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FR  FR - stunning Uni girl - how to get her out


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Was out last night not the best venue for girls since its a loud dance venue but people from my uni rowing team there so that makes up for it. Had pretty much written the evening off when outside I bump into some people that live in my accommodation. One of the group is a seriously stunning 19yr old blonde girl (fully made up hair etc - made up to kill cause of the venue) but she was in pain (some long term issue with her kidney - forgot her pain meds) and shivering. At first since I dont know her was unsure how to approach but essentially said "you look cold" and then just put my arm around her - to try to warm her up. She seemed very distant and shy and cold - not very inviting that's the only reason I hesitated, but she did relax to be normal once I had my arm around her. I should have probably led her to somewhere less windy - but they were waiting for a cab and I didnt want to seem like I was intruding and forcing myself into the cab - there is a fine balance here!

I often find with these stunning girls, if you are someone they cant treat with their normal bitch shield - because I know some of her friends etc they just act meek and quiet - and just dont give much away. I think humour is probably the best thing to break through that here? Any suggestions? Anyway - I seemed to manage to hug her for a bit then we moved but I didnt want to crowd her so backed off a little. I managed to get in the cab sitting next to her. This is where I tried to talk to her but her friends were in the back, including one slightly drunk girl from my class that seems intent on exerting her dominance over me "hush now (my name)" "we know you're not really getting laid" (a guy had asked me if I had used my double bed - I said yes (if only she knew lol)) and asking me about some strong philosophical opinion I held in class - I should have handled this in a more jokey way - instead I almost let myself get dragged into a serious academic discussion by a semi-drunk girl on a mission to out emotion me lol. I stopped myself getting trapped and said "we shoudl be talking about drunk topics - more fun" although maybe it was a good thing - my girl (elle) looked at me side on a few times - more glances - but she was clearly agreeing with me (the other girl was religious). Not sure how I should have made this fun - need to work on making things less rational and serious!

I tried to deep dive her - found out about her wanting to be a doctor because her dad had cancer etc. Said she used to like dancing and wants to join a dancing company - good stuff, I rewarded her for the dancing telling her "girls that dance know how to move" should have made this stronger with "I like girls that dance they are so much better at knowing how to move in everything else they do - with a cheeky smile". I really didn't push any of the flirting though - we were very much in earshot of her meddling friend in the backseat and I wasn't going to give her a reason to think I was into elle - I assumed she would probably tell her afterwards I was weird and to stay away from that bad boy that acts differently to everyone else so I wanted to minimise that.

When we arrived at accommodation - turns out elle is in the same complex as me - she did give me some quite cute but still reserved looks as I was parting the group, I now realise I should have really hugged her and the others goodbye - I still forget to do this DAMM - but I did get the feeling there was something there - something about the looks that said - almost a beckoning of - it would have been nice to keep this going. I really should have planned the ending a little better - kisses to each cheek and a proper hug - before they were side on ones for the cold.

THE QUESTION is - if I see her around how do I turn this into something - I cant jsut do the usual asking for her number saying I think she's cute and set up date (this is a very close nit community) - I think we might need some plausible deniability at this point - also surely its a little awkward if I just see her walking past - if I try and strike up some long conversation if shes going somewhere... Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe the philosophy or the dance could be topics that would be worth meeting up sometime to have a drink over...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take