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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello all,

Since I have been actively adding all the things this site and the blog espouses I have been making progress. Here is another first for me and although I did not get laid it is still a good thing.

One thing that has been very useful to me is Chase's blog post on how to talk to girls in the classroom. I basically followed that to the letter and eventually managed to get a number from a girl I sat next to on the first day of class. I ask her if she wants to grab a bite to eat and get her number and things went from there.

We meet at the dining hall to get our food and begin to talk. I try my best to deep dive and get to know her better and what not, for the most part keeping the conversation going. Afterwards she has work to do so she leaves and I go and sit with my friends so no first date moves but still moving forward.

Then this week(week after I went to dinner with her) in our class we have a small map quiz and I use this as an excuse to get her to my room. So yesterday we meet up and head to my room to start studying for the quiz. The quiz is easy, simple geography of different places like Anatolia(Turkey), Safavid empire since this is a world history course. So we start studying and my god this girl does not know where shit is on the map, she keeps saying how I must think she is stupid and we joke around and such. The entire time I am trying to decide when to make a move, I am afraid to just interrupt the studying for this easy quiz. Eventually we near the end of studying and I realize the time to make moves is now or never, my body then reacts to this and I start having a minor anxiety attack. My heart rate increases and I start getting nervous as shit and the conversation is as follows.

Her: so is that everything there is?
ME: yup just about, that is everything
She then realizes that I missed one, I explain what it is and blah blah and then
her: so ya....
me: ya........"pulls her in for the kiss and the making out ensues"

Fuck, pretty amateur and it is annoying me right now. Anyway we start kissing and I begin to position her on the bed so I can lay on top of her, I manage to do this but she then hits the brakes completely. She starts saying she is not comfortable with this, I try and soothe those fears but my attempts fall flat on its face and we then just talk for a while.

We talked about a wide array of things, 1. She is still a virgin 2. She is looking for a boyfriend 3. She has been mistreated before and thinks any guy who just wants to have sex is an asshole 4. She tells me how she did not have any idea whether or not I liked her before I asked her to grab a bite to eat. I suppose I should take this as a lesson that I need to get a different more sexual vibe going in my conversation... 5. A whole menagerie of topics that I cannot remember at this time

I suppose one last thing to note is that at the end when she was leaving, we get into a conversation about what I wanted. I begin saying that I had not struck dating off the list and I began to confuse her. I realize that I am being one of those men who overpromise and underdeliver since I know that I do not want anything exclusive. I say that she was right and that I am just like the rest I suppose. She then says that she thought I was different and says goodbye.

For all intensive purposes we are friends now, I will see her Monday during class, she thinks I will not sit next to her but instead sit next to another pretty girl and start the game all over again. But I am going to, I could use more friends who are girls.

Any critiques are welcome.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 15, 2012
CollegeFreshman said:
Her: so is that everything there is?
ME: yup just about, that is everything
She then realizes that I missed one, I explain what it is and blah blah and then
her: so ya....
me: ya........"pulls her in for the kiss and the making out ensues"

Fuck, pretty amateur and it is annoying me right now.

Why? You pretty much hit the window of escalation's bullseye. It was the best time to do it, except maybe during a break.

Get out of your mind any notion that an escalation needs to be "picture perfect smooth". Whenever you're wondering if you should kiss her or move forward, that's an escalation window. Just jump right through it. That's a 100% of the times better than waiting for the "perfect moment".

CollegeFreshman said:
Anyway we start kissing and I begin to position her on the bed so I can lay on top of her, I manage to do this but she then hits the brakes completely. She starts saying she is not comfortable with this, I try and soothe those fears but my attempts fall flat on its face and we then just talk for a while.

We talked about a wide array of things, 1. She is still a virgin 2. She is looking for a boyfriend 3. She has been mistreated before and thinks any guy who just wants to have sex is an asshole 4. She tells me how she did not have any idea whether or not I liked her before I asked her to grab a bite to eat. I suppose I should take this as a lesson that I need to get a different more sexual vibe going in my conversation... 5. A whole menagerie of topics that I cannot remember at this time

Ignore, ignore and ignore. A college virgin has nothing insightful to tell you and has no value to you. You don't have to take that shit.

CollegeFreshman said:
I suppose one last thing to note is that at the end when she was leaving, we get into a conversation about what I wanted. I begin saying that I had not struck dating off the list and I began to confuse her. I realize that I am being one of those men who overpromise and underdeliver since I know that I do not want anything exclusive. I say that she was right and that I am just like the rest I suppose. She then says that she thought I was different and says goodbye.

For all intensive purposes we are friends now, I will see her Monday during class, she thinks I will not sit next to her but instead sit next to another pretty girl and start the game all over again. But I am going to, I could use more friends who are girls.

Any critiques are welcome.

Good job! You were just unlucky and struck a virgin landmine. Don't let any of what she said faze you and repeat the exact same process with other girls. You'll have a wonderful college life.

le M.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks for the reply,

I will continue to press onward


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 6, 2013
i'mma chime in here on college game, it def helps if you can fb stalk them a bit to find out their approximate age. i definitely feel that freshman girls >20 have a tendency to be nervous about sex and stuff. you should be able to get a good judgment of this on how they treat the phone number exchange. i prefer going for the girls that are older so this kind of stuff doesn't happen.

my pickup game is fairly direct, and the girls that are too flustered by my approach but end up giving me their number, also tend to be the more naive ones when it comes to sex.

tl;dr don't hurt a girl, gauge if they're ready for sex or not through their level of cool-headedness when you approach them.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take