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FR, what are the odds she shows...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 30, 2013
Forced myself out yesterday to watch the game at a very crowded bar. Only room was standing room near the stairs between levels. Around half time 2 great looking girls came up the stairs and started talking to the men behind me. Eventually the men left and I started talking to one of the girls. Stuff stayed pretty platonic (talking about the game, favorite players, she actually played in HS etc.), talked a little about some mutual interests, nothing sexual, no compliments.

After a while her friend went down stairs and she soon followed, said she'd be back. After a few minutes, I went to the restroom (downstairs as well) and then came back and she was in the same spot so we talked some more. She varied a bit in her warmth, eventually headed back downstairs and said she'd be back again shortly. Didn't return.

I figured I had nothing to lose, so before I left I headed down. She was seated at the bar. Talked briefly, initially she seemed a little cold. Asked what she is doing this upcoming Friday and she gave a pretty cold "why, what do you want to do?". I asked if she'd be interested in coming to a music event this Friday. She first was kind of neutral and asked herself out loud if she wanted to attend, then got excited, told her friend and said yes. I had to head out, was going to ask for the number, but for some reason felt it would be needy and didn't; just wished her a good night and told her I had fun. She responded to my good by with a "It really was nice to meet you" in a tone that seemed awkward as if I were pressing for it or something.

Regarding friday, It's a decent size crowd so it could be tough to find her without number, but I have some things I can do to stand out in a positive way so that she'll find me.

Wondering what you think the odds are that she shows, what I could have done better aside from framing more sexually and getting her number first before it felt weird to ask, and how you read her responses at the end. Not sure if it was a true yes, or an awkward attempt at polite rejection as her tone and body language seemed odd.

If she does show, I plan to try to escalate and may place is near the even if things go well.

Also considering inviting a second girl, a neighbor in my building. Could frame it with the second girls as a get-to-know and only escalate if the first girl doesn't show or things don't go well. your thoughts on this or any advice on handling it?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake