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FR  Fr: The Gorgeous Girl from the Mall.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 24, 2013
I was sitting at home one day when suddenly I got the insperation to go out and cold approuch women. The reason for my inspiration was one of chase's rules "Go out even though you dont feel like it". My location was the mall so i set my watch to two hours and started cold approuching a couple of women. after a few flirts hear and there, I meet this gourgous burnett. I walk up wak with her and gave her the slickist line I had.

G.G: Havent we met before earlier today?

Girl: ?

G.G: yeah you where running out by my house.

I follow her for a bit, trying not to let this one slide and firmly put my foot down. She waits for me to speak and her what I have to say.

G.G: Whats your name?

Girl: (name)

G.G: listen you seem realy interesting, we should grab a starbucks.

Girl: Well right now im going to get my make up done.
This would stump most guys but I saw right though it her body language was not speaking the same language.

G.G: listen, how about you get your make up done and then we meet up in a bit for that drink.

Girl: Ok *inserts number into my phone*

Moral of the story
Guys this was not my first cold approuch of the day. I was getting rejected quite a few times, but the thing is I was getting straight to the point. This girl was a good approuch on my part from the first second I seen her. I was actually sweating from all the rejection I was getting ealier. But hey its better to get rejected then to beat around the bush.

Dont give up guys! - G.G.

Ps. I will post the dates I had with her later too:)

Pps. I have to hand it to Chase and the Team, if it wasn't for those words I wouldn't have had met this girl.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 7, 2013
Never gets tired of hearing a good story.

I'm attempting to try tonight. Wish me luck.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake