about to quit when I stumbled across this site. Normally I find supposed "guru's" weird and sleazy, but Chase's posts seem like they're coming from someone who is actually good with women. I have decided I'm going to give his advice a go. Ill try implementing it and see what happens.

I just found Chase's post about plateaus, sticking points, and the importance of field reports. As such, I have decided to write a FR after every outing. Because this will mean a large number of FRs and for the purpose of being organized I have created this thread.

In essence this thread represents my re-commitment to game. My "second wind".



First night-The baseline
The Setting
Today was incredibly rainy. This continued into the night; however, i decided to go out anyways. Gamble and I met up outside Commonwealth (a local club) and walked over. Normally we don't wait in line as Gamble knows the bouncer, but as the line was short we decided to wait. It was pouring rain, which while making the wait a little chilly, also made it entertaining. There was this chap up at the front of the line acting all foolish. Being loud, using the back of the bouncer's jacket as an umbrella...that sorta thing

When we get inside it is dead. We check our coats, I grab a scotch, and we sit down while we wait for the club to fill. Right before we start to open, Gamble asks me what my goal for the night is. I tell him about my plateau, or what have you, and he tells me I just need to start escalating..okie doke

The sets

The first set I see is this three set standing next to the dance floor. They are doing this pseudo dancing thing. I run over and open.
SW-"hey guys, you know the dance floor is over there" [grin and point to the dance floor]"shouldn't you be over there dancing?"[playful smirk]

The target responds while laughing. She says that its her birthday and does a little dance thingy. I tease her that she dances like a "white girl", then introduce myself to the group. I say Ive decided I'm going to make her more "black", put my arm around her waist and pull her in. She is laughing and having a great time. This seems like a high point so I take her hand and pull her over to an open area. I thought this would isolate, but the friends followed us. I decide to teach her to crip walk, but realize shes wearing heals.

At this point Gamble comes over, and I introduce him to the set. There are three of them so I name them "snap, crackle, and pop". He chuckles and mentions something about rice crispies. While he distracts the other two girls, I turn back to HB birthday and say "so back to you being hot", then continue on with whatever conversation we were having before. At some point I remembered this line I read somewhere, and decide to try it out "there's something...different about you". This is when I lost the set.

#2 (worst set of the night)
I see a two set and go over.
SW-"hey guys hows it going?"
SW-"what you ladies celebrating tonight?"

I couldn't seem to get it to hook so I went to my back up. "hey, my friend and I are having an argument and I need an opinion on something...am I giving off a gay vibe?" (this line actually has a story behind it, an "incident", if you will. It will probably come up in a future FR...but not today). The girl gets this strange look in her eyes and laughs.

HB-"I met you before"

I chuckle and say it must have been one hell of an impression.
I have no idea how to salvage the set. Gamble comes in and attempts to save it, but its a lost cause. They leave.

#3 (the best set)
We are in the front area sitting on two stools. This guy with a girl walks past. The girl is stunning and totally my type. Short, curvy and blonde. As the girl is walking past I lean over and open her. I cant really remember what I said, more the vibe. It may have just been, "hey, hows it going?".
I tease her for being short, and talk about what shes doing here. We play "fuck, marry, kill", but I point out 3 funny looking guys. I take this opportunity to reach out and pull her in closer. My arm is resting on her lower back. When she responds I chuckle and say "so aside from having horrible taste in men...Whats something cool about you?". She responds that shes from _________. Again I chuckle.
SW-"That's sick...going to be honest tho. I have no idea where that is...I'm really bad with geography ;)"
We vibe some more, and for some reason I'm having no trouble with the kino. There was a point where I had really intense eye contact and considered going for the kiss. But the conversation was flowing and i couldn't think of a way to do it "smoothly" so I wussied out.

We exchanged numbers, and went our separate ways.

#4 (super direct)
Gamble and I are down stairs when we see another girl totally my type walk by. I sit there for a moment, then walk over to where she sat.

SW-"hey, I saw you walk by and I just had to come over and tell you...you look absolutely stunning tonight"
Said hey to the friends, gotta be polite ;), then turned my attention back to the target.
SW-"So tell me, what do you do when your not walking around, tormenting men with your beauty" (not exact, but something similar to this)
We talk a little bit more, and I went for the phone number exchange. No dice.

That's all for tonight. I'm tired and going to bed. L8ers

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Two weeks ago I talked about the crazy rain. Well the rain continued and resulted in some pretty impressive flooding. This kinda put the kibosh on going out to run game last weekend. I went out tonight, but there was barely anyone out. There were maby 3 sets in the whole bar.

The field report that follows is the bare bones. More notes on the night than anything.

The setting
So Gamble and I roll up to commonwealth. We shoot the shit with one of our friends who works the door for a while, then go inside. It was dead, so I grabbed a bevy and plopped down on the couch with Gamble to chill. While we are hanging out, I notice this gorgeous girl in red sitting between her two not-so-gorgeous friends. I make a note to come say hi later.

Gamble and I are still chilling on the couches when this group of chicks (we'll call them HB rocker, and her friends) come over.

HB rocker leans over me and gets in real close. ---"hey, you look like that guy from holes"
Me-(smirk and inquisitive look)
HB rocker-you know who I'm talking about

At this point I performed some sort of introduction. The important part is that we held the hand-shake after for a solid minute. It felt like this really spiked the tension. After this she started to lean in to talk allot more. It seemed like it caused a bump in attraction.

I teased her about her taste in movies saying that she looks more like the high school musical type of girl. We chatted a little bit about how her shirt makes her look like she was into rock music. During this whole interaction, I simply interjected with occasional questions/comments and allowed her to talk. It was more like she was delivering a duologue and I was simply supplying the talking points. The problem came in that she was standing and I could not figure out how to escalate.

Gamble and I have just come back towards the door and are ready to leave when we see HB red walking past us. As she passes I reach out and grab her arm.

Me-hey, I thought you looked absolutely gorgeous. I had to say hi (pulling her towards post with cocky smile)

We make the chity chat for a while about her being in drama school and such. Again, I put quite a bit of the conversational burden on her. We get to the point where I am wondering how to go for the kiss. But I took too long, and the set starts to stale out. Afterward Gamble pointed out, I did not escalate. He claims this is a large part of why I lost this girl.

What I learned
1. Its OK to let the girl carry the conversation. You are not an entertainer.
2. Lingering in the handshake is a good way to spike attraction.

Anyone have any tips for how to escalate/keep things moving forward?